Savan Coffee Bean 我們在寮國百崧是一個農場, 或許大家對 寮國不甚了解但事實上寮國也是種植咖啡的產區且行之有年. 我們的咖啡豆是100%阿拉比卡咖啡豆且是單品豆沒有任何混豆及商業豆,雖不是冠軍豆但確可以評比它國的極品豆.為堅持品質以及不淪入市面作混豆我們不透過經,貿商行銷而是以產銷合一方式經營且以高品質合理的價位回饋給消費者. 我們的咖啡豆;味道香醇濃苦弱,酸弱,入口順,回甘強;因此在2015年6月世貿的食品展我們的咖啡豆經由消費者品嚐得到了驗證也得到到了廣大的迴響,在加拿大也經由有15 年烘培及杯測經驗的烘培師 評比我們的咖啡豆帶有藍綠色且硬度強是極品豆且適合單品豆 .希望借由這次的推廣能讓大家更進一步了解寮國這個國家也能種出高品質的咖啡豆.ㄧ 個最接近您的地方;與您零距離的接觸,以種子遠播,以豆結緣. 歡迎加入我們FB粉絲團,若要預購我們的產品,歡迎到我們的網站與我
們連繫訂購. Savan Coffee Bean is a coffee bean farm. Paksong is located in southern Laos at Borlaven plateau altitude: 1300 meters high in latitude; this is also a former volcano zone. Our coffee beans are 100% regional arabica coffee beans. It has a strong and mellow taste. The taste has been tested in the food show at Taipei World Trade Center, held on June 24-27, 2015. It was our first time displaying our product in the Asian market and in result, all of our coffee beans were sold out. The other important detail is that we have built our name succesfully in this show. For more details or you would like to pre-order our coffee beans, please feel free to join our page or visit our website to contact us.