The 4th Annual Pedal & Pints tour with @gwlra was a massive success, we had a solid group of road cyclists riding through the country side and an adventurous group of trail riders in the forest at Kelso! We plan routes, provide on road support, a mechanic and ride leaders and make sure everyone enjoys their ride!
#corporateevents #gwlra #rispostabistro #cyclinglife #grouprides #guidedtours #sagwagon #teambuilding #pedaltoronto #tourismtoronto #destinationtoronto #getoutside #ecotourism #canada #kelso #ontario
No rain here!! We had the best morning exploring the Toronto waterfront and islands without the usual Saturday crowds.
#tourismtoronto #biketours #pedaltoronto #torontoislands #destinationtoronto #seetorontonow #localguides #wardsisland #guidedtours #travelcanada #privatetours #saturdayvibes #augustweather
Saturday morning breakfast tour! We ride along the Toronto harbour, take the ferry to Wards Island and enjoy a delicious breakfast @runawaycafeto. Your favourite drink, a breakfast sandwich and a treat cap off this relaxing stop! See you Saturday morning at 8am!!
#biketours #breakfasttour #wardsisland #torontoislands #torontoharbour #tourismtoronto #travelcanada #destinationtoronto #summervibes #beattheheat #earlyriser #pedaltoronto #dateideas #ride #torontobikescape
Everyday we meet and cycle with folks from around the world, today we had Dublin 🇮🇪 and San Antonio 🇺🇸. We showed off our city and as always, we had the pleasure of seeing it through the eyes of our guests. Toronto is a fantastic place to live and visit!
It was a gorgeous day for a tour of the waterfront and Toronto Islands. The views were spectacular and the lemonade from @runawaycafeto is the best, hands down the best!!
#biketours #cyclinglife #tourismtoronto #localguides #wardsisland #hanlansbeach #todotoronto #familytime #pedaltoronto #sightseeingtour #canadian #travelcanada #torontoharbour
When you start cycling at a young age and use your bike for daily transportation a 3.5 hour bike tour is easy! Our new Dutch friends were impressed with the bike lanes in Toronto and the freedom of cycling on the Toronto Islands. Get outside and ride your bike!!
#biketours #torontoislands #wardsisland #empoweredbygears #pedaltoronto #tourismtoronto #todotoronto #torontolife #torontolifestyle #runawaycafeto #family #dutch
What a fantastic day with this crew from Germany! 🇩🇪 We explored the Toronto Harbour and the islands and ate a delicious lunch @runawaycafeto. Bring us your visitors and we can entertain them together.
#biketours #privatetours #localguides #torontoislands #torontoharbour #pedaltoronto #seetorontonow #tourismtoronto #waterfronttrail #ontario #travelcanada
Join us for a tour of the Toronto Waterfront and Islands, we’ll show you the best of Toronto’s backyard and all the folks who make it so special.
#biketours #biketours🚴‍♀️ #biketoronto #localguides #tourismtoronto #destinationtoronto #destinationontario #runawaycafeto #torontoislandsup #wardsisland #torontoferry #torontoharbour #torontobikescape #pedaltoronto
Well! That was fun!! No really, this crew from Pennsylvania brought the best attitude and embraced the day.
#pedaltoronto #biketours #guidedtours #torontoislands #runawaycafe #rainyday #pennsylvania #getoutside #tourismtoronto #destinationtoronto #travelcanada #torontobikescape #torontobikelife
Beautiful weather and gorgeous views, join us for a tour and explore Toronto’s backyard with us.
#torontotours #tourismtoronto #traveltoronto #visittoronto #exploretoronto #torontoislands #biketours #guidedtours #privatetours #destinationtoronto #getyourguide #pedaltoronto