"The data suggest that STRs are not a pivotal factor on the long-term rental market. Discouraging them also risks undermining confidence in the desire to invest in new supply. STRs need to be examined in a much broader economic context." - CMHC Deputy Chief Economist
"The role of STRs in Canada’s housing challenges remains a subject of ongoing policy debate in many Canadian cities. STR activity is increasingly significant in the Canadian accommodation services subsector. However, in the housing market, STRs still account for a small proportion of total housing units." - Statistics Canada
In the City of Whitehorse, potential long-term rental dwellings on Airbnb are estimated to be fewer than 50 in total, or less than 0.3% of all homes.
See original post: tinyurl.com/4nufvh29
Read the full report: www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-621-m/11-621-m2024010-eng.htm