Bike Tour Cartagena

Bike Tour Cartagena Información de contacto, mapa y direcciones, formulario de contacto, horario de apertura, servicios, puntuaciones, fotos, videos y anuncios de Bike Tour Cartagena, Guía turístico, Cartagena.

The best tour to learn deeply about local history and take unforgettables pictures in the old city ❤️

and if you are an animal lover you will meet monkeys 🐒 and sloths 🦥

Gastronomic tasting and water included

Tours in English, French and Portuguese

Tour en Bici en Cartagena Bike Tour in Cartagena WhatsApp +57 3004458231

Tour en Bici en Cartagena
Bike Tour in Cartagena
WhatsApp +57 3004458231

Sean Todos Bienvenidos Welcome Everybody WhatsApp +57 3004458231Salidas Diarias :)

Sean Todos Bienvenidos
Welcome Everybody
WhatsApp +57 3004458231
Salidas Diarias :)


Bienvenidos Amigos, Reserva Tu Tour en Bici y Muchas Mas Experiencias Con Nosotros, Tenemos Nuestra Oficina en Getsemaní, Centro Histórico

Welcome Friends, Book Your Bike Tour and Many More Experiences With Us, We Have Our Office in Getsemaní, Historic Center.

WhatsApp +57 3004458231

Bienvenidos ~ Welcome :)

We have daily departures in our Bike Tour with minimum 2 people.Click on the following WhatsApp link to see details http...

We have daily departures in our Bike Tour with minimum 2 people.
Click on the following WhatsApp link to see details
Welcome :)

*Tour en Bicicleta En Cartagena*

En este Colorido Paseo Recorremos los rincones del corazon de la ciudad Antigua y Sus Magicos Barrios, Como Getsemani, Santo Domingo, San Diego y un poco más allá el espinal.

Iniciamos nuestro bello recorrido la Calle de la Media Luna del Barrio Getsemaní, y nos dirigimos hacia el espinal donde están los Zapatos Viejos y El Castillo de San Felipe, Allí Escuhamos la explicación del guía y tomamos las fotos y recibimos hidratacion.

Después de esto regresamos a Getsemaní para descubrir sus hermosas calles coloridas con Cometas, Paraguas y Muchos Graffitis, Es el área popular del centro histórico donde aún vivimos locales y está lleno de mucha música, magia y gente de gran carisma. Conoceremos como eran las casas de los indígenas antes de la llegada de los españoles y probaremos nuestra cerveza local , La famosa Costeñita.

Llegaremos a el parque del centenario para conocer a el Oso Perezoso , Micos Titos e Iguanas, Entramos por la Torre del Reloj y Vamos Hacia San Diego y Santo Domingo Donde Recorreremos Sus Principales Plazas y Monumentos, Alli resaltan Plaza de las Bóvedas, Plaza De Santo Domingo, Plaza de Simon Bolívar, Plaza de San Diego, Asenso a las Murallas Para La Vista al el Mar, Plaza de San Pedro Claver, Plaza de a Aduana, Plaza de los Coches entre otras. En una de estas calles de San Diego degustaremos patacones con queso y jugo de naranja

*Salidas con mínimo 2 personas*
( Pregunta por tu tour privado )


* Botella con agua
* Degustación Gastronomica Local
* Jugo De Naranja
*Cerveza Local
* Guía Bilingüe
* 2 horas de Duración

9:00AM ~ 11:00AM
4:00PM ~ 6:00PM

Con Bicicleta Montañera Todo Terreno el precio sube a $200.000 COP por persona


*Bicycle Tour in Cartagena*

On this colorful tour we will visit the corners of the heart of the old city and its magical neighborhoods, such as Getsemani, Santo Domingo, San Diego and a little further on the Espinal.

We begin our beautiful tour on Media Luna Street in the Getsemaní neighborhood, and we head towards the Espinal where the Old Shoes and San Felipe Castle are. There we listen to the guide's explanation and take photos and receive hydration.

After this we return to Getsemaní to discover its beautiful colorful streets with Kites, Umbrellas and Many Graffiti. It is the popular area of ​​the historic center where locals still live and it is full of music, magic and people of great charisma. We will learn what the houses of the indigenous people were like before the arrival of the Spanish and we will try our local beer, the famous Costeñita.

We will arrive at the Centennial Park to meet the Sloth, Titos Monkeys and Iguanas. We enter through the Clock Tower and go towards San Diego and Santo Domingo where we will visit its main squares and monuments, there stand out Plaza de las Bóvedas, Plaza De Santo Domingo, Plaza de Simon Bolivar, Plaza de San Diego, Ascension to the Walls for the Sea View, Plaza de San Pedro Claver, Plaza de a Aduana, Plaza de los Coches among others. On one of these streets in San Diego we will taste patacones with cheese and orange juice

*Departures with a minimum of 2 people*
( Ask for your private tour )


* Bottle of water
* Local Gastronomic Tasting
* Orange Juice
* Local Beer
* Bilingual Guide
* 2 hours of Duration

9:00 AM ~ 11:00 AM
4:00 PM ~ 6:00 PM

With All Terrain Mountain Bike the price goes up to $200,000 COP per person · COP170,000

Daily Share and Private Bike Tour in Cartagena De Indias. Come to enjoy the best vibes of the city with a certified guid...

Daily Share and Private Bike Tour in Cartagena De Indias. Come to enjoy the best vibes of the city with a certified guide. You will love it.
WhatsApp +57 3004458231 or just click in the following WhatsApp link
Welcome 🙏

Today with KLM Crew from Netherlands.Contact Us Through The Following WhatsApp Link. ...

Today with KLM Crew from Netherlands.
Contact Us Through The Following WhatsApp Link.
Welcome 🙏

Today With Beautiful Ladies From Netherlands.Contact Us Through The WhatsApp Link Below

Today With Beautiful Ladies From Netherlands.
Contact Us Through The WhatsApp Link Below
Welcome Everybody 😉

Come To Live The Experience in Our Bike Tour in Cartagena , Book With UsWhatsapp +57 3004458231Welcome Everybody 😉

Come To Live The Experience in Our Bike Tour in Cartagena , Book With Us
Whatsapp +57 3004458231
Welcome Everybody 😉

Book With Us in Our Whatsapp +57 3004458231Welcome 🙏

Book With Us in Our Whatsapp
+57 3004458231
Welcome 🙏

Welcome Everybody To Our Beautiful Bike Tour In Cartagena,  You Will Never Regret About This Amazing Experience ;p Book ...

Welcome Everybody To Our Beautiful Bike Tour In Cartagena, You Will Never Regret About This Amazing Experience ;p Book With Us :)

Whatsapp +57 300-445-8231




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