Our neighbour across the street made a quick video of the conditions in the village. You can see Sleeping Bear’s front door situation clearly! Our kiddo is driving up today to start clearing the walkway and to takedown the metal railing. We have only been owners for a few years— never has there been this much pre-snow! It has snowed even more since this video. If you can clear your calendar for the first week, we have space for you— in both suites!
Bear Den: Dec 19-23
Mountain View Suite: Dec 15-19
So are we!
Full disclosure: we don’t know how our booking season is going to go down 😬🫣
We are considering one of two options:
1️⃣The same as this year: website blockings with AirBnB to fill in the blanks.
2️⃣Entirely Airbnb.
Both options have their advantages for guests.😊
Both options have advantages for us.😊
Both options also have disadvantages…🫤
We will make a decision by early summer— folks who use Facebook regularly and those who are “Sleeping Bear Members” will be the first to know. 👍😃
Our last space of the season!!!! 🎉🎉
Please click here to book!