Int. Acupuncture Academy of Bhupendra Techniques Inc

Int. Acupuncture Academy of Bhupendra Techniques Inc Prof. Singh is a medical graduate from India, postgraduate Acupuncture specialist with 50 years clinical, teaching, research and publication experience.

There are no DO’s and Don’t’s in the medical world. In the subatomic world, the concepts of space and time, the ideas of...

There are no DO’s and Don’t’s in the medical world.

In the subatomic world, the concepts of space and time, the ideas of separable material objects, and the popular understanding of cause and effect lose their meaning. Mass and energy are inter-convertible, radiation is not exactly waves and not exactly particles, time does not flow uniformly, changes always include the observer in a very important way. Our body and its environment are passing through constant and unpredictable changes of varying nature and speed so no precise prediction is ever possible.

There are newer and newer ideas and concepts constantly pouring into our day to day life that seem to overwhelm us every day without fail: Polar opposites are complementary rather than antagonistic; particles are both destructible and indestructible; nothing is irreversible and changes can be modified; objects are rational events rather than substances; spontaneous dynamic patterns are in a state of perpetual dance; reality is beyond existence and non-existence. In this context, it becomes extremely difficult to define health. In general, it can be said that "The capacity of the body to adapt to various changing environmental conditions and situations without getting sick is a sign of good health".

A constant debate is going, on various concepts affecting our health, what is good and what is bad, fat is bad, fat is good, Egg is good, the egg is bad, exercise is good, but there are numerous examples, athletes, and sportsperson dying young of heart problems or stroke. On the other hand, just an example Sir Winston Churchill, who was a chain smoker, cigar, cigarette, pipe, heavy drinker, with the highest form of arrogance and anger, womanizer, and obese, lived 80 years. I have come across many Cubans, smoking Cuban ci**rs heavily, have crossed the age of 100 without any trouble, people with high Cholesterol living without any heart trouble.

I have been writing and speaking about Cholesterol myths since last over 30 years and now it is accepted that high cholesterol levels got nothing to do with heart problems. Well-planned propaganda of fear-mongering created by multinational drug companies using medical establishments to sell Statin. I have observed in my international practice people who lead simple and control lifestyles dying of heart arrest and stroke in their 30’s and 40’s. There are people who have lived long, dealing with their mental tension, while others suffer. These changing parameters of the medical world often leave the public in a state of Limbo.

All living and non-livings are part and parcel of the vast universe and everything is interconnected within the matrix. The same way body works in collaboration with all organs, internally interconnected. The latest concept of studying each organ individually and independently as Units is losing the basic holistic approach. Since the introduction of the Holistic approach to West, Western trained doctors have started questioning much more, than ever before about the fundamental approach to body and its functioning, which need to be reexamined.

No wonder many extraordinary medical discoveries come to a Cul-De-Sac due to the incomplete and superficial working system of our body understanding which needs to go under drastic metamorphosis once again from a fresh start. I again repeat that modern medical science is a graveyard of rejected theories, hypothesis, conjectures and speculations. No other science has not only rejected so decisively previous decades theories but also proved harmful and toxic for humans and the process goes on uninterrupted decades by decades.

Every object emits energy waves within and outside connecting with each other, there is nothing which is aloof and disconnected, and it affects our energies at all levels, physically, emotionally, spiritually, s*xually within and outside. Every vibration has a corresponding sound and everything in the universe has a vibration and thus a sound. Each atom, molecule, cell, object, group of objects, even the entire universe, has its own collection of vibrations and unique sound. Sound vibrations and vice versa understanding will help us to treat many intractable diseases by specific Sanskrit Slokas after corresponding sound vibration of affected diseased chakra and Sloka at the same energetic level.

Microcosmic and Macrocosmic energies try to keep balance and as long as the balance is maintained all well and healthy. Everything is under flux and moving within and outside thus connecting with each other under a dense and complicated network. Even Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, cyclones, moon and sun movements affect our energy creating disturbances within and outside resulting in known and unknown discomforts, called “DIS-EASE”. So it is the imbalance of energy within and around us that disturbs and changes inside chemistry which we try to balance by medicines. It is unfortunate that we are treating superficially at the second level, no doubt results are obvious. If we understand the energy disturbing pattern and try to bring equilibrium the things would be different, chemistry will change to normal, once an equilibrium is maintained within and with cosmic waves.

“Bhupendra Theory of Waste-end Products” helps to understand disease and ageing process to a great extent with a different view point.

During about 54 years of my clinical and research experience in over 47 countries, I have learned one thing for sure that there are no dos and don’ts in medical science as everybody reacts differently at different points in time to various pathogens. I often give an example to my international students and also recently during one of my TV interviews, that if I inject 1 cc of a toxin in two persons of same age, s*x, race at the same time both will react to the same toxin differently. One person's blood pressure will drop, the body becomes cold, sweating, feeble pulse, and the person may collapse and go in a state of shock, while another person BP will elevate, the pulse is high volume and fast, body is hot with rashes, and temperature rises. While in the third person response may be very subdued without raising any alarm. So how external stimuli can be blamed? it is the body that reacts to different external and internal irritants as per the constitution, your inner energy cycle.

Don’t be over enthusiastic to live long and perfectly healthy. It is observed that street dogs live longer under starvation and rough weather than overprotected, well fed pet dogs. Therefore just enjoy your life and welcome what comes on your way without complaining and spending time and energy on what is good or bad.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating anything but just trying to explain that it is your own body to be blamed. Live and enjoy your life and read the signals. Don’t make it a Garbage container.
“Our Body is like a nagging spouse or stubborn Child, more we give, more it demands and we become the slave of our body, rather than keeping the body under our command”

From my latest book, under publication “Demanding Body”

Acupuncture and me are synonyms, it is my passion. My very trusted old British friend Prof. Victor Foster, president of ...

Acupuncture and me are synonyms, it is my passion. My very trusted old British friend Prof. Victor Foster, president of British Acupuncture Association, honoured me presenting this tie in 1984 with yin and yang sign at a world Congress at Brighton. He used to call me “Lighthouse of Alternative Medicines” and live wire of complementary medicines. Thanks Victor for all your help to promote my techniques in UK and European countries.

Do you dream with open Eyes?It is very commonly said that you must dream your goals with open eyes to get what you want ...

Do you dream with open Eyes?

It is very commonly said that you must dream your goals with open eyes to get what you want in life. But did anyone notice that such statements come from those who have been very successful and have achieved whatever they desired? However what about those in large numbers who in spite of dreaming their goals failed terribly and suffered from many mental and physical problems such as loss of self-confidence, depression, insomnia, restlessness, obsessive compulsive neurosis, anorexia, body aches, and pains, and numerous health problems. So what percentage this theory works???

I believe first you deserve before you desire otherwise make yourself deserving and capable by hard work without being attached emotionally to your goal. If you are deeply connected to your dreams, might feel totally disgusted in case you are not able to achieve them. Frankly speaking, I have never been a dreamer, even hardly dreaming at the night due to only 3-4 hours of deep sleep after a hard day’s 18-20 hours of work. If an idea comes to my mind I start working without a minute delay unlike many who postpone things for tomorrow. I have never taken any advice from anyone and even don’t discuss with anyone for advice, as everyone gives advice as per their own thinking and experiences which may not suit you. Such advices often leads to confusion and delay in action. The more you listen to others and look for advice more confessed you become. while right time slips fast. Remember there is a right time for everything, if you lose that time you may lose your goals. Timing is EVERYTHING.

Don’t forget we all are different people not necessarily if one formula worked for one may also work for you too. For example, I never suffer from Jet-leg, hangovers, or even boredom, but it doesn’t mean that others also are immune to these common problems. In fact many times we get attached to others' experiences and unknowingly make ourselves a victim of such concepts, which may not exist in reality. It is all a mind game.
One can dream for own future but don’t get attached as any attachment results in lifelong suffering. Do your job with your full dedication and gladly accept the outcome, whatever it is. To be happy and contented is up to you, how you take the outcome of your efforts. A millionaire may be unhappy and pass sleepless nights while a pauper may be happy in day-to-day struggle and have a sound sleep at the night.

I often say that I suffer from a disease called “DETACHMENT” which is the goal of YOGA. Be inside but still outside. It works in every field. Often people come to me for the treatment of premature ej*******on, which is due to getting too involved with fantasies. Be in the act but still outside, which is an art, and everyone can master it with little practice. Enjoy every pleasure of life without being attached to anything, as all sufferings are due to our emotional attachment. So STOP dreaming and start WORKING. First “Plan on your WORK, then Work on your plan”.

Historical facts about Indian GeniusesIt may surprise many of us that many scientific discoveries, which are claimed to ...

Historical facts about Indian Geniuses

It may surprise many of us that many scientific discoveries, which are claimed to come from the West, in fact, originated on Indian soil by great Indian scientists and philosophers. I will mention these dates in terms of BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era). 1 CE is approximately when Buddhism was first introduced in China, or silk first appeared in Western Europe. As far as 1 BCE is concerned, it is calculated from the death of Herod the Great, whose death is marked as 1BCE. Many historians believe that Herod died in 4 BCE. There is nothing to confuse about, as it is just a change in terms and abbreviation. For example, the date of Julius Caesar was assassinated is 44 BC ( Before Christ) will be termed as 44 BCE and Columbus discovered America in 1492 AD (Anno Domini – In the year of our lord Jesus Christ) it will be 1492 CE.
Acharya (Guru, Researcher, and Philosopher) Patanjali (200 BCE): He is known as the Father of Yoga. He hailed from the district Gonda (Ganara) in North India (UP). In fact, he is the one who initially originated the idea of Prana, the life breath as a conscious means to control the body, mind, and soul. His 84 yogic postures practically enhanced the functions of the nervous, respiratory, digestive, circulatory, and endocrinal functions and organs of the body. All the eight forms of yoga such as Yam, Niyam, Asan, Pranayam, Pratyahr, Dhyan, and Dharna help in achieving the ultimate bliss of God through Samadhi.

Acharya Charak (600 BCE): He is also known as the father of Medicine. His extensive work in medical practice elaborating the principles, diagnoses, and treatment is known as “Charak Samhita” and is still considered an encyclopedia of Ayurveda. At the time when Europeans were confused about different theories of the science of human anatomy, he revealed the fundamental facts about human anatomy, physiology, embryology, pharmacology, and detailed discussion on diabetes, tuberculosis, and heart diseases. In “Charak Samhita” he has described the uses of more than 100,000 herbal plants and emphasised the importance of diet and body activity to mind and body. He mentioned the importance and correlation of spirituality and physical health in connection to diagnoses and treatment. He also prescribed the ethical oath for medical practitioners two centuries before the Hippocratic Oath.

Acharya Sushruta (600 BCE): He is known as the father of plastic and general surgery. His “Sushruta Samhita” is a unique encyclopedia of surgery in which he has described more than 300 types of operations, 125 types of surgical instruments, and many types of stitching materials using horse’s hair, and fibres of bark at that time. He was a pioneer in cranial and plastic surgery, fractures and dislocations, and surgery including amputation and cesarean section.

Not only in the field of yoga, medicine, and surgery but Indians have led the world in many other subjects such as Mathematics, Algebra, Astronomy, Atomic theory, Chemical Science, cosmology, and Aviation. If it is not very out of place, I would love to mention these great Indian scientists whose original pioneer work should be recognized internationally.

Aryabhatt (476 CE): Born in Kusumpur (Bihar), at the age of 23 he wrote a book on astronomy and “Aryabhatiyam” on mathematics. He formulated the process of calculating the movements of planets and the times of eclipse. He was the first to proclaim that the earth is round and it rotates on its axis, orbits the sun, and is suspended in space. This was more than 1000 years before Copernicus published his heliocentric theory. He also described the process of calculation of P (Pi) to four decimal places: 3.1416 and the sine table in trigonometry. Centuries later in 835 CE, an Arab mathematician, Mohammad Ibna Musa credited the value of Pi to Indian Hindus. The important concept of Zero was introduced by Aryabhatt, without which modern computer technology would have been non-existent.

Bhaskaracharya (1114-1183 CE): Born in Vajjadit (Jalgoan) in Maharastra, is known as a genius in Algebra. His renowned mathematical work is called “Lilavati”, and “Bijaganita,” and in his treatise “Siddhant Shiromani” he describes the planetary positions, eclipse, cosmography, mathematical techniques, and astronomical instruments. He describes the force of gravity in “Surya Siddhant” as “Objects fall on earth due to a force of attraction by the earth”. He was the first to discover gravity, 500 years before Sir Isaac Newton. He also described the reason that how the earth, moon, sun, and other planets are held in orbit due to this attraction.

Acharya Kanad (600 BCE): Born in Prabhas Kshetra near Dwarika in Gujarat, is the founder of “Vaisheshik Darshan” the atomic theory. He classified all the objects of creation into nine elements namely: earth, water, light, wind, ether, time, space, mind, and soul. As per his theory, “Every object of creation is made of atoms, which in turn connect with others to form molecules.” His statement ushered in the atomic theory for the very first time in the world approximately 2500 years before John Dalton. Kanad has also described the dimensions and motions of atoms and their chemical reactions with each other. The eminent historian T.N. Colebrook has said, “Compared to the scientists of Europe, Kanad and other Indian scientists were the global masters of this field”.

Nagarjuna (100 CE): Born in the village of Baluka in Madhya Pradesh, was an extraordinary wizard of chemical science. His masterpieces such as “Ras Ratnakar”, Rashrudaya”, and “Rasendramangal” are renowned contributions in the field of the science of Chemistry. Where the medieval English alchemists failed, he discovered the alchemy of transmuting base metal into gold. He also authored medical books such as “Arogyamanjari” and “Yogasar” which made a significant contribution to the field of curative medicine. He was appointed the Chancellor of famous Nalanda University.

Varahamihir (499-587 CE): He is a renowned astrologer and astronomer lived in Avanti (Ujjan). He mentioned that the moon and planets are lustrous due to sunlight. His books are known for his many discoveries in the domain of geography, constellations, science, botany, and animal science. He also mentioned cures for various diseases affecting plants and trees. He is known for his extraordinary books “ Bruhad Samhita:, “Bruhad Jatak”, “Panchsiddhant,” and his unique contribution to the science of astrology and astronomy.

Acharya Bharadwaj (800 BCE): He had a hermitage (Ashram) in the holy city of Prayag and was an expert in Ayurveda and the mechanical sciences. He is known as the pioneer of aviation. He authored the “Yantra Sarvasava” which deals with extraordinary discoveries in aviation science. He described three categories of flying machines:

One that flies on earth from one place to other.
One that travels from one planet to another.
One that travels from one universe to another.

His designs and discoveries have influenced the aviation engineers of today. His brilliance in aviation technology is further reflected in techniques described by him:

Profound Secret: The technique to make a flying machine invisible through the application of sunlight and wind force.
Living Secret: The technique to make an invisible space machine visible through the application of electrical force.

The secret of Eavesdropping: The technique to listen to a conversation on another plane.

Visual Secret: The technique to see what is happening inside another plane.

Acharya Kapil (3000BCE): He is the celebrated founder of Sankhya philosophy, the father of Cosmology, believed to have been born in 3000 BCE to the illustrious sage Kardam and Devhuti. His work threw light on the nature and principles of the ultimate Soul (Purusha), primal matter (Prakruti), and creation. His concept of the transformation of energy and profound commentaries on Atma, Non-Atma, and subtle elements of the cosmos placed him in an elite class of master’s achievers. Due to his extraordinary observations and revelations on the secrets of creation, he is recognized as the father of cosmology.

Singh. BK, "Bhupendra Acupuncture Techniques" ISBN: 978-0-9733743-8-4, 2009

NOW WHAT??If you recall for the last about two years I have been warning that NO VACCINE will give any sort of IMMUNITY ...


If you recall for the last about two years I have been warning that NO VACCINE will give any sort of IMMUNITY against COVID 19, a corona group of viruses. More than any other virus Corona group of viruses is notorious to keep mutating with vengeance for survival in order to dodge the body's Immune system. But during this process of constant mutation down the road, its protein structure will be acceptable to the body and our immune system will not react to its protein as with many other viruses with which we are living for generations. Frankly speaking, even an ordinary mask is not protective against these Viruses which are usually much smaller than bacteria with the vast majority being submicroscopic. While most viruses range in size from 5 to 300 nanometers (nm), in recent years a number of giant viruses, including Mimiviruses and Pandoraviruses with a diameter of 0.4 micrometers (µm), have been identified. For a comparison of the size of a virus. The size of covid 19 is about 125 nm(0.125 microns). They have enveloped viruses with an RNA genome. The genome size varies from 24 to 34 kilobases, the largest among known RNA viruses.

Viruses are not our enemies as some are needed for our healthy metabolism. We have been living with trillions of viruses within and outside of our bodies with no problem but when a virus from an animal or plant kingdom jumps into the human body, it tries to adjust to the new environment and which is not liked by our body, creating a lot of health problems. But once it adjusts well and the body accepts its presence, things will be normal but till then one has to be careful.

Much against the high-level money-making game plan of multinational Pharmaceutical companies, WHO, political and big business tycoons involvement of fear-mongering to promote vaccination is now obvious that there is no protection from vaccinations as even people with TWO boosters have suffered from this group of VIRUS. I have expressed my fear many times in the past that this type of repeated vaccination will not provide any sort of protection but may definitely jeopardize our natural immune system, making us more susceptible to many other future epidemics. This Argument that vaccines protect you against serious illness and hospitalization, has also fallen flat on its face and many fully vaccinated even with TWO boosters not only were hospitalized but also died. Some survived with lingering multiple health problems, while many without a single vaccination had no symptoms except a little bad taste and a feeling of MALAISE.

When the weather is WILD, with Thunder Storms and Cyclones you prefer to stay home and whenever a patch of road is ROUGH, you drive carefully, so please observe the protective precautions till this phase is over and during the constant mutation process the VIRUS become more mild and acceptable to our body system.

I'm not against vaccination as it has changed our lifestyle but the same vaccination principle will not work against the CORONA group of Viruses, Is it too difficult to UNDERSTND? Don't you learn from experiences???

The only prevention is personal hygiene, repeated hand washing, a 95 N mask, and not touching the nose, mouth, and eyes unnecessarily by hand. The BEST thing is not to get PANIC as this will lower your immunity. Keeping a social distance and avoiding public places as much as one can is the best OPTION. Good luck.

"BHUPENDRA THEORY OF WASTE-END PRODUCTS"Important Note: I have always written and spoken out of the box and against the ...

Important Note: I have always written and spoken out of the box and against the current belief system which is often ridiculed and rejected in the beginning but later accepted with laurels. My many speculations, conjectures, hypothesis, and theories were rather decisively rejected but later after serious thoughts and discussions accepted and AWARDED internationally. My most controversial theory “ ACUPUNCTURE - ITS ORIGIN IN INDIA” was rejected by many journals and magazines but first accepted in Copenhagen and later awarded as “BEST PAPER” at an International Congress of medicines, co-sponsored by World Health Organization at KYOTO, Japan. Many tried to buy the copyrights at any cost but I rejected the offers outright. Same my theories on “GLOBAL WARMING”, “Christ- Grooming to Grave in India”, “India - The First Civilization” and “Bhupendra Theory of Waste-end Products” have been presented and published in London, Amsterdam, Oslo, and Beijing, now being discussed by scientists and accepted. My other statement that no vaccine can provide a sure shot immunity against COVID-19 is gradually being realized. For the last, over 25 years I have been writing against the “MYTH” of Cholesterol, which has also been admitted now reluctantly.
( Presented and Published in many journals in London, Amsterdam, Oslo, and Beijing since 1983.)
* Prana or life force is a universal energy that supports life energy and is the electricity running in a cable system set by five elements. Energy and matter are interchangeable, as described by Einstein in his equation
E = MC2 .
* Matter is the most compressed and compact form of energy and vibrates at infinite levels with different frequencies. But in fact, both have the same origin.
* There are two types of energy, Living Qi and Material Qi.
* It also includes Inherent (cosmic) energy and Acquired energy (physical)
Bio-energy and Consciousness
* Prana or Qi is the life energy and must be present at the time of birth. It is responsible for the fetus's movements.
* The soul enters the body at the fifth month of pregnancy. The Soul (Consciousness) and Prana (Bio-energy) are different, but related entities.
* The soul, including prana first unites with Ether (Akash, universe, sky, or heaven) before uniting with the five elements.
* Prana is the positive side of the equation, as it is like the electricity that flows through the body. So there are six elements, Ether, Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, and Prana.
* According to Ayurveda the five physical elements act as a receptacle for the life force or Prana, and later for the conscious aspect or soul. Ether enters the body along with prana, and contains the negative force, completing the cycle.
Positive and Negative energy
* The male, who contains more positive energy, tends to suffer more from problems such as Myocardial infarction and Strokes, while females who possess more negative energy, suffer with nervous disorders such as nervous breakdown, Hysteria, Depression, and Migraine.
* Health is a state of energetic equilibrium and ill health is energetic disequilibrium. Any disequilibrium between bio-energy and cosmic energy arising from many exogenous and endogenous factors will first disturb the protective electromagnetic field, resulting in various illnesses.
* At the time of fertilization during coitus, movement is represented by Wind, leading to friction (or**sm) resulting in sweating or heat or Fire, causing the ej*******on of semen, or Water, which fertilizes the o**m, forming the zygote, and leading to solidification, or Earth. In this process, Prana the positive energy (male), joins with negative energy (Female) or Ether. Element wood is responsible for the growth and Metal plays the role of APOPTOSIS, programmed cellular death resulting body structure and features.
* The human body is the by-product of the Life force or Prana, and any imbalance or disturbance in the proper and rhythmic flow of this energy, by any of the five elements, will manifest in dis-ease or discomfort.
* All living beings are fragments of vast cosmic energy. They are influenced by environmental changes, while the bio-energy of living beings also influences cosmic energy through different electro-magnetic fields.
* Our energy adapts to the shape of our physical body and stays the same even after the body has been destroyed until that energy enters into another bodily form. As long as the energy stays in one bodily form, it is influenced by its surroundings at the biological level through many exogenous and endogenous factors.
* The bio-energy is generated differently within each cell as per the chemistry of the cell, the nature of the cell, and the organ functions. This bio-energy, which is more or less mandatory for physical survival, after reacting with cosmic energy, forms an electro-magnetic field inside, as well as outside, the physical body.
* Quantum character of any energy reaction generates different impulses of a transient process. The chemical reaction based on the different cellular structures of the individual organs of the body generates positive or negative energies. These waves may be positive when a chemical reaction irradiates energy, and negative when a reaction absorbs energy.
Bhupendra Pulse Diagnosis
* Billions of impulses form a very complex picture of interferential waves in the body's cellular structures. These interferential waves create a lattice of energy density with different nodes at specific body organs based on their cellular structure. Low density stimulates the catabolic process (breakdown of complex molecules in living organisms to release energy-a destructive metabolism), while high energy produces anabolic activities (synthesis of complex molecules in the living organism from simpler ones resulting in storage of the energy).
* The constant cyclic changes of energy density at every node of the body and type of metabolism (all the chemical process in a living organism producing energy and growth) are changing synchronously. The process of changing characters of energy in form of waves is balanced with the metabolic processes in the entire body system very precisely, simultaneously adjusting with the utmost accuracy of the atomic clock. If this process is not balanced accurately and the energy of waves and the energy of metabolism compensate for each other the vital oscillation will stop resulting in death
* The entire process of these energy movements is represented in form of different pulses in the living body. Pulse diagnosis is based on the pulse signal waves and parameters of interferential waveforms. Based on the specific areas in spaces of the body we can determine the metabolic status of that organ. So the term such as high-low, fullness–emptiness, excess-deficient, and heat-cold are the representations of the character of metabolic functional activities and the status of vital energy of that organ.
Bhupendra Theory of Waste-end Products (WEP)
* All living beings are fragments of a vast cosmic energy. They are influenced by environmental changes, while the bio-energy of living beings also influences cosmic energy through different electromagnetic fields.
* Our energy adapts to the shape of our physical body and stays the same even after the body has been destroyed until that energy enters into another bodily form. As long as the energy stays in one bodily form, it is influenced by its surroundings at the biological level through many exogenous and endogenous factors.
* The bio-energy is generated differently within each cell as per the chemistry of the cell, the nature of the cell, and the organ functions. This bio-energy, which is more or less mandatory for physical survival, after reacting with cosmic energy, forms an electro-magnetic field inside, as well as outside, the physical body.
* Skin permeability and trillions of tiny pores act as windows in energy transactions.
Fundamental Concept of the Theory
* The body is under constant exposure to many known and unknown endogenous and exogenous irritants and stimuli.
* This results in a chain of chemical reactions generated from each and every cell of the body, in turn involving its structural and functional body organs.
* The by-products of these long-chained chemical reactions are expelled out from the body through urine, stool, sweat, expiration, mucous, etc.
* Since these by-products are being continuously produced in the body from the irritants to which we are constantly exposed such as sun, dust, clothing, emotions, etc, the body needs a constant expulsion of these waste products to maintain positive health.
* These chemicals, which are released from different body organs, based on the nature of the irritants, are constantly broken down into end products through the enzymatic action of cells and are being constantly liberated through the skin permeability and numerous tiny skins pores.
* This constant high-velocity liberation of waste end-products due to friction forms an energy circle around the living physical body.
* This bio-energy in turn forms an electromagnetic field around the physical body maintaining open communication with cosmic energy in health and disease.
* The chemistry of WEP makes a person smell differently in health and disease, based on the nature of the irritants and body organs involved. Even different parts of the body smell differently, including sebaceous glands, based on their chemistry.
Body’s Chemical Defence System
* The body’s defence mechanism is under constant stress and strain due to many exogenous and endogenous irritants which generate antigen and antibody reactions, leading to the release of many known and unknown chemicals, such as histamines, 5 hydroxytryptamines from platelets, and polypeptides such as pain-producing vasodilator Kinins from plasma.
* At the time of physical and emotional trauma, capillary walls become sticky on the inside; platelets adhere, disintegrate, and release 5-HT. At first capillary permeability increases due to histamine release, and later to activation of protein permeability factor in plasma. 5-HT is a vasoconstrictor, hence the name serotonin, but in high concentration produces vasodilatation.
* Kallidin is a polypeptide hormone formed by Kallikrein through the hydrolysis of a fragment of a polypeptide chain of a blood protein. Two more varieties are identified, Kallidin I (bradykinin), containing 9 amino acids, and Kallidin II, containing 10 amino acids.
* Likewise, based on the situation, the body’s defence produces a chain of chemicals, some of which are excreted from the body through urine, sweat, stool etc. but in order to get rid of these waste products immediately the body breaks them down into smaller and still smaller molecules, and further into ionic form, through enzymatic action and these are constantly being liberated through numerous tiny skin pores and skin permeability, passing through fine arterioles and specific intracellular networks as per the organ involved.
Capillary Tone
* The complex chemicals produced due to different types of stimuli increase the permeability of the capillary.
* To study the phenomenon of capillary permeability, India ink was injected into the vessels of a resting muscle, and on section, few capillaries could be seen on examination, and most were very narrow.
* Large doses of histamine injections revealed more dilated and blood-filled capillaries. If this situation remains for too long it may cause circulatory failure due to not enough blood in the veins.
* Normal capillary tone is thus important and is controlled by situational physical and chemical agents, which are further broken down into WEP to be quickly released from the body to avoid further accumulation, as they are constantly being produced in the body.
* Every person liberates different types of WEP from different body areas based on his/her lifestyle, food habits, surroundings, and the nature of energy one possess.
Healthy Halo
* In a healthy person in a conducive environment, this process goes on uninterrupted, forming a healthy halo or aura around the physical body.
* In a sick person, the overproduction of a particular form of WEP involving specific organs causes stagnation and overcrowding of WEP, jamming the passage, resulting in a broken or irregular body aura.
* This makes a person look sick, dull, and faded and liberates an abnormal smell. The author, based on his vast clinical experience, can diagnose many diseases, such as smallpox, tetanus, and leucoderma, just by the smell.
* Specific WEP, released from a particular organ due to specific stimuli, pass through a set pattern of deeply integrated body networks of channels or meridians, to be liberated from specific areas.
Disease Pattern
* Any endogenous or exogenous stimuli, when it becomes a constant focus of irritation to any particular body organ, results in an overproduction of certain WEP, leading to a blockage of the channel pathway and pores, due to overcrowding. This load of chemicals not being released from the body interferes with the normal functioning of the organ, making it sick.
* At this stage, the body tries to compensate by transferring these WEP to a different pathways through fine collaterals for quick disposal. If the stimulus is not very strong, the disease is overpowered and the person feels better.
* In another situation, if the stimulus is stronger and sustained, disease sets in and later involves other pathways, resulting in interference of other organs.
* Acupuncture helps in the release of these blocked WEP at specific points.
* Some acupuncture points get discoloured, nodular, and tender, based on the nature of accumulated WEP and the organ involved.
Specific WEP
* Different types of WEP are liberated through set channels and specific skin areas.
* For example, WEP which is the product of severe allergic reactions in the body involve the reticular-endothelial system, especially the spleen, and is liberated from a wide area on the skin, forming rashes, urticaria, and hives, due to their excessive accumulation under the skin. Itching helps in dispersing these locally stagnated WEP. By pulse diagnosis one can know the stagnation of Qi in a specific organ, and thus help in relief.
* Those WEP which are responsible for the release of certain pain-inducing neurotransmitters pass through a specific network of channels and are finally liberated from certain skin areas, and when blocked due to overproduction, can be released by puncturing these specific areas on the body surface.
* The Back-shu and Mu-front points are in direct communication with specific organs, so are immediately blocked and get pigmented, discoloured, tender, or nodular. Puncturing these points helps in the quick liberation of WEP.
Colour, Velocity and Chemistry of WEP
This will depend on the following factors:
* Chemical nature and extent of the irritant
* Nature of the cell and organ involved
* State of the internal energy of the cell and organ
* Specific functions of the cells dealing with the irritants
* Extent of the organ involved
* Changing chemistry and polar energy of the organ
* Existing endogenous and exogenous factors
* Personal energy pattern type
* Food habits
* Geographical distribution
* Hormonal interference
* Interference with other irritants or other physiological reactions
* Temperature fluctuations, etc.
* By tracing the disturbing aura and its colour in relation to acupuncture terminal points, meridian proximity, and organ topographical situation, the root cause of the disease and its pattern can be diagnosed.
* Chemical analytical study of specific WEP can help in tracing the type of irritant and organ involved. This can be a great breakthrough in understanding the etiological factors and basic pathogenesis of many diseases which still remain obscure.
* Once the chemistry of various WEP is established to a great extent, though it will keep changing as the person’s body responds to different stimuli, it will help to confirm the diagnosis of a diseased aura.
Basic Mechanism of Acute Illness
* WEP are produced during all routine physiological and metabolic body functions.
* Whenever there is excess production of toxic substances in the body due to sustained strong irritants and those toxins which can’t be converted into end-products due to sudden overproduction, the body tries to expel them through various other routes.
* Sudden excessive sweating, quick breathing, coughing, increased bladder and bowel movement are a few examples.
* Every cell and organ has different chemistry based on the functions they perform, and they react differently to the same irritant and produce specific WEP to a particular irritant. This WEP is liberated from the body through the organ channels and has a distinct smell, based on the chemistry of the organ and the chemical reaction.
* Each organ is associated with specific irritants and deals with them. Every irritant affects each body cell and produces different WEP.
Application of WEP theory
* By producing a graph on the screen of different electromagnetic waveforms, and with the help of measured comparative studies of a normal healthy WEP graph, a whole-body diagnosis can be made. The patient will lay in an electromagnetically sensitive chamber, which will collect all forms of waves from the body and project them on the screen in a graph form.
* Some work has been done with German and Indian collaboration which could not be continued due to lack of funds, proper equipment, and communication problems.
Clinical Importance of the Theory
* Early Diagnosis
* Accurate indication of the organ involved
* Severity of the problem
* Nature of the disease
* Stage of the disease
* Response to treatment
* Change of energy pattern can be measured topographically
* Preventive, diagnostic, and prognostic applications
* On the basis of this theory the exact mechanism of many healing systems can be better understood, such as Yoga, Physiotherapy, Massage, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Osteopathy, etc.
* This theory is an attempt to bring spirituality and science closer together while providing a common inter-explainable foundational bridge in health as well as in dis-ease.
Note: Young, old, women, and men all smell differently at different ages and phases of life and dis-ease. We can diagnose patients by their different WEPs characterized by the organ and system involved such as smallpox, tetanus, VD, strokes, age, CANCER etc. Even dogs can be trained to smell such specific smells diagnosing many diseases at an early stage.


119-2238 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm


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Bhupendra Acupuncture Techniques

Bhupendra Techniques is a unique approach to Acupuncture treatment which synthesizes the modern western scientific medical model with time tested ancient Indian concept of Kundalini Yoga, Chakras and Nadis to regenerate vitality, promote physical, mental, and spiritual health and counter the aging process. It is a mellow combination of Eastern and Western Philosphical and scientific concepts with the aim of reactivating the cells and tissues of the body in order to systematize and regenerate the vital energy in health and dis-ease. Dr. Singh has developed these techniques on the basis of his Medical background and experience of treating thousands of patients worldwide. Many Western doctors are using his techniques, points, and concepts in their day to day practice .

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