Konni Media കോന്നിയൂരിലേക്ക് ഏവര്‍ക്കും സ്വാഗത? About Konni Taluk

Konni is a Taluk in Pathanamthitta District of Kerala State, India. It belongs to South Kerala Division .

Konni Taluk Head Quarters is Konni town . It is located 9 KM towards East from District head quarters Pathanamthitta. 96 KM from State capital Thiruvananthapuram towards South . Konni Taluk is bounded by by Pathanamthitta Taluk towards west , Parakode Taluk towards west , Pathanapuram Taluk towards South , Elanthoor Taluk towards west . Pathanamthitta City , Punalur City , Chengannur City , Maveli

kkara City are the nearby Cities to Konni. It is in the 22 m elevation(altitude) . This Place is in the border of the Pathanamthitta District and Kollam District. Kollam District Pathanapuram is South towards this place . Sabarimala , Sasthamkotta , Thenmala , Kuttanad , Vagamon are the near by Important tourist destinations to see. Demographics of Konni Taluk

Malayalam is the Local Language here. Also People Speaks English . Weather and Climate of Konni Taluk

It is Hot in summer. Konni summer highest day temperature is in between 29 ° C to 34° C . Average temperatures of January is 28 ° C , February is 28 ° C , March is 29 ° C , April is 30 ° C , May is 29 ° C . HOW TO REACH Konni Taluk

By Rail

There is no railway station near to Konni Taluk in less than 10 km. How ever Quilon Jn Rail Way Station is major railway station 52 KM near to Konni

Pin codes of Konni Taluk

689671 ( Mylapra ) , 689544 ( Vennikulam ) , 689691 ( Konny ) , 689532 ( Edayarnmula ) , 689659 ( Vallicode ) , 689656 ( Vallicode Kottayam ) , 689646 ( Mallasseri )

Banks in Konni

Bank Of Baroda, Konni Br, Kerala ( Ifsc Code : BARB0KONNIX , micrCode: 689012352)
Canara Bank, Konni ( Ifsc Code : CNRB0002920 , micrCode: NON-MICR)
Catholic Syrian Bank, Vallicode ( Ifsc Code : CSBK0000215 , micrCode: NON-MICR)
South Indian Bank, Mylapra Branch ( Ifsc Code : SIBL0000353 , micrCode: NON MICR)




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