Recently, I have been intrigued by motivation and how it drives us.
Do you sometimes say “I am not motivated to do this”? And do you sometimes say “I am really motivated to do that”? Do you ever question why you say these things?
Some people seem to always be highly motivated whereas others hardly ever show any.The root of motivation is motive which means a reason for action and if you think about it we act either towards something or away from something.
When we act towards something we engage with our ambitions and it makes us strive for independence and growth. Whereas, when we act away from something it is usually a reaction to fear or a negative feeling deep inside. We may not want to act but maybe we feel a certain obligation or maybe we feel forced.
Think about a time when someone asked you to do a task at work. Did you do it because it tapped into your ambition and would bring personal growth? Or, if you really think about it and admit it to yourself, did you do it out of some degree of fear or reluctance because if you didn’t you might make your boss disappointed or worse lose your job?
Our motivation is the Why we do something. Therefore, if we want more motivation towards something meaningful in our lives, we must make clearer choices and more deeply commit to them. To do this we must find ways to change our mindset and look for solutions that will bring us closer to our goals.
The good news is that we all have the power within us to choose how we want our motivation to show. We can either set intentions to be enthusiastic, focus and tune into our motivation or we can allow fear or reluctance take hold of our actions and let mediocrity enter our lives.
Whatever you decide remember that choice is the mother of motivation.