We all need an honest source to the real scoop on restaurants and bars. Bon App is the trusted source for terrific restaurants recommended and reviewed by local and expat foodies, in your home city and on your travels. Bon App's events are your opportunity to meet inspiring people for authentic dining experiences and more. Bon App Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Macau are on live and be ready to serve th
e hungry foodies in these cities, with the strong support from our Shanghai, Beijing and Singapore communities. Bon App curates dining suggestions to fit your occasion and taste, based on thousands of reviews. We bring the community together at “Meets”, uniquely-themed dining events attended by as many as 5000 people in a single day. Trust is a prized commodity in China, and our foodie community has earned the trust of informed locals and global travelers alike thanks to our user-generated content: real people, real food and real opinions. As of Dec 2016, Bon App listed 212,400 restaurants and bars. Our community is 512,800 strong, and together we have generated 182,600 reviews, 365,200 check-ins and 415,300 votes. After being featured twice in the App Store, Bon App was selected to represent China in the highly selective accelerator program Google/Blackbox in Silicon Valley. Bon App has many won high-growth business competitions including China's national show Yi Cai, Shanghai Startup Star Award and finalist round in the Australia Chamber of Commerce Best Startup Awards.