Health Success

Health Success I want to share my knowledge, experience and findings about how to live and create a healthy and successful life.


Recently, I have been intrigued by motivation and how it drives us.
Do you sometimes say “I am not motivated to do this”? And do you sometimes say “I am really motivated to do that”? Do you ever question why you say these things?
Some people seem to always be highly motivated whereas others hardly ever show any.The root of motivation is motive which means a reason for action and if you think about it we act either towards something or away from something.
When we act towards something we engage with our ambitions and it makes us strive for independence and growth. Whereas, when we act away from something it is usually a reaction to fear or a negative feeling deep inside. We may not want to act but maybe we feel a certain obligation or maybe we feel forced.
Think about a time when someone asked you to do a task at work. Did you do it because it tapped into your ambition and would bring personal growth? Or, if you really think about it and admit it to yourself, did you do it out of some degree of fear or reluctance because if you didn’t you might make your boss disappointed or worse lose your job?
Our motivation is the Why we do something. Therefore, if we want more motivation towards something meaningful in our lives, we must make clearer choices and more deeply commit to them. To do this we must find ways to change our mindset and look for solutions that will bring us closer to our goals.
The good news is that we all have the power within us to choose how we want our motivation to show. We can either set intentions to be enthusiastic, focus and tune into our motivation or we can allow fear or reluctance take hold of our actions and let mediocrity enter our lives.
Whatever you decide remember that choice is the mother of motivation.

Helene shared a quote

Helene shared a quote

Meditation has been shown to help people stress less, focus more and sleep better. Learn how in just a few minutes a day with Headspace.

Effective learning vs Efficient learning

Effective learning vs Efficient learning

Think back to a time when you started a new job. Most likely you were thrilled about getting to know new colleagues, maybe you got a promotion or new responsibilities.


Are you a square peg trying to fit in a round hole?
Today I want to address the challenges to adapt to a company culture when you enter a new organization or position. Sometimes it may feel that you are a square peg trying to fit in a round hole.
The quicker you can learn the new culture the easier your transition and integration within the organization will be.
The challenge to adapt yourself can sometimes feel daunting. Bear in mind that whatever new environment you enter, there is always a culture that You need to get familiar with. It may not only be a professional environment, think about a time when you changed a sports club, another voluntary organization or even moved to another neighborhood.
In order to understand culture, let’s define it as “a set of consistent patterns people follow for communicating, thinking and acting, all grounded in their shared assumptions and values”.
The culture in any organization can be pictured as a pyramid.
The top layer is easy to detect and you find things like logo, the dress code, in-house language for positions, departments, products etc.
The second layer gets a bit more complicated. It is less obvious and here you need a first experience to figure out the culture. This experience entails to how meetings are conducted, how to win recognition and how to get support for example.
The base of the pyramid is the toughest one and takes time. Here you need to understand the fundamental assumptions and values people in the organization have about how the world works.
To help you detect some areas in which culture may play a role, here is a list to consider:
• Influence: How do people get support for critical initiatives? Is it more important to have the support of a patron within the senior team, or affirmation from your peers and direct reports that your idea is a good one?
• Meetings: Are meetings filled with dialogue on hard issues, or are they simply forums for publicly ratifying agreements that have been reached in private?
• Ex*****on: When it comes time to get things done, which matters more – a deep understanding of processes or knowing the right people?
• Conflict: Can people talk openly about difficult issues without fear of retribution? Or do they avoid conflict – or, even worse, push it to lower levels, where it can wreak havoc?
• Recognition: Does the company promote stars, rewarding those who visibly and vocally drive business initiatives? Or does it encourage team players, rewarding those who lead with authority but quietly and collaboratively?
• Ends versus means: Are there any restrictions on how you achieve results? Does the organization have a well-defined, well-communicated set of values that is reinforced through positive and negative incentives?

Adapting to a new organization is never easy. My advice is start polishing your edges by learning as much as you can from the people around you so you quickly will fit the “round” hole.
BeBold, Be Courageous and BE BRILLIANT!


Untitled Album

Genius Club

This is so clever.

Make the most of your square footage. This functional furniture puts your futon to rest. 😴

more amazing 🏠 furnishings via OZZiO Furniture & Resource Furniture


When tomatoes and aubergines are in abundance it’s great to make “involtinis”. Plenty of good vitamins and fiber.

I am baker

Maybe not the healthiest but life is too short not to have a little sugar once in a while 😃

Baileys Chocolate Poke Cake! A moist, from-scratch Baileys chocolate cake soaked in more chocolate and Baileys Irish Cream! Topped with fresh Baileys whipped cream! To die for!



Do you prefer White or Brown Eggs?
Eggs have been touted as “nature’s perfect food,” “one of the healthiest foods on the planet,” “nature’s multivitamin,” and most simply, “incredible!” After all, eggs are a good source of high-quality protein, they’re rich in healthy fats, they provide an array of essential vitamins and minerals, and they contain important carotenoids and antioxidants.

When it comes to buying eggs, you typically have two options in terms of shell color, white and brown.
Generally speaking, brown-shelled eggs are viewed as:
• Being more nutritious
• Having more flavor
• Having higher omega-3 content

Not everyone agree to this statement and lots of research has been made on the subject.
One thing that I have retained and found interesting is that studies have found that white eggs have a higher percentage of yolk that brown egg. This makes them contain a higher fat level and also a higher level of vitamin A.
On the other hand brown eggs have higher content of egg white which gives them a higher level of protein and a higher level of vitamin E.
The differences are so small, however, that it really does not matter whether you prefer white or brown.

A little trivial information is that by looking at the color of the chicken’s ear lobes, you can tell what color the eggs will be. For instance, those with white ear lobes produce white eggs.

So, get out there and check out the earlobes of the chicken you meet and tell me if in your area there are more of white eggs or brown eggs.

Be Bold, Be Courageous and BE BRILLIANT!


I had the privilege to spend a day with Monty Roberts a couple of years back. He helped me understand my horse. Many people may call him a "horse-whisperer". Whether he "whispers to horses or not, I let you make up your own mind. He wrote below life-lessons and I just want to share them.

If I could travel back to 1942, at the age of 7, I wish I could have treated my father the same as I now would a horse. It means I wouldn't blame him for anything and I would attempt to discover how he was treated as a child. Perhaps I could have helped him lose his desire to act out in a brutal fashion toward me.
While a primary school teacher saved me from acting out with violence against him, I wish I could have learned faster how to process this disastrous childhood at an earlier age than I eventually accomplished. There was great pain, physical and mental in those early years. I needed to be more cerebral.

If I could travel back to 1949, I would tell myself the world is simply not going to change overnight, you must commit the balance of your life to making the changes you perceive as absolutely necessary to be fair with the horses, I could have saved myself a lot of pain and suffering expecting a more rapid change than ever was possible.

If I could travel back to 1960 and tell myself to be more patient with a certain filly, I might have altered in a positive way my overall success rate. I know now that she was shouting to the rooftops that she wanted to be a world champion. She was very sensitive and made mistakes that I couldn't seem to forgive her for.Today I know, had I given her quiet opportunities to learn before putting pressure on her to demand success she would have lived up to her own aspirations. She is long since dead and her owner died a few years ago. I owe both of them a huge apology for denying this filly her rightful championship.

If I could travel back to 1972, I would tell myself that all business associates are not necessarily honest and loyal. I could have much earlier realized a situation seeming to be disastrous at that time could end up being the best thing that ever happened to me. We all need to learn to use lemons to make lemonade.

As I travel back to an overview of my entire career, I only wish I could have learned earlier in life that the harder I work, the luckier I get. I remember clearly competitors saying that I got good horses because I was simply lucky. It took a long time for me to learn to strike lucky from my lexicon.

If I could travel back to my first days as a mentor for the next generation, I would emphasize earlier and stronger the need to create goals. Put them "out there" where they seem to be unreachable and then put those arms to work reaching for them. No goals, no gold. Sincere goals will fuel any career to a successful conclusion.


Dean Graziosi


It's been -18° for days and the Forever Heat Lotion has become my best friend.😀


Un opportunité à ne pas manquer!

BBC Three

I just have to share this. She is amazing!

The incredible ballerina who’s been doing what she loves for 70 years.


Yesterday, I was reminded of a very valuable lesson; “Never take a learned skill for granted, one always needs to continuously practice to keep it”.
It doesn’t matter what you have learned, whether it is communication, leadership, horseback riding, swimming or even riding a bike. After a long absence practicing the skill it usually doesn’t go as smooth and perfect that you expect. You have to “get back on the saddle”. Otherwise you end up doing “stop and go” performances.
I am a Toastmaster and I was an evaluator at last night’s club meeting. And I did an unsatisfactory performance for my experience level. I was way overtime! During my preparation I decided that I wanted to keep it to a very few points and I thought I would never even make it to two minutes. Instead once on stage I started rambling and I exceeded my time by one minute. For a Distinguished Toastmaster this is not OK!
Also, to my distress, the Ah-counter’s pointed out that I had included a major number of unnecessary filler words. During my time in Toastmasters eliminating filler words has stood high on my agenda.
It has been a long time since I was an evaluator and also since I have presented a speech in a club meeting. I realized yesterday that this must change in order for me to keep up my communication skills.
So, to all of you that are on a journey of learning a new skill and think that once you have reached “an end station” your skill is acquired. Think again!
Because, unless you continuously practice all the skills you learn during your journey and take the feedback you may receive at heart, you too may experience a personal disappointment that you have “lost your touch”!
Be Bold, Be Courageous and BE BRILLIANT!


I am making plans for 2018. What are yours?


You are the average of the people you surround yourself with. For instance, if you want to be creative, be with creative people.


Where are you going in 2018? Now it’s time to visualize success.


Change is inevitable, you can embrace it or you can fight against it. The choice is yours!


In the beginning of this year I set a goal to swim at least 1500m 40 times this year. I'm so happy that I exceeded this. Next year it's time to increase the speed. My goal is to make 500 m in less than 12 minutes.


It boosts my motivation to try more, practice more and ultimately exceed my goals by simply measuring my progress. Do you?


Are you ready to work when opportunity knocks on your door?


What are You doing today? I'm being creative planning new business.


Do you need a thoughtful Christmas gift? But you want it to be exclusive, I may have what you need.....


Do you let yourself stay stagnant or do you constantly seek growth in all areas of your life?


Great product to use either before exercise for more stamina or after to recuperate easier. Fabulous


Below quote inspires me today. What inspires you?


I did this program in August and I'm still reaping the benefits.


Route Des Loges 12





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