Beyond any doubt the 2 most frustrating occurrences in photographing and filming birds is not having the eye pin sharp or cutting out the tips of the wing (s). However there is an equally or possibly more frustrating occurrence that occasionally rears it head and it happened to me on my recent 5 week trip to southern Patagonia to film the Andean Condors.
This soaring leviathan cruised along the cliff edge and I for some insane reason only fires off a single shot, and it so happened that during that split second one of the 8 wing fingers was in the way of the Condors beak.
I was a complete idiot for not holding down the shutter button and using the 20 frames per second function the camera has. I was and still am livid with myself😂, it would have been a perfect image…….
Next time😳
reasons I will never understand I failed to shoot a bu