1% for the Planet was founded more than 20 years ago with the idea that a company has a responsibility to give back for use of our planet’s resources. Now, over 5, 200 companies worldwide contribute at least 1% of their total sales to environmental organizations working together to support people and the planet.
We’re proud to be a certified member of 1 % for the Planet and thrilled that this year’s funds will be going towards an Indigenous Youth River Guide Training Program facilitated by Bobbi Rose Koe in the Yukon and Northwest Territories.
Bobbi is a powerful orator, a leader in her community and across the North and a river guide with a generational understanding of the rivers of the Peel Watershed; her family was born, raised, and buried on this land for millenia.
Through river guide training, Bobbi’s initiative cultivates Indigenous youth leadership and strengthens their ties to traditional lands and practices.
📍Traditional territory of the Nahʔą Dehé Dene
📷 by the talented !