Looking back on my last year as a Luxury-Focused Travel Agent, I found myself digging in deep with European Train Experiences.
I found working with a Specialized Train Supplier who was able to transform "Getting Around Europe" into an adventure instead of a chore..
I had one client travelling between London, Paris, and Venice, boarding a Cruise in Venice arriving back in Rome, and then on a train to Rome for 3 days before coming home..
I had another Client travelling from Scotland through the lake district for a couple of days, down to Windsor to spend a few days with Friends, and then on to London before returning Home..
My extraordinary supplier handled everything.. Airport Pickups, Car and driver services, Hop-on-hop-off buses, excursions, attraction tickets, Hotels, and Of course, the trains!
What an amazing experience for my clients and such an amazing experience with our Train Experience supplier!
This supplier can handle train experiences world wide.. Such a lovely contrast to flying between cities!
Let me know if you have ever considered an amazing train vacation!