Great Gray Owl in the snow.
What an epic encounter to end our final morning on our Great Gray Owl adventure! Just as we were about to head to the airport, we had one final, breathtaking encounter with a Great Gray Owl in the snow. The scene felt like something out of a nature documentary – Truly the perfect way to end an incredible trip.🦉❄️
Join us for a glimpse into our incredible Great Gray Owl Adventure near Edmonton, Alberta! In today’s video, Lev shares some insights about this special experience and the thrill of observing one of nature’s most majestic birds up close.
We were fortunate to encounter a confiding Great Gray Owl, offering us an unforgettable moment to witness its beauty and behavior in the wild. The quiet grace and imposing presence of this owl make it a true highlight for any wildlife enthusiast.
Elk Island National Park
This morning recap. #elk #owls #bison
In the wilds of Alberta the Great Gray Owl reveals itself!
Prairie mornings are made better with these adorable little neighbors! 🐿️✨ Richardson’s Ground Squirrels—often called gophers out here in the prairies—are full of personality. Watching this playful crew just outside my hotel room was such a treat!
Species Spotlight: The American Avocet The elegant American Avocet is a true showstopper of the prairies, and Saskatchewan’s shallow wetlands are one of the best places to spot these striking shorebirds during the breeding season. With their long, upturned bills, slender legs, and contrasting black-and-white wings, avocets are hard to miss as they wade gracefully through the water. One of the most fascinating things about avocets is how they feed: they use a unique technique called scything. They sweep their bills side-to-side through the water, feeling for small invertebrates like insects, crustaceans, and other aquatic critters. This method allows them to stir up and catch prey hidden in the sediment—an incredible adaptation for life in shallow water. Have you ever seen an American Avocet? #SpeciesSpotlight #AmericanAvocet #BirdingCanada #SaskatchewanBirds #PrairieWetlands #Shorebirds #NatureAcrossCanada #BirdPhotography
Search for the Purple Sandpiper
Top Ten Canadian Birds
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The Wild Wonders of Newfoundland
Grizzly Bear Photo Workshop. Only a couple of spots left!
Join us this September for a Grizzly Bear Safari Photo Workshop you’ll never forget.
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