
Quantonomics Quantonomics nutzt Neurowissenschaften, Behavioral Sciences und Economics um Leverage zu schafen, wo bislang kaum Leverage geschaffen wurde.

What do students need to learn? Brilliant article which we totally support! People strategy is key for future success.

What do students need to learn? Brilliant article which we totally support! People strategy is key for future success.

The top traits of success at Google sound more like what one gains as an English or theater major than as a programmer.


‪Your structure has an on ! Look at your - is it up to date? ‬

The "corporate immune system" was an asset when stability and focus were key to success. Today, this immune system is th...

The "corporate immune system" was an asset when stability and focus were key to success. Today, this immune system is the key problem for as it works against it.

Every large and successful institution has an immune system – a collection of individuals who are prepared to mobilize at the slightest sign of any “outside” ideas or people in order to ensure that these foreign bodies are neutralized and...

Say goodbye to hierarchy! Flat structures create more functional teams!

Say goodbye to hierarchy! Flat structures create more functional teams!

Flat structures, research shows, can create more functional teams.

Great   insight by Jeff Bezos! "Disagree and committ" - culture prevents "I told you so" riskaverse mentality!

Great insight by Jeff Bezos! "Disagree and committ" - culture prevents "I told you so" riskaverse mentality!

Bezos plans to keep his 300,000-employee company running like a startup by making faster decisions.

  is essential to staying motivated!

is essential to staying motivated!



Interesting   to change  !

Interesting to change !

A Japanese company is granting its non-smoking staff an additional six days of holiday a year to make up for the time off smokers take for cigarette breaks. Marketing firm Piala Inc introduced the new paid leave allowance in September after non-smokers complained they were working more than their co...

Make it count! It is not all about  , but       and enjoying the ride!

Make it count! It is not all about , but and enjoying the ride!

Spannender Artikel! Attitude matters.

Spannender Artikel! Attitude matters.

Wie viele sprichwörtliche 'Leichen' bleiben zurück, wenn man seine Ziele erreichen will? Wie viele Brücken hat man hinter sich verbrannt, wenn man das nächste Ufer erreicht hat? Kurz: Ist es die Rücksichtslosigkeit, die erfolgreich macht? Es kann - w...

Do you have the     for the  ?

Do you have the for the ?

The Deloitte automation study discusses the associated effects of automation on the Swiss labour force and highlights what skills will be particularly sought after in the future. Find out more!

Employee engagement - driver of success in the 21st century.

Employee engagement - driver of success in the 21st century.

The Boss says, "We need more of what the management experts call 'Employee engagement.'" The boss says, "I don't know the details, but it has something to do with you idiots working harder for the same pay." Dilbert says, "Is anything different on your end?" The boss says, "I think I'm supposed to b...

Join us in June 2018 for the first  World Innovations Forum in Switzerland. Be there when the journey starts!

Join us in June 2018 for the first World Innovations Forum in Switzerland. Be there when the journey starts!

This is "World Innovations Forum - why and how" by 2nd-level VIDEO WORKS GmbH on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

  is truly a force for good! And the best of the industry just met at the   World Tourism Forum in Lucerne. See you hope...

is truly a force for good! And the best of the industry just met at the World Tourism Forum in Lucerne. See you hopefully in 2019!

One in 11 people worldwide works in travel and tourism, but who will steer its evolution into the world’s largest sustainable sector?

  Global Trends to 2030 with    Great insights!

Global Trends to 2030 with Great insights!

Quite interesting. Compensation and performance should go together. Quantonomics we are working just towards a system th...

Quite interesting. Compensation and performance should go together. Quantonomics we are working just towards a system that could solve this problem...stay tuned...

Viele Unternehmen entlöhnen intransparent. Ökonomieprofessor Ernst Fehr hat ein Vergütungssystem entwickelt, das die Leistung der Manager zuverlässiger bewerten soll.

Spannender Artikel! Und wir sind mitten drin und helfen mit, dass Mitarbeiter auch wirklich Partner werden...

Spannender Artikel! Und wir sind mitten drin und helfen mit, dass Mitarbeiter auch wirklich Partner werden...

Neue Büros – Mitarbeiter sind Partner.




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