is a Canadian junior exploration company focused on the exploration and development of its Houndé South gold property in Burkina Faso, West Africa. The Houndé South property covers 375 km2 within an emerging gold camp, located about 130 km southwest of SEMAFO’s Mana Mine and 60 km south of Endeavour Mining's Houndé project. Savary has recently completed a reverse circulation (RC) drilling program,
totaling 3,470 metres, as part of a total $1.5 million program aimed at investigating a number of high priority targets along the north-northeast trending Ouango-Fitini Shear zone. The aim of this initial program is to build a geological model and lay the ground work for an initial resource estimate. The Kueredougou zone consists of two closely spaced sub-parallel mineralized zones which have been historically drilled over minimum strike lengths of 900 m and 1,500 m. Drilling of the eastern branch by Avion Gold Corp. in 2010 returned up to 21.1 g/t gold over 4 metres core length. Previous drilling on the Diosso South zone intersected this zone for 500 metres along strike to approximately 140 metres depth, with highlights including 3.44 g/t gold over 14.0 metres and 2.72 g/t gold over 20.0 metres. The management of Savary Gold is comprised of individuals with extensive experience in the acquisition, financing and development of resource projects around the world.