Walking Goma City Tour by Christian

Walking Goma City Tour by Christian This is the official reference page in local guiding in Democratic Republic of the Congo The success of this activity has been proven.

In case you are looking for someone to guide you during your stay in Goma, Christian is the best of best local guide...
I have been working as a local guide since 2012 and have guided several tourists from all over the world. I was selected as one of the participants of Young African Leaders Initiatives Cohort 13. In Coming two years we shall be acting in transportation services and accommodation of tourists in Goma. WALKING GOMA CITY TOUR DEPENDS ON YOU


Hi, my name is Dan Torsiello. I'm a high school world history teacher, coach, and … Dan Torsiello needs your support for Help Build A School In Rural Africa


On 24 March, we guided a Safari into .
The site is impressive. It’s inclusive of everything. Interestingly, you can definitely see as well.

Are you traveling to Congo 🇨🇩? This is a must to see and our team will always be delighted to offer you the best of experience.

Credit :

Spectacular view of the rapids of Kinsuka, ⛳️ Kinshasa  To tour the City of Kinshasa : +243840848484 or info@congolocalg...

Spectacular view of the rapids of Kinsuka, ⛳️ Kinshasa

To tour the City of Kinshasa : +243840848484 or [email protected]

Credit : Mornè Strydom


1 Km Temoin


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The way we started

In case you are looking for someone to guide you during your stay in Goma and DRCongo, Congo Local Guides is the best way... The idea came from Christian in 2010 to be engaged in tourism and hospitality. With technical assistance from a Sloven friend, we first have been listed as local guide at SAFARI JU**IE, one of the most attractive travel blog in Africa (2014). One year After, a Canadian couple that reviewed our tour helped us to join TripAdvisor. Since then we have guided several tourists from all over the world. The success of this activity has been proven through satisfaction of our tourists as explained by reviews. We are open to partnership from tourist industry . In Coming years we shall be acting in transportation services, accommodation of tourists and many innovative services. Congo Local Guides success RELIES ON YOU