Helping out at the community counting fence,
Very happy with our local return, Big Smilie Coho returning to Spawn
Marc And Teagan Harding out last year for winter springs Fishing Sooke great day, Let's go
Our local Sooke river produced some amazing springs for our volunteer hatchery, today
All our brood stock and some very hefty Big Smilies
Lots in the 30 lb range and a few 40 s
Released a lot of fish back in the system
Very happy thanksgiving too all!
Langara island sealions great fishing means more predators these guys got every 3rd fish part of the excitement
Sweet day , East Sooke park has awesome scenery, after two nice springs,
This hungry Eagle spotted a cod,
Ya just never know always an adventure
One of my local favourite spots Love Sooke
Secretary island
Uncut version Big Smilie Hunt, evening Bite with Rob and Shawn . Successful Chinook Seekers
August charter 2014
a big SMILIE released
this is a video, out by myself looking for fish for my clients, this one gets too spawn, catch and release