
AirTrib AirTrib is an online booking platform dedicated exclusively to
business class.

AirTrib supports the cause of indigenous peoples and takes action
for the UN sustainable development goals with 33% of the profit on each ticket sold dedicated to Tribes

Get to know a Tribe: Mursi are a Nilotic pastoralist ethnie group in Ethiopia. Their territory of around 2,000 km2 lies ...

Get to know a Tribe: Mursi are a Nilotic pastoralist ethnie group in Ethiopia. Their territory of around 2,000 km2 lies in the South Omo Zone of the Southern Nations, roughly between the Rivers Omo and close to the border with South Sudan. There are 7,500 Mursi, 448 of whom live in urban areas. Surrounded by mountains between the Omo River and its tributary the Mago, the home of the Mursi is one of the most isolated regions of the country. Due to the climate, they move twice a year between the winter and summer months. They herd cattle and grow crops along the banks of the River.
Life for the Mursi is often arduous and sometimes dangerous. But they have learnt to live well and there is much time for relaxation, chatting, music and gossip. They have a rich oral tradition through which they preserve and transmit their history, philosophical knowledge and moral stories. Religion and healing are very much interconnected for the Mursi. A knowledge of illness and of the divine emerges from people's experiences of the natural and social world. Mursi women are famous for their wooden lip plates, symbol of beauty and identity while men practice light scarification on their shoulders after killing an enemy, and shave geometric patterns on their head.
The most significant early step in favor of the tribe came in the 1960s with the establishment of the Omo National Park. Improved transportation has also drawn the Mursi further into the market economy, where trade in cattle and increasing numbers of tourists provide money which the Mursi use to buy cloth, medicine, coffee, spices and agricultural tools. Today, the process of state-building in the lower Omo appears to have reached a new level of intensity, with the construction of a huge hydroelectric dam in its middle basin. This will eliminate the annual flood upon which the downstream population has always depended for cultivation and pastoralism and make possible large-scale commercial irrigation schemes. These will require the forced displacement and resettlement of thousands of people and irrevocably transform their environment and way life.

Ladies and gentlemen, the travel of the week !The most beautiful city in the world said the master of Surrealism Salvado...

Ladies and gentlemen, the travel of the week !
The most beautiful city in the world said the master of Surrealism Salvador Dali... and it is quite possible that he was right! But to consider Cadaqués as one of the most beautiful villages of Catalonia would seem to be enough for Spain. This little white pearl has kept its old soul over the years with a traditional architecture, typical of Spanish villages. In the past, it was a place of refuge for the sailors of Cadaqués who hid there after battles on the high seas against pirates.
Walking through the narrow cobbled streets, one discovers a small historical town. You will find beautiful flowered buildings, small local stores and art galleries that now house works of art by the famous Salvador Dali among others.
As you continue your stroll through this charming white paradise, you will come across the Santa Maria church. It dominates the rooftops and stands elegantly, all dressed in white against the blue sky. A set that offers a wonderful contrast of colors. In its interior, the Baroque style is strongly represented with touches of New Art that are also found in other buildings in the city such as the House Serinyana. The latter is distinguished by its bluish hues in harmony with the piercing blue of the Mediterranean Sea that rises in front of it. Today it has become one of the city's emblems and it is almost impossible to miss it on the bay of Cadaqués.

Get to know a tribe : The Inuit                                     The Inuit are a group of culturally similar indigeno...

Get to know a tribe : The Inuit The Inuit are a group of culturally similar indigenous peoples inhabiting the Arctic and subarctic regions of Greenland (Denmark), Canada, and Alaska (United States).
The broader Inuit population is estimated to be more than 180,000.
Culturally, traditional Inuit life was totally adapted to an extremely cold snow- and icebound environment in which vegetable foods were almost nonexistent, trees were scarce, and caribou, seals, walruses, and various whales, seabirds, and fish were the major food sources.
In the summer most families hunted caribou and other land animals with bows and arrows. The Inuit clothing was fashioned of caribou furs, which provided protection against the extreme cold. Most Inuit wintered either in snow-block houses generally referred to as or in semisubterranean houses built of stone or sod over a wooden or whalebone framework. In summer many Inuit lived in animal-skin tents. Their basic social and economic unit was the nuclear family, and their belief system was animistic.
They are also politically organized within their own jurisdictions as well as internationally. Founded in 1977, the pan-Arctic Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) is a nongovernmental organization that seeks to strengthen unity among the Inuit, to promote their rights and interests internationally, and to ensure the endurance and growth of Inuit culture and societies. Inuit life has changed greatly because of increased contact with societies to the south. Snowmobiles have generally replaced dogsleds for land transport, and rifles have replaced harpoons for hunting. Many Inuit were made to abandon nomadic hunting and now live in settlements and cities, often working in mines and oil fields. The creation of Nunavut, a new Canadian territory, in 1999 helped to support a revitalization of traditional Indigenous culture in North America.

Latest news for you : You need to go to Ibiza this summer ! So Iconic for many reasons the White Isle is still indisputa...

Latest news for you : You need to go to Ibiza this summer ! So Iconic for many reasons the White Isle is still indisputably the top party destination in Europe. DJs travel the world to play at its world-famous nightclubs, chic beach clubs and banging pool parties. But what many first-timers don’t know is that there’s a tranquil side to this Balearic island, too, where hippy-ish yoga retreats meet sleek boutique hotels, and family-friendly Spanish beaches set the scene for some of the Mediterranean’s best sunset views. Don’t wait any longer and book you flight with Airtrib Agency!

Get to know a tribe : THE WAPISHINA’S PEOPLE          Originally from the Amazon valley, this indigenous people is locat...

Get to know a tribe : THE WAPISHINA’S PEOPLE Originally from the Amazon valley, this indigenous people is located today between Guyana and Brazil
They numbered 13,467 members in 1987, including 5,730 in Guyana and 7,737 in Brazil.
They share their reserves with the Makuxi, the latter being found in the North and North-West of the Wapishina territories.
The subsistence of the clan is ensured essentially by agriculture which
uses the slash-and-burn technique (coivara), a rotating system consisting
to cut and burn a small area of ​​forest to cultivate it afterwards.
Each family has its own chagra (farm) but there is collective work,
the minga which meets for work in the fields or for construction
houses for community purposes, based on mutual aid.
The crops are beans, maize and cassava which is the staple food
People . Beans are part of daily dishes, maize is eaten under its natural form or in derived products.
Complementary resources are sought through hunting and fishing.These are practiced nowadays with utensils non-indigenous such as hooks, fishing nets and fi****ms.
The collection and extraction of plant products mainly concern
bacaba, buriti and aza (acai), all fruits of Amazonian palm trees.
Collective breeding is important and managed by the tuxawa (cacique) of each maloca.
A sheep and pig farm is also managed by the family unit.

Unfortunately, the environment of the wapishina is greatly degraded by extensive farming, the installation of barbed wire and diamond mining, which create permanent tensions with the large landowners who exploit the wealth of their region.

Focus of the week : Une bonne nouvelle avant le week-end !Londres s'est résolu ce jeudi 26 mai à instaurer une taxe sur ...

Focus of the week : Une bonne nouvelle avant le week-end !
Londres s'est résolu ce jeudi 26 mai à instaurer une taxe sur les bénéfices des géants pétroliers pour financer un paquet d’aides de15 milliards de livres pour les ménages les plus defavorisés face à la flambée du coût de la vie et a une inflation au plus haut en 40 ans
C’est le ministre des Finances Rishi Sunak qui a dévoilé cette decision au Parlement.
Un Britannique sur cinq dit ne plus parvenir à boucler ses fins de mois, d'après un sondage de Yougov publié jeudi.
En effet, la flambée des prix de l'alimentation et de l'énergie, aggravée depuis le début de l'invasion russe en Ukraine, devrait encore empirer en octobre quand le plafond des tarifs énergétiques sera fortement relevé au Royaume-Uni.
Rishi Sunak a affirmé à Westminster que grâce à ces mesures, les Britanniques les plus modestes "sentiront le poids (de l'inflation)

Focus of the week : L’histoire des arts de la marionnette  autochtonesL'art d'animer des figures articulées est présent ...

Focus of the week : L’histoire des arts de la marionnette autochtones
L'art d'animer des figures articulées est présent dans les territoires qui forment aujourd'hui le Canada, et en fait dans toute l'Amérique, bien avant l'arrivée des Européens. Plusieurs cultures autochtones utilisent des figurines et des masques articulés lors de cérémonies rituelles. Par la taille, la vigueur de la sculpture et la complexité des mécanismes, les exemples les plus frappants se retrouvent sur la côte Ouest, notamment dans les cultures haïda, kwakwak'awakw et tsimshian. Les figurines et les masques, utilisés dans des danses ou des représentations dramatiques rituelles, représentent le plus souvent des êtres surnaturels ou des puissances spirituelles. À l'origine, leur fabrication et leur animation étaient tenues secrètes. Les figures articulées, évoquant des forces invisibles, contribuent à l'expression des liens qui unissent le monde tangible au monde intangible des pouvoirs spirituels.

Get to know a tribe : Le peuple des Cherokees       Les Tchérokîs, Chérokîs, Chérakis ou Cherokees sontun peuple d’Améri...

Get to know a tribe : Le peuple des Cherokees Les Tchérokîs, Chérokîs, Chérakis ou Cherokees sont
un peuple d’Amérique du Nord qui habitaient dans
l’est et le sud-est des États-Unis avant d’être forcés à se
déplacer vers le plateau d’Ozark. Ils faisaient partie de l’organisation dite des Cinq tribus civilisées.
Les ethnologues estiment qu’il existe aujourd’hui
entre 5 et 7 millions de personnes descendant des Cherokees.
Aujourd’hui, la population cherokee, très métissée avec des Blancs ou d’autres Indiens, atteint près de trois cent mille personnes. Certains Cherokees se sont enrichis grâce au pétrole. La majorité des Cherokees mène une vie comparable à celle de leurs voisins blancs.

S’ils ont perdu la plupart de leurs traditions ancestrales, les Cherokees sont unis par leur histoire tragique et un fort sentiment national. Tous les ans, ils donnent à Tahlequah un grand spectacle appelé "La Piste des Larmes" qui évoque le drame vécu par leurs ancêtres.

Sur leur réserve de Caroline du Nord, les descendants des Cherokees demeurés dans l’Est ont basé leur économie sur l’exploitation du bois, l’artisanat et le tourisme. Ils se sont rendus célèbres par leur "Danse de l’Aigle" une danse cérémonielle très spectaculaire qui s’est passée de génération en génération.

Destination de la semaine !    La Croatie, ses villes classées, ses parcs nationaux et son littoral s'étendant le long d...

Destination de la semaine ! La Croatie, ses villes classées, ses parcs nationaux et son littoral s'étendant le long de la mer adriatique est une destination idéale pour partir en vacances.
Si vous etes un amoureux de la nature
la Croatie est certainement l'une des
destinations à faire en Europe.
La Croatie compte 8 parcs nationaux
dont un classé au Patrimoine Mondial
de l'UNESCO.
C'est le paradis des amoureux de faune et
de flore. Le pays compte aussi le deuxième
plus grand archipel d'îles de méditerranée
derrière la Grèce, autant dire qu'il y a du
choix si on est d'humeur insulaire !
Et si vous etes plutôt branché culture, le pays a des cartes à jouer : Dubrovnik, Split, Trogir sont toutes les trois classées au Patrimoine Mondial de l'UNESCO. Les monuments dans d'autres villes croates comme la cathédrale Saint Jacques de Sibenik ou la Basilique d'Euphrase à Porec egalement classes au patrimoine de l’UNESCO vont ravir vos yeux et votre cœur.
La croatie est donc en resume un pays ou les tresors sont disseminés un peu partout sur son territoire alors n’hesitez plus!
Réservez dès maintenant vos billets avec Airtrib dès 100€

Happy New Year ! May all your dreams and wishes come true for this hopeful year 🎉🤩🙏 !!! Exciting projects and announceme...

Happy New Year ! May all your dreams and wishes come true for this hopeful year 🎉🤩🙏 !!! Exciting projects and announcements are ahead of us !!!

Want to travel while impacting the world of Tribes and protecting them ! Your Ethical Solution for Business Flights is a...

Want to travel while impacting the world of Tribes and protecting them ! Your Ethical Solution for Business Flights is at your reach ! Join us to plan your future journeys 🙌

Amidst the   week and the discussion about climate change, for the first time   received a recognition of their key role...

Amidst the week and the discussion about climate change, for the first time received a recognition of their key role in protecting the planet’s land and forest. As such governments will pledge a 1.7Bn $ of funding directly given to the of our culture to help them in the protection and preservation of another Earth ! This is a historical step to properly champion indigenous people’s right 🙏 💫 !

Happy   ! A day to celebrate the creation of the  and all its organs helping into building bridges for peace’s and prosp...

Happy ! A day to celebrate the creation of the and all its organs helping into building bridges for peace’s and prosperity and protecting the holders of our cultural heritage of our humanity 🙏


Coming soon a Solution powered by bringing together business actors, Impactful ONG and Dedicated Nomad Photographers all together to contribute into protecting the Cutural Heritage of The Last Guardians of our Humanity ! Stay tuned to our signal 🤩

Special thanks to:

Mbollo by George SEBA

Crédit Photos:

This picture was taken during a Project in Domkhar Village, Ladakh. She was expressing how uncomfortable she gets whenev...

This picture was taken during a Project in Domkhar Village, Ladakh. She was expressing how uncomfortable she gets whenever someone takes her picture, she said:

"Why would you take a picture of someone like me ? Look at my nose, it's too big, my teeth are broken, my cheeks are so chubby..."...

Little did she know that her spontaneity is what makes her beautiful. Life is simple and yet beautiful. The small things and details are what makes the world worth seeing.

This meeting and the picture is the inspiration behind our project that envisions to set up Dental Camps in Ladakh to provide dental care to the Local Tribal communities.

The aim is to bring dentists and provide advanced dental facilities like required medical tools, medicines etc. and treat their dental problems. The camps are an initiative to enhance their beautiful smiles and give them another reason to share their Happiness with us.

Thus, once again we call for your generous contribution.

Together with the impact of your donation, we can quickly provide the first necessities for this project with the team already present in the place to help with the set up and operations.

Together with your contribution we can Preserve and Protect the Smiles of the Last Avatars of our Humanity.

Aman Chotani The Last Avatar

Heading : A call to protect the smiles of tribes in Lada… The Last Avatar NGO needs your support for Call To Protect The Smiles of Tribes in Ladakh

A call to protect the smiles of tribes in Ladakh : A Dental care initiativeThis picture was taken during a Project in Do...

A call to protect the smiles of tribes in Ladakh : A Dental care initiative

This picture was taken during a Project in Domkhar Village, Ladakh when I shooting for

She was expressing how uncomfortable she gets whenever someone takes her picture, she said:

"Why would you take a picture of someone like me ? Look at my nose, it's too big, my teeth are broken, my cheeks are so chubby..."...

Little did she know that her spontaneity is what makes her beautiful. Life is simple and yet beautiful. The small things and details are what makes the world worth seeing.

This meeting and the picture is the inspiration behind our project that envisions to set up Dental Camps in Ladakh to provide dental care to the Local Tribal communities.

The aim is to bring dentists and provide advanced dental facilities like required medical tools, medicines etc. and treat their dental problems. The camps are an initiative to enhance their beautiful smiles and give them another reason to share their Happiness with us.

And thank you to Dr Manav Kalra and .parinakotru who have come forward and be a part of our initiative.

Supported by
Initiative by .in

Thus, once again we call for your generous contribution.

Together with the impact of your donation, we can quickly provide the first necessities for this project with the team already present in the place to help with the set up and operations.

Together with your contribution we can Preserve and Protect the Smiles of the Last Avatars of our Humanity.

For more information: log on to

todonate - Link is in the bio

Heading : A call to protect the smiles of tribes in Lada… The Last Avatar NGO needs your support for Call To Protect The Smiles of Tribes in Ladakh

On 19th August is celebrated    Day. A day to commemorate the importance of cameras to capture valuable moments in our l...

On 19th August is celebrated Day. A day to commemorate the importance of cameras to capture valuable moments in our lives ever since the discovery of the daguerreotype in France in 1837. A day also for Airtrib to reiterate the hommage to all the that draw into pictures the daily lives of Tribes as of our heritage.

On the 9th August we commemorate the International Day of Indigenous People. By resolution 49/214 of 23 December 1994, t...

On the 9th August we commemorate the International Day of Indigenous People. By resolution 49/214 of 23 December 1994, the decided to mark this day as an opportunity to celebrate these and their cultural heritage. With over 476 million peoples living in 90 countries across the world, the indigenous hold a special relationship with their land and can be a valuable source of knowledge as how to protect and live in harmony with the environment. Especially in a time of constant reminding of the climate change challenges. We, at we renew our engagement to protect these of our humanity and to support every project contributing to their protection and preservation.

Tribe Focus of the week 👁: The Bishnoï. The members of this Tribe in Rajasthan, India,  are often known as the "early en...

Tribe Focus of the week 👁: The Bishnoï.

The members of this Tribe in Rajasthan, India, are often known as the "early environmentalists", they follow the 29 enlightening precepts laid down in 1485 by their guru Jambheswhar, founder of the Bishnoi faith (Bish from 20 and Noi from 9 in Hindi)

They have been caring for animals and trees as family members for centuries, particularly black antelopes, whom they regard as their sons. The Bishnoi and their ancient practices have much to teach us in a world where environmental problems are becoming increasingly important.

More infos in our TribeMap on

Special thanks to for the amazing photos.

Focus on The Drokpa Tribe 👁: The Drokpa people live in small tribes along the Indus River in northern India's Jammu and ...

Focus on The Drokpa Tribe 👁:

The Drokpa people live in small tribes along the Indus River in northern India's Jammu and Kashmir.

Historians claim that a group living in the high altitudes of Ladak for the past 2000 years is the only authentic Indo A***n tribe left in India. The Drokpa tribe, which means "white skin" in Ladakhi, is descended from ancient Indo A***n ancestors. These people are distinct from the rest of the Tibeto-Burman population in Ladakh in terms of appearance, culture, language, and religious beliefs, and they have upheld the purity of their race for centuries.

Their cultural heritage is unique, yet endangered.

More Info in the website:

Photo Credits: Aman Chotani

Help reached the nomad tribes of Changtang region of Ladakh ! Your contributions to the   joint campaign with .in and  m...

Help reached the nomad tribes of Changtang region of Ladakh ! Your contributions to the joint campaign with .in and made it possible. The beautiful members of the Tribe will benefit from masks and sanitizers to stay protected against the virus circulation 😷 ! And the happy smiles of the Little Avatars will stay safe ✨ ! The Call to Action still continues to provide them with food and water supplies. You can continue the help through the Link !

Thank you again 🙏!

Last Avatar & Airtrib United Call to Action for the Drokpa TribeIn the wake of Covid-19 Pandemic and the recent surge of...

Last Avatar & Airtrib United Call to Action for the Drokpa Tribe

In the wake of Covid-19 Pandemic and the recent surge of cases in India, the health and social infrastructure of the country found itself under pressure. As such the world witnessed many tearful and mournful scenes and international help was mobilized for the victims with first necessities and hospital materials.

In this context, the numerous local Indian Tribes were not left unscathed either...

They need your help and contributions. Thus AirTrib joined its effort with The Last Avatar, an NGO led by Engaged photograph Aman Chotani which is in place to protect and document all the knowledge of these Last Guardians of our Cultural Heritage.

You can contribute to the action by donating through this Link:

We already collected money to provide them with medical kits and sanitizers keeping them safe from the virus Variant.

We are counting on you to answer their call for protection !

Last Avatar & Airtrib United Call to Action for the Drokpa Tribe … The Last Avatar NGO needs your support for Call to Protect the Drokpa Tribe in Ladakh

.in &  Call to Action for the Drokpa Tribe the w...

.in & Call to Action for the Drokpa Tribe

In the wake of Covid-19 Pandemic and the recent surge of cases in India, the health and social infrastructure of the country found itself under pressure. As such the world witnessed many tearful and mournful scenes and international help was mobilized for the victims with first necessities and hospital materials.

In this context, the numerous local Indian Tribes were not left unscathed either...

The Drokpa Tribe is a Tribe in the region of Ladakh of 4000 soul.These people are distinct from the rest of the Tibeto-Burman population in Ladakh in terms of appearance, culture, language, and religious beliefs, and they have upheld the purity of their race for centuries.

With the situation in the country, they have been left isolated with limited access to essential ressources.

A call to action has then been organized with the already present NGO The Last Avatar, led by engaged photographer Aman Chotani, and AirTrib, a Business travel agency, based in Switzerland.

Both structures are supporting the Tribal Cause, considering them as the Last Guardians of the Ancient World. The Last Avatar has the aim to visually document the legacy of the Majestic Indian Tribes in order to preserve their timeless knowledge for future generations.

United they stand to come to help the Drokpa Tribe in Ladakh int these difficult times in order and protect their inestimable cultural Heritage.

A help that you can be part of by contributing to this call. Together with the impact of your donation, we can quickly provide the first necessities in the form of foods and medical tools for the souls of the Tribe with the team already present in place to help the operation.

Together with your contribution we can answer their distress call and help preserve the Last Avatars of our Humanity.

Music: .pianist
Project: .in

The Airtrib economic model promotes the alliance between decision-makers, NGOs working for the preservation of tribes (m...

The Airtrib economic model promotes the alliance between decision-makers, NGOs working for the preservation of tribes (material and immaterial support, etc.) and explorers (Photographers, Globetrotters, etc.), in order to offer a sustainable and regular contribution.

As such we aim to place Tribes at the center of the world awareness by giving them the spotlight they need through our business and ethic offer as well as our partenrships. They are for us The Last Guardians of our culture that need our protection.

We include NGOs working to preserve tribes and explorers in our business model in order to other  sustainable and regula...

We include NGOs working to preserve tribes and explorers in our business model in order to other sustainable and regular contribution to the protection of our cultural heritage !

Our vision is to sensitize the decision makers to the critical importance to preserve the tribes, their environment and ...

Our vision is to sensitize the decision makers to the critical importance to preserve the tribes, their environment and culture as they are the last guardians of living together in peace with Nature !


Welcome to AirTrib, where your business flight help support the Last Guardians of our Cultural Heritage !🤩🛩👏


Chemin De Chantavril 2


Montag 10:00 - 16:00
Dienstag 10:00 - 16:00
Mittwoch 10:00 - 16:00
Donnerstag 10:00 - 16:00
Freitag 10:00 - 16:00




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