Feel my pain? #Realtorlife
We risk our lives for this job! The streets ain’t safe like it used to be…
#entertainment #comedy #horrormovie #attacked
Twinning. First time meeting @mortgages_bybarb
You ever meet someone for the first time, and you swear you’ve known them for years? That happened today.
Met up with Barb for a social session and turns out, she knows people in my life that go way beyond the real estate realm. Small world indeed.
We also share the same fashion sense, apparently. Looking forward to many more collabs with this one!
#twinning #fashionstyle #fashiongram #winterwardrobe
Don’t be stupid, get that pre-approval done.
#comedy #realestatehumour #entertainment #dontdothis #realestatelife
Have you gone shopping without a pre-approval?
Movies, Cars and a Realtor Horror Story.
Here’s what I didn’t tell you:
1. I re-watch the ENTIRE Godfather trilogy every year (sometimes twice).
2. I still have recurring dreams of finding the first car I loved and NEVER should have sold.
3. The seller (my client) was in a difficult situation with NO MOVERS but himself. With over 8000 sqft full of old furniture, multiple fridges, lumber, equipment, hot tub, hardware, and even on top of that, a 50 ft container full of tools to clear out.
He finally was forced to bring in professional movers (who were fricken amazing) and got out of there without triggering a legal lawsuit, thank god.
#entertainment #comedy #interview #streetinterview #thegodfather #godfathermovie #fastandfurious #mitsubisheclipse #paulwalker
Can a Realtor take a sick day? 🤒
Get real. The market doesn’t care. Your buyers still need to write that offer. Your sellers still need you to show their house.
So here’s my secret remedy to recovery:
1. Nin Jiom Herbal Syrup
2. Buckley’s
3. NyQuil
4. Emergen-C
5. Oil of Oregano
6. Vitamin D
Did I miss anything? Comment below.
#entertainment #comedy #realitycheck #realestatelife #realtorlife
The SECRET to Buying Property before your 30s…
1. Minimize Debt.
2. Live at Home.
3. Hustle + Side Hustle.
Sorry, there are shortcuts or get rich quick schemes. If anyone else tells you otherwise — they are lying.
#getrichquick #moneytips #howtogetrich #howtomakemoney #financetips #realestatetips
The FIRST Property I Ever Bought…
I was 25 years old. It was a commercial property with a warehouse and office.
At the time I was renting this space for my import export business. So, the idea of being able to control my rental expenses was a no brainer.
BUT – I had NO money. Every dime I had was invested in the business. I bought it for $280,000 with money borrowed from my family’s Home Equity Line of Credit. 5 years later, I sold it for $350,000 and gave the all principal and profit back to my family.
Here’s what I learned. Take help when offered. Ask for it when needed. DO NOT LET YOUR EGO stand in the way of growing your business.
What was the first property you bought? Comment below.
#firstinvestment #successtories #originstories #businesstory #businessadvice #businesstips #realestatetips
The BIGGEST Mistake I made in Real Estate…
“Putting an offer on a house before I sold the condo I was living in.”
When I got the accepted offer on the house, the celebration was short because I realized
I only less than 2 months to sell my condo in a slow market in order to pay for the house.
This was during my first year of real estate, I wasn’t making steady income yet. If I could not sell it time, I would’ve had to borrow $200,000 + interest from a loan shark, and carry two mortgages until god knows when my condo would sell. Yeah, stressful times.
Here’s the crazy part. I was on a buyer tour with my client, and we happened to driving by condo. I told her my unit was for sale and she wanted to check it out. She wrote an offer that night and boom – done deal. She even bought all my furniture, which was perfect because I didn’t want to take it with me.
That was a total fluke and a ton of luck. So this is why I ALWAYS say – sell your place FIRST before you buy.
#howtoinvest #homebuyertips #homebuyermistakes #realestatemistakes
#homebuyingprocess #howtobuyahome
When you slay half a dozen deals in a month when half the buyers are out of town, here’s how you celebrate.
116-2238 Kingsway, Vancouver
402-6963 Victoria Dr, Vancouver
303-651 Nootka Way, Port Moody
1107-8181 Chester St, Vancouver
11860 Fourth Ave, Richmond
10-1219 Burke Mountain, Coquitlam
#motivation #success #keephustling #howtosucceed #growth #buildinganempire
POV: When your Realtor shows up at your door for money.
Buying your first place is a rollercoaster of emotions: exciting, scary, rewarding, and then you get your keys and it becomes real.
Props to @tantago who handled it like a pro from start to finish. Congrats!
#homebuyingvlog #realestatevlog #lifevlog #realestate #dayinalife #dailyvlog