We are a system of guidance, planning, and organization that, through an advanced website, APP, and pocket guide, offer our local and international users the possibility to visualize the location of affiliate businesses. Through us, users are able to access instructions on how to arrive, services offered, pictures, hours of operation, contact information, and much more. We have developed a new too
l, which we call the “Wish Map.” This tool is designed to allow users to visualize the profile of each business, while having the option to choose the places they would like to visit. The tool organizes their choices in groups, allowing them to later consult and rearrange their lists, for example: my restaurants, things to do during the day, top 10, or whatever will be useful for them according to their profile. These maps will be available to consult at any time, can be saved in pdf format, shared on social media, by e-mail, on the forum of In Cartagena, or as support material on a blog. Hand in hand with our pocket guide, we propose to businesses that they offer special promotions or deals to our visitors. We will be planning activities that will motivate these said promotions and deals, which will allow us to demonstrate the effectiveness of this method. It’s important to highlight that our tools are a useful complement to the information and promotions available in guides, blogs, articles, as well as mouth to mouth. Our objective is that travellers can organize, save, and use all of the information that they encounter by utilizing the aforementioned means. We consider the growth of tourism in Cartagena as a commitment among everybody. For this reason, we have dedicated ourselves to designing a tool that permits synergy between those involved in the touristic industry of the city.