do you know and hi NYEGERE (honey badger) THIS IS THE ANIMAL JEALOUS THAN ANY BEING IN THE WORLD this is an animal that lives alone in a hole that it digs for itself characteristics of nigere 1. It is a good digger because it digs hard and firmly, no matter how hard the ground is, within 10 minutes it has finished digging. 2. Nyegere is very lazy and I scold him, that is, you are told that when he is tired, he lies down anywhere and there is no one to take him out. 3. it is a small animal but it eats everything, even poisonous ones such as snakes, ticks, etc 4. but the thing he likes is HONEY, he likes it more than anything else. There is also a bird whose job is to show him where the hive is, that bird is called (honey guide) and when he arrives, he cuts the honey 5. he has one of his weapons which is dirty air (sushuzi) called anyogrand secretion, this is more than the smell of a carcass or toilet, no animal can tolerate this smell NOW LET'S GO INTO JEALOUSY 1. This is the animal that is more jealous than any other animal, that is, until you humans have reached it, you are told that as soon as a leaf touches its female, it fights with it until it is understood. You can do it if you don't run to the rope of humiliation, that's the nyegere merivola capensis -honey badger