EADCare European Association for Developmental Care. Dedicated to support sick newborns, infants and Children development

Premature infants, the sick newborns, children with neurological and psychiatric disorders, acute or chronic, can pose many problems of care and support in their development. During these three decades, the knowledge in the field of neuropsychological development and sensorimotor increased significantly. It is now clear that supportive care in development participate to the emerging potential of t

hese children and thus facilitate the experience of their illness, their daily life and social integration.

Développemental care in Neonatology teaching in TUTH, Kathmandu, Nepal

Développemental care in Neonatology teaching in TUTH, Kathmandu, Nepal

Comming soonRegister on www.eadcare.org

Comming soon
Register on www.eadcare.org

Campus Biotech


Read this essential guide to learn about premature baby development from 26-36 weeks – weight, muscles, vision, hearing, states, skin and sucking.



NEW DATE! THURSDAY 08 JULY 2021Campus Biotech

Campus Biotech

Music, Development and RehabilitationThursday 10 December 2020Campus Biotech, Geneva, SwitzerlandOn-site and on-lineInfo...

Music, Development and Rehabilitation
Thursday 10 December 2020

Campus Biotech, Geneva, Switzerland
On-site and on-line

Info: http://eadcare.org/

The effects of music training and experience on brain are well known in a number of domains. What is less known is how our brain plasticity, in sensitive periods of human life, is impacted by a musical experience. We are particularly sensitive to an environmental sensory exposure early in life or during adolescence or in case of rehabilitation needs. Which is the best moment for a musical intervention or training? Which are the mechanisms through which music acts? Human brain is experience expectant, and what is the music it is expecting?

The aim of our symposium is to illustrate role of music trhough evidence-based and high-quality research in three main domains: early care, human cognitive development, with specific emphasis to language and Rehabilitation. Experts in these domains will lead the symposium present their work and will be available to answer the participants’ questions. A number of public Music Showcases will conclude the symposium.

EADCare, is a multidisciplinary reference platform to promote developmental care in newborns and children, to support psychomotor development through developmental care, to support education and research.


Throughout August we have focused on the topic of nutrition, and how breastmilk supports the healthy development of preterm babies. We are therefore very happy to inform you that our parent info brochure "Breastmilk for preterm babies - more than a meal" is now available in English! Here, parents of preterm babies will find practical tips about breastfeeding, facts about breast milk and how it contributes to the healthy development of their preterm baby, and much more.

➼ Download your copy here: bit.ly/3jsxGn5

We would like to thank the authors and editors as well as the supporting medical societies and parent organisations for their collaboration and support in making this brochure. We also thank Medela for their support.


Recommandations et avis émis par la société française de néonatalogie ou élaborés en collaboration avec d'autres sociétés savantes ou instances.


prehension, patient factors and acuity, and environmental constraints. Purpose: The purpose of this quality improvement project was to increase SSC, parental holds, and parent touch events for infants in our cardiac and surgical neonatal intensive care unit. When traditional SSC was not possible, al...

Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS) en Bilan Sensorimoteur chez l’enfant selon la perspective du Professeur André Bullin...

Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS) en Bilan Sensorimoteur chez l’enfant selon la perspective du Professeur André Bullinger
Université de Lausanne, Suisse, 2021-2022

Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS) in Sensorimotor evaluation in child under Prof. André Bullinger perspectives.
University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 2021-2022


Bilan sensorimoteur Santé SocialCASFCO Bilan sensorimoteur pratiqué chez l’enfant selon la perspective du Professeur André Bullinger Certificate of Advanced Studies / Modules individuels Janvier 2021 à mai 2022 BrochureInscription Notre offre de cours s’étoffe constamment Restez informé·e...


Must read: “If parents were a drug” by Atle Moen
Parents have a huge impact on stress and pain of their baby and thus they have a positive influence on the well-being of their baby during neonatal intensive care. If the same effect could be achieved by a drug that has no side-effects, this drug would undoubtedly be standard of care. Unfortunately, such a drug is not available – but parents usually are 😉

Although neonatal care has made tremendous improvements during the last years, impaired long-term neurodevelopmental outcome is still a major issue in babies who need intensive care treatment. Atle Moen describes in his article “If parents were a drug” in the Acta Paediatrica the impact of parents’ active contribution to the care of the baby as well as of skin-to-skin care.

Please visit our website for more information: bit.ly/2TH31rA


Today is International Kangaroo Mother Care Awareness Day. A day that raises awareness for this easy, yet highly beneficial practice to care for newborn babies, especially for those born preterm. Kangaroo mother care includes skin-to-skin care with the parents and it is this physical contact, that supports the health and well-being of hospitalised babies so much! We are heartbroken that, due to the COVID-19 situation, so many parents cannot access the NICU and spend these precious moments with their little one.

We want to be the voice for all these parents and we invite you to join us! Upload and share a photo of your own kangaroo care memory on your page or post it in the comments right below this post. Let us send our heartfelt support to all NICU parents because we want them to have the same opportunities to kangaroo as we did! We want all babies to benefit from kangaroo care as our babies did, so they too can enjoy a loving, healthy start in life!

To join, upload your picture on your page, write a short caption, for example how kangarooing helped you and your baby or what you wish NICU parents these days, use the hashtags below and please, tag us so we see your posts and can like and share them.


This Friday is Kangaroo Mother Care Awareness Day and we think it cannot be pointed out often enough, how many, scientifically proven, benefits kangaroo care, also referred to as skin-to skin care, brings to all babies but especially to those born too soon, too small or too sick.

Skin-to skin care helps to
➊ enhance bonding and attachment
➋ support breast milk production and breastfeeding as such
➌ support a high and stable oxygen saturation
➍ stabilise body temperature, heart rate & breathing frequency
➎ reduce stress and crying associated with painful procedures
➏ increase the weight gain
➐ provide longer, restful sleep
➑ reduce the risk of infection and mitigates infections
➒ reduce neonatal mortality

To support all the parents who cannot kangaroo with their baby in the NICU right now, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will upload and share a photo of our kangaroo care memory this Friday on our page. We invite you to do the same! This is our way to send our support to all NICU parents so they and their baby are able to enjoy and benefit from skin-to skin care as we and our babies did.

More practical advice on skin-to-skin care: www.efcni.org/health-topics/in-hospital/developmental-care/skin-to-skin-care/




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