A Better Vancouver

A Better Vancouver I have always believed Vancouver would be Paradise, if it wasn't for the people :-) but we can change that! Thanks!

As we hanglide into Vancouver, or ride, walk, unicycle, jog, bike, row, eat, tent, park, walk our pet iguana around this amazing city - we have ideas intrude on our minds toward making A BETTER VANCOUVER. Please, share them here, or enter our discussions, perhaps someone, somewhere is listening and can make the difference you see is needed. Remember this is a place where we are looking for people who want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

In Vancouver we allow a monopoly of Sugar. We allow a monopoly on alcohol. So has this made our city better? It is actua...

In Vancouver we allow a monopoly of Sugar. We allow a monopoly on alcohol. So has this made our city better?
It is actually what socialists want by stealing everything from everyone so they control it and distribute it - first to their own and then the rest!

Our dense municipal politicians are now trying to make Shaughnessy and all neighbourhoods more dense! Canada has 4 peopl...

Our dense municipal politicians are now trying to make Shaughnessy and all neighbourhoods more dense!
Canada has 4 people per sq kilometre Vancouver ?

Vancouver is the most densely populated city in Canada with more than 5,249 people per square kilometer (13,590/sq mi), and the 4th most densely populated city in North America.
Providing more densities housing is not the solution but redistribution of the illegals and immigrants to places 50,000 or less the first three years of their invading!

If we had this kind of honesty in Vancouver - would that be better⁉️😁

If we had this kind of honesty in Vancouver - would that be better⁉️😁

Major fault line off West Coast could trigger catastrophic 9-magnitude earthquake, study finds - and it's due to go off ...

Major fault line off West Coast could trigger catastrophic 9-magnitude earthquake, study finds - and it's due to go off any minute.

Using underwater mapping techniques, scientists have mapped the Cascadia Subduction Zone - a 600-mile fault line extending from southern Canada to northern California - in never before seen detail.

Can you believe this hate is allowed in Vancouver? Are Muslims making Vancouver better⁉️

Can you believe this hate is allowed in Vancouver? Are Muslims making Vancouver better⁉️

In a May 8, 2024 Vancouver panel discussion on the "Right to Resist" following the arrest of Samidoun international coor...

Will liberal thinking result in a better Vancouver?  “A video of a father’s interaction with an Oregon police officer we...

Will liberal thinking result in a better Vancouver?

“A video of a father’s interaction with an Oregon police officer went viral on social media after the man complained about someone “completely bare naked” approaching his 2-year-old son and the officer informed him it was legal.

The upset parent was informed that in the state, it is a crime for an adult to expose his or her private parts to a minor only if there is a sexual element to the act.

The video showed a father asking an officer with the Bend Police Department to explain why an arrest could not be made after his young child encountered a naked adult on the family’s private property.
When the outraged dad raised his concerns, the officer replied, “There are no laws against the actual nudity portion of it.”

“If you’re not doing it for sexual gratification or the gratification of someone else, yes, you are allowed to walk around naked,” he said.

The upset father concluded his video – which was posted Wednesday to the SideMoneyTom account on TikTok – by expressing outrage.

The man did not say whether the person who approached his child naked was a man or a woman. (It was a woman.)

After the video went viral, the Bend Police Department explained on social media that the officer’s hands were tied and that Oregon state law permits adults to walk around nude.”

🇫🇷 Why is France giving their highest award 80 years AFTER THE EVENT⁉️VANCOUVER — Joseph Vogelgesang was a 19-year-old i...

🇫🇷 Why is France giving their highest award 80 years AFTER THE EVENT⁉️

VANCOUVER — Joseph Vogelgesang was a 19-year-old infantryman when he landed on Juno Beach in Normandy, France.

Now aged 99, the D-Day veteran reflected on the 80th anniversary of the operation that was the beginning of the end of the Second World War, after he received France's highest decoration at a ceremony in Vancouver on Thursday.

"There's nobody (who) wins in a war," he said.

Vogelgesang was named a Knight of the Legion of Honour to acknowledge what the French Consulate General in Vancouver called his contribution and bravery in the liberation of France.

Consul General Nicolas Baudouin, who presented the medal, said it showed “profound gratitude” for Vogelgesang's service during the war, including his contributions on D-Day.

Vogelgesang said he still vividly remembers D-Day. Almost 160,000 troops landed on the beaches of Normandy that day, including some 14,000 Canadians.

He says he wanted people to understand the cruelty of war. If they did, he said, there might be less need for the military in future.

"People who talk about a war that have never been there do not understand what happens in a war. They just read about it or see about it, but they never realize what's really taking place," said Vogelgesang.

"I'd like to see them realize that … maybe we will get less military need, or maybe we'll better the whole world by doing that, realizing what war really does."

Vogelgesang, who now lives in Abbotsford, B.C., volunteered in his home province of Saskatchewan at the age of 17 and left for England in early 1944 as part of the Calgary Highlanders.

He remembers the advice he got from his superior on June 6, 1944.

"My sergeant told me, if you live for the next 48 hours, you will live for a long time, and I learned a lot in 48 hours," said Vogelgesang.

Vogelgesang was "a little overwhelmed" to receive the medal, which he said he shared with the soldiers who were in the same boat during the landing on Juno Beach.
After the ceremony in St. Julien Square in Vancouver, Vogelgesang was surrounded by family at the nearby B.C. Regiment Reserve Recruiting Office.

His youngest daughter, Sharon Bunn, said ahead of the ceremony that their family was “bursting with pride and gratitude” upon hearing he would receive the French honour.

“We know that he went to the war at a very young age and nowadays, I can’t imagine how a 17- or 18-year-old would get through what he got through,” said Bunn, who flew from Saskatchewan to Vancouver to join Thursday's ceremony.

“All of us are very, very proud and really grateful for what he did and the sacrifices he made,” she added.

Bunn said her father has hesitated to share what he went through during the war.

“I think that as you can imagine, it was difficult. He shared little, tiny bits, but nothing really graphic,” said Bunn.

She said Vogelgesang, who lives in his own apartment in the Fraser Valley city, is staying up-to-date on current affairs. “He's very no-nonsense,” she said with a laugh.

Vogelgesang married his wife, Irene, in 1945 and they had three children, nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

The Legion of Honour is the highest decoration bestowed by France, and more than a thousand Canadian veterans have received a medal since 2014.

The consulate general said anyone who knows a living Canadian veteran who took part in the operations on French soil can contact the French Embassy in Ottawa because they may be eligible for the medal.

France's Legion of Honour was created by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1802 to reward citizens for their merits, no matter their background.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published June 6, 2024.

Nono Shen

Scammers are NOT making Vancouver better!

Scammers are NOT making Vancouver better!

Warning ⚠️Scam Alert: We have been notified of a scam targeting people through text messages requesting they pay an overdue parking ticket. This is not the City, we do not notify the public of fines through texting, emailing or social media. More info ➡️ http://ow.ly/Q1fR50M9Mtv


To my knowledge any Jews that have come to Canada or Vancouver have always tried to make Vancouver better!
But so many Muslims continue to bring hatred and terror‼️
How many nights of evil lies and protests⁉️
Here is a list of synagogues that have been set on fire - or tried to - since October 7:

- Oct 17: El Hamma, Tunisia
- Oct 18: Berlin, Germany
- Nov 8: Montreal, Canada
- Nov 18: Yerevan, Armenia
- Nov 19: Lakewood, USA
- Feb 28: Sfax, Tunisia
- April 5: Oldenburg, Germany
- April 10: Moscow, Russia
- May 1: Warsaw, Poland
- May 17: Rouen, France
- May 30: Vancouver, Canada

I could also tell you about the teens who were arrested in Ohio and Vienna for planning a mass shooting at a synagogue, or about the man who fired shots in front of a synagogue in NY, or list the Jewish schools that have been attacked, the Jewish cemeteries defaced or the synagogues vandalized, but then the list would be too long.

Jews are not paranoid,
they are not playing the victim.
It’s time you believe them when they tell you they are in danger‼️

Country & Western band called "Norman Handlebar & the Widgets" stopping for a picture at the hairpin corner at Vaseux La...

Country & Western band called
"Norman Handlebar & the Widgets" stopping for a picture at the hairpin corner at Vaseux Lake (near Oliver)B.C. 1913.
Can you find Norman on his way to Vancouver?

Credit Brian Walter Wilson with the Okanagan Archive Trust Society

I rolled over in bed this morning and gave my wife a hug. I said to her, “Thank God for protecting us from so many scams...

I rolled over in bed this morning and gave my wife a hug. I said to her, “Thank God for protecting us from so many scams!” She laughed and yet was puzzled. In all our years of marriage I had never started the day like this.
But we have had people come to our door regularly to try to get us to buy something or donate money to some cause. Every day we get Chinese hackers and people pretending to be banks or phone companies or parcel pick up - texting us a link hoping we will click on it! Our world seems full of scammers and hackers? So far so good, no scams here.
I was still holding her and I said to her… “I am so glad that when I married you, it wasn’t your mother coming up the aisle. Or one of your three sisters in Finland!” She laughed.

We remembered that Jacob is the father of the twelve tribes of Israel and is a significant figure in Biblical history. God later changes his name to Israel from which the nation finds its name. Jacob’s name means “supplanter” or “one who grabs.” In the case of Jacob, he grabbed his brothers heel when they were being born. His brother’s name was Esau and he was born first - but Jacob grabbed onto his twin brothers heel when they were being born. Esau was the first born of Isaac but he lost his birthright to Jacob. Esau is the father of the Arabic speaking peoples today. There was a natural, bitter rivalry between Jacob and Esau even today there is a supernatural animosity between Israel and the Arab nations surrounding her.

Jacob was sent by his father Isaac to find a wife from a relative’s family. He met Rachel at her family’s well and for him, it was love at first sight. But her father talked him into seven years of working for her. After the seven years of labor, Laban agreed to allow Jacob to marry Rachel. In Jewish wedding ceremonies, the brides usually have their entire face covered with only a small opening for the eyes. After Jacob married the woman and spent the night with his new bride he woke up in horror to discover that he had been tricked. Jacob the grabber had been grabbed. Scammed!
Jacob thought that he had married Rachel but he had instead married Leah. Jacob was outraged and when he confronted Rachel’s father Laban, the father told Jacob that it was customary to have the eldest daughter marry first. Laban said that Jacob could also marry Rachel if he agreed to work another seven years for him. Jacob, smitten by Rachel, quickly agreed and worked another seven years for Laban.
Wow, what a scam!

But what about living in a society where everyone scammed each other? Don Richardson, a missionary from Victoria, B.C. went with his nurse wife to Irian Jaya, Indonesia - up a long series of rivers to a primitive tribe where the greatest virtue was betrayal. No one trusted anyone, most lived outside of arrow range up in the trees!
His famous book “Peace Child” tells the story - from the start - of a man Kautap, who was met by a canoe from upriver. He feared for his life but they invited him to a feast in their village and sent him home with gifts and this went on for months … these villages along the river had been at war since they could remember… but both villages went along sending gifts and using Kautap as sole mediator. Later they had another feast in the upriver village but as they sat down to eat in the long house, they pulled their spears from the ceiling rafters and killed Kautap and cooked and ate him. They celebrated their scam. He was played. The people of the river villages talked often of their greatest scams.
After years Don Richardson a translator had earned their trust and helped them greatly. One day Don had learned enough of their culture, he thought, and language to tell them the Greatest story of Jesus, the Christ. Which was why he and his family had spent years there serving them. When He got to the part about Judas betraying the Son of God, they all cheered and jumped and celebrated. This was the greatest betrayal they had every heard of! Judas was the hero, not Jesus.
Don went home dejected, and tired of the tribal fighting and talked to his wife about leaving these people. God gave Don direction. During a battle he asked them if they could ever make Peace. They said that the chief must give his own baby son to the enemy chief and vice versa but if anything happened to the Peace Child that would be cause for war again. It was a very shaky peace agreement! It turns out that the greatest sin in their culture was to betray a Peace Child - when Don explained that Christ was sent by the Heavenly father to bring peace to the warring sinful people of earth then Judas was seen as the greatest villain, the Betrayer of the Peace Child sent from God. Most of the river tribes became Christians and followed the Bible Teaching and left their lives of scams and betrayals to follow Christ alone. The Sawi story is online.

This past Saturday night in Vancouver Soccer fans paid over 12000 dollars to see Lionel Messi, the great Argentine Star come with Luis Suarez and others from Inter Miami Football Club, to play the local ‘Whitecaps’. For Messi's debut in Vancouver, BC Place Stadium was fully opened up, to the top deck with thousands more tickets available than usual. Even so, the cheapest tickets currently on the resale market are essentially $340 (after fees)
Messi’s career has been packed with incredible goalscoring consistency with over 50 goals scored in six of his seasons in Catalonia, as part of a club career record of 713 goals and an overall tally of 816, including his goals for Argentina (103).
But Messi and Suarez didn’t come. Instead they sent his mother. But she had scored no goals! No, they didn’t send her - but still what a scam! Fans were offered half price food and a free ticket to another game but… Well, local people are still demanding their money back. The Club still lost to a Messiless Miami!!! The league will have a lawsuit and - what a mess!
This has happened before in other sports where NBA Stars like Steph Curry or Lebron didn’t show up to a city because of an injury or “load management” ! People paying to see their idols - ended being ripped off.
Elvis Presley performed in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, on August 31, 1957. This concert took place at the old Empire Stadium and is considered one of the most legendary performances of his career. Estimates suggest that the crowd ranged from 16,000 to over 26,000 people, making it the largest audience he faced in 1957. During the show, the excited crowd even charged the stage, prompting Elvis to cut his performance short to about 22 minutes. It turned out to be his last performance outside the United States!
I wonder how much a minute people had paid for? I wonder how much a minute Elvis was paid for coming, but at least he didn’t send his mother to sub in…
Perhaps the worst scam ever was when sincere Catholics who had heard about - the Jewish Messiah, the Savior of all nations - who healed the blind, who cleansed leprosy covered - hopeless people. Christ made the lame to walk, He walked on water and calmed storms and fulfilled over 350 prophecies in His first coming! He came to explain how no longer would they have to sacrifice an innocent animal and shed innocent blood to pay for their own guilty offences. He would take their place on a cross. These people who had no righteousness in themselves… He would be their covering, their righteousness before God. He would shed his innocent blood in atonement for all sinners on earth past, present and future . All who would respond to His enormous love and accept Him as full payment for their debt with a Holy God - could be saved eternally instead perishing forever.
Yet even today so many are intrigued and show up wanting to find Jesus Christ and to see Him in all His glory. The One who existed before the Temple, the One who claimed to be greater than Abraham! The One who had created all things and upholds the universe.
Sadly Catholics stepped into the stadium - and there was only Mary the mother of Jesus and a few former friends and followers. What a scam! What a travesty! Surely there could be nothing worse. But there is…
Sincere but deluded people show up daily wanting to see Jesus Christ the Lord of Creation and Salvation - and are pointed to a thin wafer biscuit and told not only to worship the wafer but that the wafer is Christ Himself, in the flesh.

Somehow magically - a designated man, a false priest comes and says some magic words, a bell rings and the wafer becomes the actual physical body of Christ our Creator and Saviour! They put this monstrous blasphemy into a gold monstrance and people bow to it thinking it is Christ. They have been told that. They have been sold into History’s greatest scam. They keep buying idols of Jesus and his mother and even venerating dead bones of past “followers”. They keep giving money to the richest entity on the planet. More gold and real estate than any other - except perhaps the U.S. government.
These poor sincere folks came to see and discover the Resurrected and Ascended into Heaven Jesus Christ and instead are offered a wafer and his mother as co redemptrix, what ever that means. Seems to be trix to me.
Could there be a worse scam in the Universe? They are told to be satisfied with an invented false imposter mother - instead of the Great Goal scorer, the greatest Champion ever - who conquered death and sin and uniquely offers us forgiveness and eternal life. “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by me”
He said it. Fulfilled prophecy backs it all up! Anything else, anyone else is just a scam. Or am I wrong?
Hey, just asking…

B***o crazy - - - has never made Vancouver better!

B***o crazy - - - has never made Vancouver better!

Those were great days! Thanks Bob!

Those were great days! Thanks Bob!

Free drugs are NOT MAKING A BETTER VANCOUVER‼️Heating them up Safely is NOT - the problem Mr. VFD - IS NOT BUTANE torche...

Free drugs are NOT MAKING A BETTER VANCOUVER‼️Heating them up Safely is NOT - the problem Mr. VFD - IS NOT BUTANE torches but people who find no relief from guilt and pain and the consequences of sinful choices in their lives! Drugs can’t help them - only the living loving Christ can‼️


Horrid hateful antisemitic Muslim people are certainly not making Vancouver better nor our world more tolerant!!!

I wonder if this would work with porch pirates to make a better Vancouver⁉️

I wonder if this would work with porch pirates to make a better Vancouver⁉️

Our Local parks are full of our own “leaf chewers”! So many who try to numb themselves to guilt, remorse or evilution’s ...

Our Local parks are full of our own “leaf chewers”! So many who try to numb themselves to guilt, remorse or evilution’s meaningless…

Yemenis chew khat leaves, a mild narcotic, in the capital Sana'a.

By 4 in the afternoon, most men walking the streets of Sana'a are high, or about to get high — not on any sort of manufactured narcotics, but on khat, a shrub whose young leaves contain a compound with effects similar to those of amphetamines. Khat is popular in many countries of the Arabian peninsula and the Horn of Africa, but in Yemen it's a full-blown national addiction. As much as 90% of men and 1 in 4 women in Yemen are estimated to chew the leaves, storing a wad in one cheek as the khat slowly breaks down into the saliva and enters the bloodstream. The newcomer to Yemen's ancient capital can't miss the spectacle of almost an entire adult population presenting cheeks bulging with cud, leaving behind green confetti of discarded leaves and branches.

For its many devotees, khat is a social lubricant on a par with coffee or alcohol in the West. Indeed, because chewing the leaf isn't forbidden by Islam, "khat is alcohol for Muslims," says Yahya Amma, the head merchant at the Agriculture Suq, one of the largest khat markets in the city. "You can chew it and still go to prayers." The leaf's energy-boosting and hunger-numbing properties help university students focus on their homework, allows underpaid laborers to work without meals and, according to local lore, offers the same help to impotent men that Westerners seek in Vi**ra. Evening khat ceremonies — regular salon gatherings (usually only of men) to chew and chat about matters great and small — are the country's basic form of socializing.

But khat's detractors say the leaf is destroying Yemen. At around $5 for a bag (the amount typically consumed by a single regular user in a day) it's an expensive habit in a country where about 45% of the population lives below the poverty line. (Most families spend more money on khat than on food, according to government figures.) A khat-addled public is more inclined to complacency about the failings of the government, khat ceremonies reinforce the exclusion of women from power and, as is obvious to anyone finding a government office nearly empty on a weekday morning, khat is keeping the country awake well past its bedtime.

"You sit up discussing all your problems and think you've solved everything, but in fact you haven't done anything in the last four hours, because you've just been chewing khat and all your problems actually got worse," says Adel al-Shujaa, a professor of political science at Sana'a University and the head of the Yemen Without Khat Association. Plus, he says, "all the decisions you've made are bad because you've made them while on khat."

But the worst thing about khat may be that it is sucking Yemen dry.

The plant thrives in the high hill country outside Sana'a, where nearly every patch of irrigated land is covered in khat. Unlike coffee, which Yemenis claim was first cultivated here, khat is easy to grow and harvest. And though cultivating and dealing the leaf doesn't generate the kind of instant wealth associated with growing poppies in Afghanistan or coca in Colombia, it certainly provides a steadier income than growing vegetables does — that's why nearly all of the country's arable land is devoted to khat. And khat needs a lot of water, which is scarce in Yemen.

Khat fields are typically flooded twice a month, consuming about 30% of the country's water — most of which is pumped from underground aquifers filled thousands of years ago, and replenished only very slowly by the occasional rainfall that seeps through the layers of soil and rock. A recent explosion of khat cultivation has drawn water levels down to the point where they are no longer being replenished. The option of pumping desalinated water over long pipelines from coastal plants is too expensive for such a poor country. Yemen is in real danger of becoming the world's first country to run out of water.

"I tell UNHCR that they should start buying tents [for the communities that would be forced to move in search of drinking water]," says Michael Klingler, a hydrologist and the local director of GTZ, the German government's technical-assistance team, which is advising Yemen on water-management issues.

A massive drought — accelerated by khat cultivation — and the resultant population displacement could have a devastating impact in one of the most fragile countries in the Middle East. A separatist insurgency in the south is threatening to break the country apart, while pirates from Somalia are menacing the coast. Al-Qaeda, meanwhile, has long seen the lawless tribal lands in the northern mountains as a potential sanctuary.

Quitting khat would double the amount of household water available, says Klingler, but that may only slow the onset of crisis. The hydrologist argues that Yemen needs to revert to consuming only as much water as it collects from rains — and to import most of its food from abroad.

Despite the danger, Yemen isn't about to go cold turkey anytime soon. Not only are most of the country's leaders landowners deeply involved in khat production, the leaf may be one of the few things still holding Yemen together. Says Ashraf Al-Eryani, one of GTZ's local program officers, "Khat plays a big role in keeping people calm, and keeping them off the streets. But it's also delaying change. It's hard to convince people to act now."
Sounds just like Vancouver!

Transit is waking up to the foolishness about electric batteries in buses… and going back to electric Trolleys! Gonna ma...

Transit is waking up to the foolishness about electric batteries in buses… and going back to electric Trolleys! Gonna make Vancouver safer and better!

The 34 Hastings Express was the only express trolleybus route in Canada in the 1950s
On May 13, 1957, the Hastings Express was introduced. This resulted in the installation of a second set of wires along Hastings Street from Kootenay Loop to Main Street.[1] This marked the launch of the second express trolley route in North America.[1] A fifth set was added in front of the Pacific National Exhibition on the curbside westbound lane to allow space for layovers during special events. This configuration, used until 1991, made Vancouver have the most trolley wires on one street in North America.[1] The configuration after 1991 reverted back to four wires: two in each direction.

BCER made the final procurement of new Brill trolleys in this decade with an order of 55 CC&F/Brill T-48As in 1951 and 16 CC&F/Brill T-48As in 1954. These would also be the last new trolleys purchased until the 1970s as used trolleys from former systems across Canada would be purchased for the next decade.

Credit: https://cptdb.ca/wiki/index.php/Trolleybuses_in_Vancouver



Go Canada Go❗️🇨🇦

Go Canada Go❗️🇨🇦

Hoping to make Vancouver better and socialist free!

Hoping to make Vancouver better and socialist free!

Making Vancouver Better!

Making Vancouver Better!

William H. James House at 587] W. King Edward Ave., 1970s

COV-S511---: CVA 780-246

The James Residence, built in 1942, is valued for its “Storybook Cottage” and timeless Arts and Crafts style architecture, its association with architect Ross Anthony Lort, and with builder Brenton T. Lea.The “Storybook Cottage” architecture of the James Residence is an illustration of enduring, traditional domestic ideals.

The “Storybook Cottage” style derived from period revival styles that were popular between the two World Wars. At the time, houses were expected to display some sort of historic reference, in order to demonstrate the owner’s good taste. This was especially prominent along the boulevards of West King Edward Avenue and Cambie Street, which intersect near the James Residence.

An English Arts and Crafts influence is shown in the half-timbering in the front gable and in the diamond-patterned leaded casement windows of the James Residence. A more generalized, romantic, “Storybook Cottage” influence is visible in the rough rubble masonry used for the front chimney and quoins, as well on in the roof, which is meticulously crafted from hand-bent cedar wood shingles, cut and layered upon one another, giving the appearance of a thatched roof.

In 2017 the James Residence was awarded a City of Vancouver Heritage Award of Honour, recognizing the high degree of retention and thoughtful restoration of the one-of-a-kind residence.

Is there anyone who can explain HOW this makes a city’s culture better⁉️It has only created more mental illness in Vanco...

Is there anyone who can explain HOW this makes a city’s culture better⁉️
It has only created more mental illness in Vancouver!

Who remembers Hastings and Main Vancouver -  1961 -  before crazy woke socialists allowed people out of Riverview into o...

Who remembers Hastings and Main Vancouver - 1961 - before crazy woke socialists allowed people out of Riverview into our streets!

$2.07 x 74 litres - one tank! 80 cents plus per litre in taxes!!!  Non socialists all over Canada are out protesting the...

$2.07 x 74 litres - one tank! 80 cents plus per litre in taxes!!! Non socialists all over Canada are out protesting the April Fools taxing us with soaring inflation!
Parking in a public park⁉️

So pathetic when the world is waking up to the unpleasant aspects of producing and recycling these horrible batteries to...

So pathetic when the world is waking up to the unpleasant aspects of producing and recycling these horrible batteries too!

Will this help Vancouver be better⁉️ This is by the dishonorable Bowinn Ma entitled NDP socialist demanding to breast fe...

Will this help Vancouver be better⁉️

This is by the dishonorable Bowinn Ma entitled NDP socialist demanding to breast feed in our provincial parliament!!! And bring her cat 🐈‍⬛ ‼️‼️‼️


Vancouver, BC



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