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Children living with autism will be able to communicateToday’s GOOD DEED will give children living with autism in the Ma...

Children living with autism will be able to communicate

Today’s GOOD DEED will give children living with autism in the Manitoba area access to much-needed support. All children diagnosed with a disability require some type of therapy to help them reach their potential. Children diagnosed with autism often require access to speech therapy to learn to communicate. Other non-profit organizations in the Manitoba area help children living with a disability, however, we are unaware of any other organization specifically providing access to speech therapies for children with autism. This a critical service especially during the early childhood period. Children living with this disability deserve to access therapy that has been doctor-recommended to support their growth, development, and overall well-being without the cost barrier. 

Specific benefits of speech therapy for children living with autism include increased self-confidence in their communication skills and increased ability to participate at school, at home, and in the community including sharing their ideas, playing appropriately with siblings and peers, and helping at home. Other benefits are increasing independence at school and home, relying less on the constant support of their parents, siblings, or teachers for help, developing eagerness to try new things related to an increased ability to complete tasks independently, and increasing self-reliance.

Feeding Futures: One Lunch a Day to make Them Stay!Flore, Rebecca and Estelle helped us address an ongoing mystery: wher...

Feeding Futures: One Lunch a Day to make Them Stay!

Flore, Rebecca and Estelle helped us address an ongoing mystery: where were schoolchildren disappearing to in the afternoons? Why were schools suddenly emptying out? Mystery solved: children eagerly walked home for lunch, an average of four to six kilometers. But, lacking energy due to incomplete meals and long walks, they did not return to school afterward. Flore (10) from the village of Logohoué, in Houéyogbé Region. As the project kicked off, she received warm daily lunches and school supplies for the year from the Fondation Paul Gérin-Lajoie's partner on the ground – supplies include a school bag, notebooks, pens, and geometry instruments. Flore wishes the “Cantines scolaires” meal program a long life, hoping her younger brothers and sisters also benefit from warm daily lunches and stay in school. Like Rebecca (10) and Estelle (11), in the village of Akokponawa in Bopa Region, she was proud to be involved in the project and vowed to work hard to pass her end-of-year exams.

Fondation Paul Gérin-Lajoie's mission in Bopa and Houéyogbé, Benin, extends beyond education to support children's health. The 'Cantines scolaires' program provides 1,080 students with daily locally sourced lunches, promoting better health, learning, and attendance. The initiative also uplifts families by reducing financial stress, fosters community unity, and enhances local economies through job creation.

Empowering Canadian Students to Create Global Change!From global trade to international development to foreign aid, Cana...

Empowering Canadian Students to Create Global Change!

From global trade to international development to foreign aid, Canada has long been seen as a change leader on the global stage. In an increasingly globalized world, Canadians continue to search for ways that we can generate positive global impact - mobilizing our resources to change the lives of those who need it most. As of the most recent census, 73% of Canadians between the ages of 25-34 had earned a post-secondary qualification - making Canadian youth some of the most educated in the world. (Youth and Education in Canada, 2021) Youth education, combined with Canada’s level of development, creates the space and opportunity for Canada to become a global leader in creating lasting solutions to poverty-related issues.

The Leadership Summit Series will promote the importance of using STEM and innovation to achieve our core mission of poverty reduction. We provide a platform to showcase success stories, and host workshops and speakers to inspire innovative thinking on STEM and global poverty. We encourage students to connect through networking. The series will highlight important issues in STEM and innovation and relate them to a global lens - encouraging participants to do the same. As a result of this event, students will not only realize that they have the power to enact lasting change in their own lives, and the lives of others, but also feel empowered to pursue these changes in their future career endeavours.

A Seedling to empower Environmental EducationYour GOOD DEED today will help increase climate change awareness through ed...

A Seedling to empower Environmental Education

Your GOOD DEED today will help increase climate change awareness through education and planting of seedlings in Africa. The youth of today are inheriting the environmental degradation of this planet. It is our job to provide them with the resources they need to combat global issues of climate change. We must increase awareness and build capacity in the younger generations for climate change mitigation, adaptation, and impact reduction.

Africa is the continent most affected by “climate change despite contributing to just 3% of total global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. With a high vulnerability to climate change and poor preparation for adaptation to climatic shocks, it is the least climate-resilient continent in the world.” Deforestation, air pollution, and loss of biodiversity are some of the biggest environmental issues Africa is currently facing. In Cameroon, roughly 70% of the population relies on agriculture as their primary source of income. 

By providing children in Limbe, Cameroon with seedlings and environmental education, we will equip them with the resources they need to combat climate change issues in their local community. Children will receive hands-on education through planting seedlings and caring for the plants. We will educate the youth on sustainable livelihoods, the environment, its problems, and the conservation and protection of their land. This project will provide these youth with the education they need to be involved in climate change conversations and to make the changes needed in their communities. They will be empowered and inspired to teach their elders and address the growing concerns of the climate crisis.

Providing healthy food for low-income people and families in TorontoToday’s GOOD DEED will help provide free nutritious ...

Providing healthy food for low-income people and families in Toronto

Today’s GOOD DEED will help provide free nutritious meals, five days a week for people living in Toronto’s downtown east communities of Regent Park and Moss Park. Fred Victor’s Food Security Program is serving 20,000 meals per month, an increase of 60% since 2020, and is welcoming more working families who are relying on this program to make ends meet. For people experiencing homelessness, their meal program also provides an entry point to washrooms, clothing, hygiene items, harm reduction supplies, shelter, and housing services.

Your GOOD DEED will ensure free healthy food for low-income people, leading to improved health and stability five days a week. It will also allow for increased access to mental health and addiction services, employment, training, housing support, increased food skills, and positive social engagement through community gardens, community food events, and peer advocacy services.

Empowering Afghan girls through educationAfghanistan is the only country in the world to ban education for girls. Your G...

Empowering Afghan girls through education

Afghanistan is the only country in the world to ban education for girls. Your GOOD DEED will ensure Afghan girls can access free, quality learning materials from home, or wherever they are. Through the Darakht-e Danesh Library (DDL), Afghan girls can access more than 6,000 free digital resources in nine languages, ranging from storybooks to university-level textbooks in courses such as mathematics, social sciences, and business. With a server located outside of Afghanistan, its secure tools are accessible to anyone, anywhere.

Education provides girls with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about their lives and to be more independent. When girls are educated, they are more likely to stand up for their rights and to resist discrimination and violence. Education is also crucial for the economic development of societies. When girls are educated, they are more likely to get better jobs and earn higher incomes. This, in turn, can help to reduce poverty and improve living standards.

A camping experience as unique as it's childrenMembers of the Canadian Armed Forces dedicate their lives to the service ...

A camping experience as unique as it's children

Members of the Canadian Armed Forces dedicate their lives to the service of a nation, often with a sacrifice to their families. That sacrifice has an impact on the family, who serve right alongside service members and veterans. The youngest members of those families are asked to carry the burden of a nation on their shoulders and summer camp programs help enhance their physical and mental health. Wellness is improved when they can play, learn new skills, and make new friends.

The children of military families will have additional resources and an expanded network to support them through challenging times (parents’ deployment, relocation, etc.). Youth gain leadership skills and an opportunity to develop friendships with peers who share similar experiences. Families are stronger when the parents are not worried about the children and the impact that military life has on them. Success is achieved when stressors on the military family are eased.

Fighting Malaria One Test at a TimeWith the support of every GOOD DEED, the project will be able to procure four malaria...

Fighting Malaria One Test at a Time

With the support of every GOOD DEED, the project will be able to procure four malaria rapid testing kits. This will enable the CBAs to detect and treat cases of malaria in the community, hence reducing the under-five mortality rates in the community.

Madam Gladys Azure comes from the Wadugu community under Songo Sub-District where the closest facility is about an hour and a half-hour walk, or a 45-minute bicycle ride from where she lives. “My children are most often sick in the rainy season, and this is when I have had to travel a long distance to get health care for them”. Having benefited from the provision of malaria testing and education through HPIC’s HOPE project she enthusiastically states: “I now keep my environment clean, sleep under a mosquito net, and maintain good personal hygiene. My greatest relief is that I no longer travel a long distance to Songo Health Center for treatments when my children are sick. The CBA’s (Community Bases Agents) can treat our children suffering from malaria, diarrhea, and pneumonia.” 

Having the medicines for these conditions immediately available for the community, the health of young children is dramatically increased, and the peace of mothers restored.

Healthy breakfasts for urban Indigenous seniors in TorontoYour GOOD DEED will provide healthy breakfasts for Indigenous ...

Healthy breakfasts for urban Indigenous seniors in Toronto

Your GOOD DEED will provide healthy breakfasts for Indigenous seniors in Toronto. Grocery gift cards will be sent to Anishnawbe Health Toronto Clients, age 55+ with two or more underlying health conditions. There is a vast unmet need for healthy food support by senior clients. In addition, winter brings added costs of warmer clothing and higher heating.

Toronto has the largest and most diverse Indigenous population in Ontario. The historical Indigenous experience has been traumatic including the loss of land, culture, and family life through the residential school system and the ‘60s Scoop’. This has led to a loss of identity with numerous ramifications including homelessness and hunger.  Unfortunately, those living at the margins of society are more likely than non-Indigenous to be homeless, unemployed, and have not completed high school. 25% of Indigenous adults in Toronto living in a household indicated they often do not have enough to eat. Food insecurity can lead to serious health consequences for Indigenous people including physical and mental health challenges. 8 of 10 Indigenous adults will develop diabetes in their lifetime and have double the rate of diabetes versus non-Indigenous adults.

Barra Ciega community project training in manufacturing metal silosWith this GOOD DEED farmers will be empowered and wil...

Barra Ciega community project training in manufacturing metal silos

With this GOOD DEED farmers will be empowered and will acquire knowledge in the manufacturing of metallic silos. Silos will be given to participants so that they can increase their food security. It will also allow them to reduce the loss of grain, enjoy greater food security, and improve the diet and economy of their family. The approach of metal silos is to ensure that any farmer who has one on his/her farm can have corn or beans for food all year round. It will allow them to decide when to bring his/her surplus crop to market, as well as better pest management and control when storing the crop produced.

The metallic cycle will help preserve the grain (corn, beans, sorghum) for a maximum of four years for its consumption or commercialization. This represents safe food for the family in addition to controlling pests, such as mice and insects that can damage the grain.

Ah, what a view, far from the city...  Toronto, Ontario, from the Toronto Islands. It's not too bad, is it? This peacefu...

Ah, what a view, far from the city... Toronto, Ontario, from the Toronto Islands. It's not too bad, is it? This peaceful little space in nature offers a secluded perspective... Canada never ceases to amaze!

While the parents are having fun, so are the teenagers! Negril, Jamaica has something for all the family, starting with ...

While the parents are having fun, so are the teenagers! Negril, Jamaica has something for all the family, starting with its beaches and its cuisine!

Dive into paradise on one of St. Maarten's pristine 37 beaches. Sun-soaked sands, crystal-clear waters, and endless rela...

Dive into paradise on one of St. Maarten's pristine 37 beaches. Sun-soaked sands, crystal-clear waters, and endless relaxation await. DM me for more informaition.

St. Maarten The Friendly Island. >>> MORE

Discover the charm of the Western Mediterranean on a bucket list busting, Euro summer vacation in 2024. Catch spellbindi...

Discover the charm of the Western Mediterranean on a bucket list busting, Euro summer vacation in 2024. Catch spellbinding views of the Amalfi Coast’s multicolored seaside towns and turquoise water. Admire the life-like details of Michelangelo’s David in Florence. And savor mouthwatering authentic Neapolitan pizza in a cozy trattoria in Naples.

Timeless Beauty of the Old World >>>MORE

Treat yourself this Halloween. Book one of MSC Cruises’ newest ships, MSC World Europa, for Winter 2023-24. With its sta...

Treat yourself this Halloween. Book one of MSC Cruises’ newest ships, MSC World Europa, for Winter 2023-24. With its state-of-the-art sustainable technologies, you will experience the future of cruising.

Halloween Deals >>>MORE

Stunning El Nido Islands in the Philippines.

Stunning El Nido Islands in the Philippines.

Discover India with National Geographic Journeys. Delve into northern India’s cultural riches on an unforgettable journe...

Discover India with National Geographic Journeys. Delve into northern India’s cultural riches on an unforgettable journey.

Small Group Adventures >>>MORE

Memorable. Carefree. Blissful. That's what a Florida family vacation is all about!

Memorable. Carefree. Blissful. That's what a Florida family vacation is all about!

Discover Your Next Adventure >>>MORE


Don't miss out on the most revolutionary vacation ever, because, for the first time, Celebrity Edge® will be sailing the rugged coast of Alaska from Seattle. Marvel at majestic glaciers from the Magic Carpet 12 decks above sea level. Watch for whales from the Rooftop Garden. See the mountainous landscape on this unique outward-facing vessel. Book now to receive 40% off every guest.*

Willemstad, the capital of Curaçao, is not only a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is also one of the most beautiful scuba...

Willemstad, the capital of Curaçao, is not only a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is also one of the most beautiful scuba diving sites in the Caribbean.

Sit back, relax, and watch the world pass by from the comfort of your Panorama Suite, your home-away-from-home while onb...

Sit back, relax, and watch the world pass by from the comfort of your Panorama Suite, your home-away-from-home while onboard an Avalon Waterways river cruise.

Fly Free (plus Save $700 per couple) on select 2024 Europe river cruises >>> MORE

Pioneer America’s Last Frontier onboard Ovation of the Seas, one of the world’s most groundbreaking ships and among the ...

Pioneer America’s Last Frontier onboard Ovation of the Seas, one of the world’s most groundbreaking ships and among the boldest ships to ever sail Alaska.

Alaska Cruise Adventure >>>MORE

Far more than just a place to sleep, Virgin Voyages’ clever cabin technology and sophisticated styling provide the ultim...

Far more than just a place to sleep, Virgin Voyages’ clever cabin technology and sophisticated styling provide the ultimate space to hide away, relax, and get ready to sail the seven seas. Over 80% of the cabins are Sea Terraces (complete with exclusive-to-Virgin, hand-woven balcony hammocks), giving you epic views for every dreamy sunset.

Fall into new destinations with 25% off. >>>MORE

Fodor's Travel Guide recommends the Laguna Grande (Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve) in Ecuador as a must-see. Use Quito as you...

Fodor's Travel Guide recommends the Laguna Grande (Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve) in Ecuador as a must-see. Use Quito as your starting off point and you won't believe the adventures you will have.

Step into Claude Monet's inspiration when you visit his former home and garden in Giverny, France! Marvel at all this an...

Step into Claude Monet's inspiration when you visit his former home and garden in Giverny, France! Marvel at all this and more when you choose AmaWaterways' Paris & Normandy itinerary.

20% Cruise Savings >>>MORE

Head along the enchanting road through bohemian Europe on a trip from Germany to Italy. With the freedom to choose your ...

Head along the enchanting road through bohemian Europe on a trip from Germany to Italy. With the freedom to choose your own adventure in each city, you'll be captivated by the delightful towns and cities dotted through Central Europe – an adventure of fairytale proportions.

It's time for a new journey >>>MORE

The Kalka-Shimla railway is a mere 2 ft. 6-inch narrow-gauge railway traveling along a mostly mountainous route in North...

The Kalka-Shimla railway is a mere 2 ft. 6-inch narrow-gauge railway traveling along a mostly mountainous route in North India. Think the dramatic views are worth the experience?

Sonesta Resorts Sint Maarten is a duo of oceanfront, all-inclusive resorts featuring world-class amenities. Minutes away...

Sonesta Resorts Sint Maarten is a duo of oceanfront, all-inclusive resorts featuring world-class amenities. Minutes away from the airport, beaches, nightlife, shopping, and Casino Royale, it’s the ideal vacation destination.

St. Maarten The Friendly Island. >>> MORE

It’s inspired empires, dynasties, winemakers, and waltzes. Winding through ten countries, four capital cities, and thous...

It’s inspired empires, dynasties, winemakers, and waltzes. Winding through ten countries, four capital cities, and thousands of years of history, the legendary Danube is the setting for some of the most dramatic chapters in time.

Fly Free (plus Save $700 per couple) on select 2024 Europe river cruises >>> MORE

Norwegian gives you the ease and comfort to truly enjoy Europe as a family. The best part is the incredible value you ge...

Norwegian gives you the ease and comfort to truly enjoy Europe as a family. The best part is the incredible value you get with free airfare^, free kids' clubs, free dining, unlimited open bar, free excursions, and much more! So come aboard Norwegian and make that dream vacation a reality.

Pride of America Returns to Maui >>>MORE







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