We are looking for a Part-Time and Full-Time housekeepers who are friendly, reliable and take pride in their work. If this sounds like you, give us a call.
Starting salary ranges from $$19.00 to $21.00 depending on level of relevant previous experience, whether candidate drives or not and other factors.
Additional compensation for travel time (and gas if you use your own car to get to job sites ,however company car is available for use for work).
After successful 3-month probation period, salary increase as well as annual increase. One-time * $300.00 * BONUS for candidates who drive. (either company car or employee car)
*after 3 pay periods without absences
Shifts are Monday to Friday between 8:30 and 4:30. ( evening and weekend shifts are available for extra hours but not mandatory).
Possibility of starting wage of $24.00 per hour for extra janitorial work. To be discussed during interview.
Expected start date: Immediately