We spend so much time searching for answers , trying to find ourselves, or trying to find love, but all we need really is simple. We just need to stop searching and just look at what is right there in front of us and start to understand that To be heard, we first need to listen, to be seen, we first need to look and see the beauty around us. To be loved, we need to be ready to give love unconditionally to all those around us. Never stop looking for meaning , but most importantly take the time to just enjoy your life, and appreciate the view as you take on that new quest. #inspiration #Indonesia #cobalahmengerti #felixirwan
Shaka Laka Boom ! There's no denying that this is the kind of life that brings me so much joy ! This is what we call Lombok Style! Simple but happy life where you enjoy and celebrate moments with your brothers, your sisters, your neighbors and become one big family ! No fancy villas, no fancy drinks, just the brightest of smiles is all you need ! #Indonesia #lombok #simplelife #dance
Never underestimate the power of a smile, it can heal your heart, bring you peace , and bring a light into your life. That light you will carry with you and it will shine and guide you along your path. #smile #Indonesia #inspiration #healing
My funniest moment of 2020 in Selong, East Lomnok, stopped to help sell roasted corn for fun (jagung bakar) had so much fun with the locals 😁
#lombok #Indonesia #iloveindonesia #smileproject #smile #domoreofwhatmakesyouhappy #laugh #corn #fun #beardedmen #travel #travelblogger
Canadian Ribbon turns into Clean water for villages in Laos
Want to know how to turn a Canada maple leaf Paper Ribbon into clean water for villages in rural Laos ? and be responsible at same time?
check it out in my video below #Magic #ResponsibleLife