Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be in a whale’s world? 🐋 Every year, August to October is a magical time when thousands of humpback whales migrate from their feeding grounds in Antarctica to the crystal clear shallows of the South Pacific to give birth, raise their calves, and mate. | Join us in French Polynesia for an all inclusive 7 day program as we dive into the world of the whales.
#inertianetwork #whalesexpedition #seimmingwithwhales #whalesofinstagram
What’s the most memorable destination you’ve visited? Open yourself to your heart’s desire and experience a transformative journey with us. Step beyond your comfort zone and explore alternative paths. If you’re seeking an experienced team to accompany you to these and other locations, visit inertianetwork.com.
#inertianetwork #seeofcortez #yemen #socotra #travelguide #offthebeatenpath
Imagine feeling so small yet so connected. Swimming eye-to-eye with whales, finding connection and empathy with like minded people and witnessing humanity in action.
French Polynesia Humpback whale-watching expedition lets you experience unconditional support and oneness with nature, land and one another. Find more details: https://www.inertianetwork.com/
#trip #whales #swimmingwithwhales #offthebeatenpath
The Other Side of Afghanistan
War, death, terrorism. These are a few of the thoughts that come to mind when one thinks of Afghanistan. These are narratives given to us by media but our time in Afghanistan has shown us there is so much more to this country than what the news presents to us. Kindness, hospitality, and communities coming together. Survivors working to build a better life for themselves and Afghanistan. The beauty of the Wahkan corridor and the intricacies of the Blue Mosque.
We believe to truly connect with a place is to see it for your own eyes. To share meals with locals and to explore the side that is often neglected. The dangers and realities are not something to be ignored but to embrace the beauty that’s is often ignored allows us to move past the narratives presented to us. We hope that in these difficult times we can work to find ways to develop connection instead of division.
Have you ever been to a place that broke your previous perceptions? Moments that showed you that there is always more to a place than our biases?
Featuring: The Adventures of Nicole
Animation: Natividad Chen - https://www.natividadchen.com/
We're headed back in May, interested in joining us?
Happy Earth Day! This is a quick throwback to our last beach clean in Socotra in February. We collected nearly 30 garbage bags of trash from Detwah Lagoon as a team, shoulder to shoulder with Socotri locals. As we consume, we have to remember to give back and cherish our planet. 🙏
Flying through Skand in Socotra’s Hajhir Mountains. It’s simply a breathtaking place full of ecological diversity.
Travel Has Changed
We made a video highlighting our journey over the last year and a half. There's been tons of emotional highs, frustration, challenges, sheep intestines, and even a few guinea pigs. For those who have been a part of our story, we want to thank you for your openness and trust. For those who are looking to join our mission, we're excited to have you. Catch you all on the other side. Learn more: https://inertianetwork.com/
One With The Whales
Imagine locking eyes and spritually connecting with one of the most magnificent creatures in the world, and feeling an overwhelming sense of awe and empathy. 🐋✨This Sept, join us on our whale expedition and feel the oneness (only 3 spots left!) - http://bit.ly/2XaFrY2
Credits: Footage: Karim Iliya, Matt Reichel, Nercio. Editing: Matt Reichel. Music: Josh Leake.
Imagine locking eyes and spritually connecting with one of the most magnificent, large creatures in the world, and feeling an overwhelming sense of awe and empathy. 🐋✨This Sept, join us on our whale expedition and feel the oneness (only 3 spots left!) - http://bit.ly/2XaFrY2
Incredible drone flight over Tinit, Greenland! Taken at midnight by Karim Iliya!
Have you ever wanted to experience the Arctic for yourself? Join us and Amanda Williams (A Dangerous Business) for an adventure in Greenland, September 2018! Check it out: https://inertianetwork.com/greenland/
Stunning clip of a humpback during a heat run captured by Karim Iliya. Stay tuned for our upcoming feature on Karim's work documenting humpbacks in Tonga!