Wolfgang Dreher PhotoTours & Photography

Wolfgang Dreher PhotoTours & Photography Phototours / Workshops worldwide to known and still unknown destinations. Professional Wildlife, Nat Our Goal is to taking you on an lifetime experience.

We offer street, wildlife and nature photography photo tours, workshops. Explore, share, learn and develop new skills of photography and leave with fantastic photographs and wonderful memories and new friends. We will teach you the techniques to enhance and improve your current level of photography while providing a unique and enriching Phototour. On our Tours/workshops we are travelling with limi

ted number of participants setting for a more intimate and conducive learning and photography experience. We are looking forward to show you our passion for photography! Follow your emotions, when you photograph on one of our tours, discover the world and enjoy the moments. Japan, New Zealand, Silk Road, Switzerland, Provence, Bhutan and Falkland are our Destinations....






http://wodisphototravel.ch/, http://wodisphototravel.com/


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