Dear Friends,
I’m pitching at this event!!!
Super excited.
Come watch!
There will be between 100 and 300 people there.
Would love you ALL to be part of it.
I've got your ticket covered:
Here’s an update on what we've been working on at Network Immunology!
It’s a hard fact to confront.
Approximately 39% of Canadians will deal some form of cancer during their lifetimes.
Unless we do something about it.
My health and medical technology company, Network Immunology, is expanding into PREVENTIVE cancer therapy. This is to say, we are developing an entirely new class of immuno-therapy, in order to prevent your body from developing cancer, and to live a longer, healthier, happier life. We have already been applying this therapy in the prevention of inflammation/autoimmunity, and it works. Very well. And we haven’t seen any side effects. We are now developing that inflammatory/autoimmune application.
For Cancer:
Because inflammation is a key driving force behind cancer metastasizing (spreading in the body) we are confident, that by preventing inflammation generally, we can also potentially prevent the spread of cancer in the body. If we can, it would be a very big deal for the world.
I'm building a community around this health technology, to bring in the funds required for its development. We have received some governmental funding already, and substantial investment already.
We are looking for investors at this time.
Who of you would be interested in the development of this PREVENTIVE cancer immuno-therapy?
To be clear:
I'm not asking you for donations.
Instead, I'm asking for you to SHARE this opportunity with friends of yours who would like to be a part of this, and to invest if they like the opportunity.
And, if wealthy friends invest $10,000 or more, then they would own a portion of the company and its valuable patents.
How may people do you know who’s families have been impacted by cancer?
The next major milestone which is demonstration that the immuno-therapy works for cancer, costs about $200,000. With your spreading the word, this is entirely doable.
What can you do to help develop this technology?
1) Please "Share" this post!
2) Private message me!
3) Respond positively to this thread! As it is a great cause!
For investors:
We are getting closer to a very lucrative exit for investors.
The aim is to be bought out by a larger company (or license the worldwide rights to the technology).
I'm looking for people who genuinely care and are passionate about the development of this leading edge technology. And I’m looking for you, to be a part of this whole process. And you have the power, to make this either work, or not.
My father, Geoff Hoffmann who's now 71, worked with Niels K. Jerne, who won a Nobel Prize back in 1984 for proposing that the immune system was a network. Niels Jerne died, and, together with some unfortunate "misunderstandings" that arose, the network paradigm of immunology lost traction during the late 1980s and 1990s.
At his laboratory at UBC, my father further developed Jerne’s immune network ideas, into a more comprehensive "network theory" of the immune system. He continued to "map out" the immune system as a network, with much theoretical work and experimental testing. He found that, just in the way the brain is a network of cells with memory, that is, a 'neural network', that possesses the ability to learn from experience as a network, the immune system too, is a network of cells and antibodies, an 'immune network', that also possesses memory, and the ability to learn from experience, as a network. In short, both are cybernetic networks with memory. This network aspect of the immune system has now been validated by several thousand studies, and is leading to multiple ground-breaking health technologies, including novel therapies for autoimmunity, inflammation, and now, potentially even cancer. It's a new paradigm: a shift from the detailed, symptomatic, daily-pill approach, to the bigger picture, and a systems approach to maintaining health, and is leading to the preventive medicine of the future.
Please, join me, as we help to develop the world's understanding of our own immune systems, for our own benefit, and for the benefit of so many others, for generations, and to solve the fundamental ailments of inflammation, autoimmunity and cancer.
Wishing you health and well-being,
George Hoffmann
Network Immunology Inc.
Focusing on technology, clean energy and innovation, 808 TECH & Innovation Investment Forum showcases exciting new and emerging North American companies, and provides investors the opportunities to discover what may be the next lucrative investment. On April 28 at the RISE, 1055 West Hastings, down…