Austausch und Mobilität Schweiz - Échange et Mobilité Suisse - GO

Austausch und Mobilität Schweiz - Échange et Mobilité Suisse - GO GO ist der Auftritt für Austausch und Mobilität. GO est le label échange et mobilité. Kontaktieren Sie uns, wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter!

"Grenzen überschreiten - Erfahrungen sammeln - Wissen erwerben" - das ist das Motto von GO (, dem schweizerischen Kompetenzzentrum für Austausch und Moblilität. An einem Austausch teilzunehmen stärkt die persönlichen, beruflichen und sprachlichen Kompetenzen und fördert das interkulturelle Bewusstsein. Die ch Stiftung ( bietet unter dem Label GO für die allgemeine un

d berufliche Bildung sowie die ausserschulische Jugendarbeit eine breite Palette an Austauschprogrammen in der Schweiz, in Europa und für einzelne aussereuropäische Destinationen. "Passer les frontières - Faire des expériences - Acquérir du savoir", voilà la devise de GO (, le centre de compétence suisse pour l'échange et la mobilité. Faire un échange t'aide à améliorer tes compétences personnelles, professionnelles, linguistiques et interculturelles. Sous le label GO, la Fondation ch ( propose une large palette de programmes d’échange en Suisse, en Europe et à certaines destinations hors Europe dédiés à la formation générale, à la formation professionnelle et aux activités de jeunesse extrascolaires. Contactez-nous, nous vous aidons volontiers!

Leonardo Blog DublinIt’s time to say “Goodbye” to blogging. Read Céline's last post about her time in ever-green island.

Leonardo Blog Dublin
It’s time to say “Goodbye” to blogging. Read Céline's last post about her time in ever-green island.

Hi gach duine, Although I’ll stay here in Ireland until the end of May I’ll stop blogging because I slowly got used to my daily life here in Dublin. So, now it’s time to say “Goodbye”. I really enjoyed writing weekly about my adventures in the ever-green island. ...

Thank you! Merci! 谢谢! Ačiū! Dank u wel!

Leonardo Blog Dublin
It’s time to say “Goodbye” to blogging. Read Céline's last post about her time in ever-green island.

Hi gach duine, Although I’ll stay here in Ireland until the end of May I’ll stop blogging because I slowly got used to my daily life here in Dublin. So, now it’s time to say “Goodbye”. I really enjoyed writing weekly about my adventures in the ever-green island. ...

GO NewsDanke für die Zusammenarbeit!Un grand merci pour votre coopération !Grazie della collaborazione!

GO News
Danke für die Zusammenarbeit!
Un grand merci pour votre coopération !
Grazie della collaborazione!

Während mehreren Jahrzehnten hat die ch Stiftung den binnenstaatlichen Austausch gefördert und seit 2011 im Auftrag des Bundes europäische Bildungsprogramme betreut. Hunderte erfolgreiche Austauschvorhaben im In- und Ausland wurden in dieser Zeit realisiert und haben nachhaltige Wirkung entfaltet. K...

Danke für die Zusammenarbeit!

GO News
Danke für die Zusammenarbeit!
Un grand merci pour votre coopération !
Grazie della collaborazione!

Während mehreren Jahrzehnten hat die ch Stiftung den binnenstaatlichen Austausch gefördert und seit 2011 im Auftrag des Bundes europäische Bildungsprogramme betreut. Hunderte erfolgreiche Austauschvorhaben im In- und Ausland wurden in dieser Zeit realisiert und haben nachhaltige Wirkung entfaltet. K...

Leonardo Blog LondonChristmas presents shopping and a Mother and Daughter day at the musical "the Bodyguard". Read more ...

Leonardo Blog London
Christmas presents shopping and a Mother and Daughter day at the musical "the Bodyguard". Read more about Sabrina's pre-Christmas time.

Hey guys Sabrina here. I’ll start with some facts: Christmas time has definitely arrived in London, I’m in a “buying Christmas presents” rush and all in all I’m pretty stressed out at the moment. As my class mates mentioned in their blogs, our BEC Higher exam is done so we ...

My favourite time of the year by Sabrina

Leonardo Blog London
Christmas presents shopping and a Mother and Daughter day at the musical "the Bodyguard". Read more about Sabrina's pre-Christmas time.

Hey guys Sabrina here. I’ll start with some facts: Christmas time has definitely arrived in London, I’m in a “buying Christmas presents” rush and all in all I’m pretty stressed out at the moment. As my class mates mentioned in their blogs, our BEC Higher exam is done so we ...

Leonardo Blog DublinCeliné had to go to court! But luckily only as a translator.

Leonardo Blog Dublin
Celiné had to go to court! But luckily only as a translator.

Hello =) When I signed my contract with the translation company, they told me, that I could maybe do some German interpreting jobs at a later stage. But as there had always been other German interns and not many German interpreting jobs, I never had had the chance to do ...

CCJ Dublin

Leonardo Blog Dublin
Celiné had to go to court! But luckily only as a translator.

Hello =) When I signed my contract with the translation company, they told me, that I could maybe do some German interpreting jobs at a later stage. But as there had always been other German interns and not many German interpreting jobs, I never had had the chance to do ...

05/12/2016 - Neue Website für Austausch und Mobilität - Neue Website für Austausch und Mobilität – nouveau site de l'échange et de la mobilité

Für die Abwicklung der Austausch- und Mobilitätsprogramme im In- und Ausland ist ab dem 1. Januar 2017 die von Bund und Kantonen neu gegründete Agentur Movetia zuständig. Sie hat bereits Anfang Oktober 2016 ihre Tätigkeit aufgenommen. - Neue Website für Austausch und Mobilitä – nouveau site de l'échange et de la mobilité
05/12/2016 - Neue Website für Austausch und Mobilität – nouveau site de l'échange et de la mobilité

Für die Abwicklung der Austausch- und Mobilitätsprogramme im In- und Ausland ist ab dem 1. Januar 2017 die von Bund und Kantonen neu gegründete Agentur Movetia zuständig. Sie hat bereits Anfang Oktober 2016 ihre Tätigkeit aufgenommen.

GO NewsKantone schicken Lernende in den AustauschLes cantons se lancent dans l'échange d'apprentis

GO News
Kantone schicken Lernende in den Austausch
Les cantons se lancent dans l'échange d'apprentis

Mit Unterstützung der ch Stiftung haben KV-Lernende in anderen Sprachregionen gearbeitet. Am erfolgreichen Pilotprojekt beteiligten sich die Personalämter der Kantone Basel-Land, Bern, Genf, St. Gallen, Waadt und Zürich.

Kantone schicken Lernende in den Austausch

GO News
Kantone schicken Lernende in den Austausch
Les cantons se lancent dans l'échange d'apprentis

Mit Unterstützung der ch Stiftung haben KV-Lernende in anderen Sprachregionen gearbeitet. Am erfolgreichen Pilotprojekt beteiligten sich die Personalämter der Kantone Basel-Land, Bern, Genf, St. Gallen, Waadt und Zürich.

Leonardo Blog LondonJessica turned 20. Read more about her Birthday-Weekend with her family and friends.

Leonardo Blog London
Jessica turned 20. Read more about her Birthday-Weekend with her family and friends.

It’s crazy how fast time flies. Just 5 more weeks till we are back in Switzerland to celebrate Christmas and New Year’s. Veeeeery excited! In this blogpost I’m exclusively going to talk about my birthday weekend. It was amazing! My family, my godfather and cousin came to visit me from ...

Birthday celebrations by Jessica

Leonardo Blog London
Jessica turned 20. Read more about her Birthday-Weekend with her family and friends.

It’s crazy how fast time flies. Just 5 more weeks till we are back in Switzerland to celebrate Christmas and New Year’s. Veeeeery excited! In this blogpost I’m exclusively going to talk about my birthday weekend. It was amazing! My family, my godfather and cousin came to visit me from ...

Leonardo Blog DublinCéline's workplace has changed! They had to move in only one day.

Leonardo Blog Dublin
Céline's workplace has changed! They had to move in only one day.

Hi there, Since I have been working in the translation agency they had been talking about “the big moving out”. But in Ireland it is almost normal that things are not planned very well and it was the same in this case. No one had really known when the exact ...

The big moving out

Leonardo Blog Dublin
Céline's workplace has changed! They had to move in only one day.

Hi there, Since I have been working in the translation agency they had been talking about “the big moving out”. But in Ireland it is almost normal that things are not planned very well and it was the same in this case. No one had really known when the exact ...

Leonardo Blog DublinFor the last three days they went to the Cliffs of Moher, went shopping in Dublin, and attended a gu...

Leonardo Blog Dublin
For the last three days they went to the Cliffs of Moher, went shopping in Dublin, and attended a guided tour through the Aviva Stadium. Read more in Céline's last part of her holiday journey.

Finally the 3rd part of my holidays =) Day 6, the 29th of October 2016 For Saturday we planned a tour to the Cliffs of Moher. Our tour started at 7.10 in the morning. Our tour guide introduced himself as a full time alcoholic and a part time tour guide. ...

Holidays Part 3

Leonardo Blog Dublin
For the last three days they went to the Cliffs of Moher, went shopping in Dublin, and attended a guided tour through the Aviva Stadium. Read more in Céline's last part of her holiday journey.

Finally the 3rd part of my holidays =) Day 6, the 29th of October 2016 For Saturday we planned a tour to the Cliffs of Moher. Our tour started at 7.10 in the morning. Our tour guide introduced himself as a full time alcoholic and a part time tour guide. ...

Leonardo Blog DublinIn the second part of Céline's holiday they first did a bicycle tour, then a Dingle-Tour and on Frid...

Leonardo Blog Dublin
In the second part of Céline's holiday they first did a bicycle tour, then a Dingle-Tour and on Friday they went back to Dublin.

Hello everyone and welcome to part 2 of my holidays =) Day 4, Wednesday the 26th October 2016 On Wednesday, we got up early because we wanted to do a bicycle tour in the Killarney National Park. Before that we had breakfast which was included in our booking but it ...

Holidays Part 2

Leonardo Blog Dublin
In the second part of Céline's holiday they first did a bicycle tour, then a Dingle-Tour and on Friday they went back to Dublin.

Hello everyone and welcome to part 2 of my holidays =) Day 4, Wednesday the 26th October 2016 On Wednesday, we got up early because we wanted to do a bicycle tour in the Killarney National Park. Before that we had breakfast which was included in our booking but it ...

Holidays Part 1

Leonardo Blog Dublin
Céline went on a holiday for a bit more than a week. She tells us all about experiences in a 3 part Blog. Here we go with the first one.

Hi everyone, Sooorry for the delay with this blogpost! I was on holiday for a bit more than a week that’s why I didn’t have time to write, but I experienced a lot which I can tell you now :) I’ll do 3 parts in which I’ll tell you where ...

Leonardo Blog DublinCéline went on a holiday for a bit more than a week. She tells us all about experiences in a 3 part ...

Leonardo Blog Dublin
Céline went on a holiday for a bit more than a week. She tells us all about experiences in a 3 part Blog. Here we go with the first one.

Hi everyone, Sooorry for the delay with this blogpost! I was on holiday for a bit more than a week that’s why I didn’t have time to write, but I experienced a lot which I can tell you now :) I’ll do 3 parts in which I’ll tell you where ...

New everyday life by Jessica

Leonardo Blog London
Celebrating an Indian festival in central London and eating some Swiss food at the "St. Moritz".

The company I work for is called PSL Recruitment Services and is situated in Angel, Central London. It is a very nice area with many restaurants and shops around. It takes me about 45 minutes to get there. Luckily, I start work at 10 a.m. and finish at 4 p.m. ...

Leonardo Blog LondonCelebrating an Indian festival in central London and eating some Swiss food at the "St. Moritz".

Leonardo Blog London
Celebrating an Indian festival in central London and eating some Swiss food at the "St. Moritz".

The company I work for is called PSL Recruitment Services and is situated in Angel, Central London. It is a very nice area with many restaurants and shops around. It takes me about 45 minutes to get there. Luckily, I start work at 10 a.m. and finish at 4 p.m. ...


Leonardo Blog Dublin
Let's go to work with Céline! She's telling us about her working day and her tasks.

Hello everyone, In this blogpost I would like to tell you something about a normal working day and my tasks and activities. Normally I get up at 7 o’clock so that I can catch the bus around 8 o’clock. Then it takes me about 1 hour and 15 min to ...

A normal working day and my tasks

Leonardo Blog Dublin
Let's go to work with Céline! She's telling us about her working day and her tasks.

Hello everyone, In this blogpost I would like to tell you something about a normal working day and my tasks and activities. Normally I get up at 7 o’clock so that I can catch the bus around 8 o’clock. Then it takes me about 1 hour and 15 min to ...

News GONeuchâtel accueille le Congrès sur l'échange 2016Neuenburg im Zeichen des Austauschkongresses 2016

News GO
Neuchâtel accueille le Congrès sur l'échange 2016
Neuenburg im Zeichen des Austauschkongresses 2016

News GORencontres de jeunes : nouvelle vidéoNeues Video zu Jugendbegegnungen

News GO
Rencontres de jeunes : nouvelle vidéo
Neues Video zu Jugendbegegnungen


Dornacherstrasse 28A


Montag 08:00 - 17:00
Dienstag 08:00 - 17:00
Mittwoch 08:00 - 17:00
Donnerstag 08:00 - 17:00
Freitag 08:00 - 17:00


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