Grupo Maximo Agency - Cartagena's #1 Concierge & Vacation Rentals

Grupo Maximo Agency - Cartagena's #1 Concierge &  Vacation Rentals We are a ViP luxury concierge boutique colonial villas & yacht rentals agency in Cartagena de Indias "Because we do Cartagena right."

We offer safe, beautifully renovated, comfortable homes, casa colonials, villas and excellent properties in the Old Historical Walled City and along the southern Caribbean seas of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. A new and emerging cruise port terminal, tourist destination, wedding and holiday resort, and real estate retirement and investment. With varied arts and entertainment festivals during the

year it's no wonder people are flocking to Cartagena before the world gets wind of the City. In January we have two varied groups of music lovers: Classical Concerts and Electronic Festival, February Hay Festival celebrating authors from around the world, March The Film Festival, November: Miss Colombia, International Fishing Tournament and World Class New Years in the Old Walled City! Receive our Insiders Report ( and check it regularly as we discover new restaurants and places to go and visit while visiting Cartagena de Indias.

Thinking of Investing in Cartagena?It's a smart move if you are.And as an added BONUS this weekend only >>>We will help ...

Thinking of Investing in Cartagena?
It's a smart move if you are.

And as an added BONUS this weekend only >>>
We will help you select up to 10 properties to choose from.
The one you select will be the one we will perform the Due Diligence package on.
See below.

1. Growth is exponential in the tourism sector.
2. From 4M pre-pandemic to 5-7M over the next 2 years.
3. 12M+ over the following 5 years
4. Construction has increased in expanding projects.
5. Shopping malls and new subdivisions are in proces.
6. A new promenade has been planned along the waterfront.
7. And much more.

If you don't know who to ask or what to ask, let us help you navigate the intricate details and make you come out on top. Your investment will be a wise one here in Cartagena, if you do it right.

We have over 18 years experience in the city, since 2006.
And we know the right questions to ask, what to look for in the properties, how to get the best deals and how to make a seamless transfer of titles and all legal documentations required for residential, business/commercial and/or retirement. A big move for everyone recently has been remote work. We can also assist with getting the new remote work visa.


Request our consulting package for serious investors only.
email: [email protected] or text: +57.300.405.2376

Everything simplified with us here.

Disclosure: Not Used Here.
One of the most critical things you meed to understand about the culture here, especially in Cartagena, is this word DISCLOSURE, is rarely understood and even less provided... UNLESS you ask the right questions here, most owners and presenters of property will NOT tell you if they have it or not.
For eg:
1. Does the building provide security?
2. Who is the security company?
3. Are they reputable?
That's only one example of many.
This one question will be based on whether or not the admin of the building are open to providing the answer and how one would find this answer.
If you want to get a much clearer insight into these inside requests then invest in your Full DUE DILIGENCE PACKAGE / Plan Now.
And make certain your property is fully secure. Pay here: and get multiple searches and one Full DUE DILIGENCE PACKAGE / Plan today.

See below the project which will be underway for the malecon.
See you in Cartagena!

We don't know Cuba.We don't know Jamaica.We don't know Brasil, Uruguay or Argentina... (but we have concierge connection...

We don't know Cuba.
We don't know Jamaica.
We don't know Brasil, Uruguay or Argentina... (but we have concierge connections globally).

What we do know is Cartagena de Indias.

We are the forefront experts on the city, hands down.
My most wealthiest clients: Bernt Bodal of American Seafood and Sammy Hagar formerly of Van Halen combined worth over 6 billion dollars.

Arnold Taylor - South Coast Records / Manager of daBaby.

Trusted Luxury 5 Star ViP Service Since 2006.

Get your insiders Day Pass when you register with us.
• valuable check list before leaving home
• the best restaurants (access and reservation services)
• best bars and clubs
• tours
• luxury yacht charters
• luxury private transportation w/AC
• and everything else between
• the best private villas at your disposal

[email protected]
300 4052376

Cartagena is celebrating it's 490 years of Independence today!Happy Birthday CTG!

Cartagena is celebrating it's 490 years of Independence today!
Happy Birthday CTG!

"There is a life which is cheaper, but it's not as good."Welcome to Grupo Maximo Agency - Cartagena Luxury Villas.Exclus...

"There is a life which is cheaper, but it's not as good."

Welcome to Grupo Maximo Agency - Cartagena Luxury Villas.
Exclusively tailored Cartagena experiences.
WhatsApp your grupo bookings today:


Available for Christmas & New Years
7 night min stay.

Book now!
*Whatsapp: +57 300 4052376
*Bookings and inquiries only.

See you here!

We are a ViP luxury concierge boutique colonial villas & yacht rentals agency in Cartagena de Indias

Moshi Japanese Style Ice Cream.La Serazuella Cartagena, Colombia.Delicious!

Moshi Japanese Style Ice Cream.
La Serazuella Cartagena, Colombia.


New Article of Billion Dollar Treasure Find of the Spanish Galleon the San José Off the Coast of Cartagena!I'm certain o...

New Article of Billion Dollar Treasure Find of the Spanish Galleon the San José Off the Coast of Cartagena!

I'm certain once all the legal claims are completed it will be an amazing dive site if it's not that deep. Either way it would be incredible to see real Gold treasure from that time of history!

Incredible Video Coverage:

People Magazine Report:

Original Full Bio on Wikipedia:

San José was a 64-gun, three-masted galleon of the Spanish Navy. It was launched in 1698,[1] and sank in battle off the coast of Cartagena, Colombia, in 1708, while laden with gold, silver and emeralds worth about US$17 billion as of 2018.[2]


Let's Gooo!

Cartagena-Clombiao, Southern Caribbean 2022!

Make it so #2!

Turn up your speakers! 🔊 🔊 🔊

Send a message to learn more

Presidential Decree: No More Covid-19 Vax Required to Enter Colombia. Just PCR/Antigen. No More Vaccines Required to Ent...

Presidential Decree: No More Covid-19 Vax Required to Enter Colombia. Just PCR/Antigen.

No More Vaccines Required to Enter Colombia. [As of 01 May, 2022]. Or masks indoors or outdoors with 70% or more vaccinated within each city. Please read full information below.

Declaration for Entry to Colombia.

Regarding the request for the vaccination card for flights to Colombia, the minister indicated that the two doses are still required (with a complete schedule), "but we are allowing incomplete schedules with PCR or antigen tests."
"And also to people who have not been vaccinated, they can enter with a PCR or antigen test," he said, explaining that in this sense, if a person arrives in Colombia and has not been vaccinated, or has only one dose, they can present proof of PCR or antigen.

President of Colombia & Minister of Health.



Use of masks in closed spaces is lifted, but with

Bulletin No. 282 of 2022

Use of masks in closed spaces is lifted, but with

- Use of the mask will be requested only in health service spaces, nursing homes, closed school spaces and in transport in general.
Bogotá D.C., April 25, 2022. – After the announcement by the President of the Republic, Iván Duque on the lifting of the mask in closed spaces, as well as the extension of the Sanitary Emergency, the Minister of Health and Social Protection, Fernando Ruiz Gómez was emphatic in indicating that it means that there will still be cases in which the mask will have to be worn.

In this sense, he pointed out that, in cases such as closed spaces of educational institutions, that is, classrooms, the face mask should be used, but it is not open spaces such as rest spaces for boys and girls at school. “It is inside the classroom where the mask has to be used,” he said.

The minister explained that the reason for continuing to use the mask in spaces such as classrooms is because “according to the epidemiological peak due to respiratory diseases that we are going through, the Epidemiological Committee evaluated the issue and considered that we may have situations in which There may be an increase in respiratory infection, which can be masked by covid-19 in children, mainly”.

Already in scenarios such as cinemas or shopping centers, as in the rest of the massive events, the use of the mask is eliminated in both adults and children. "It is eliminated in all spaces such as restaurants," Ruiz Gómez completed.
In this sense, the use of the mask is requested only in health service spaces, nursing homes, closed school spaces and in transport (not only in public transport).

Thus, the use of the mask in the mass transport services of the different Colombian cities is maintained. Also on flights and cruises.

Use of masks in closed spaces is lifted, but with

It should be noted that these measures will come into force as of May 1 of the present, and in the case of the lifting of the mask in spaces PBX: (57-1) 3305000 - Free line: 018000-910097 Fax: (57-1) 3305050 closed will apply to municipalities with 70% of its population with scheme complete and 40% with a booster dose.

For the minister, the new measures mean a moment of transition. “The extension of the health emergency and the reason why it is not eliminated is because a very short time has elapsed between the reduced number of
cases, infections and deaths, so you have to wait a while, ”he explained.

For this reason, Ruiz Gómez explained that there is still uncertainty in the face of covid-19, and although there have been six weeks of low numbers, this is a short period in
epidemiological terms “compared to what it implies to have a margin of security in what may happen in the immediate future”.
He reminded the portfolio manager that the different sub variants of Ómicron already circulate in Colombia, which makes it easier for the numbers of low infections to occur in such an environment. “But it is prudent to wait and maintain a
continuous vigilance on the situation”, he pointed out.
Vaccination card.

Regarding the request for the vaccination card for flights to Colombia, the minister indicated that the two doses are still required (with a complete schedule), "but we are allowing with schemes incomplete with PCR or antigen test”.
"And also to people who have not been vaccinated, they can enter with a PCR or antigen test," he said, and explained that in this sense, if a person arrives in Colombia and has not been vaccinated, or has only one dose, they can present Test
of PCR or antigen.

PBX: (57-1) 3305000 - Free line: 018000-910097 Fax: (57-1) 3305050


Boletín No. 282 de 2022

Uso de tapabocas en espacios cerrados se levanta, pero con

- Uso del tapabocas se solicitará únicamente en espacios de servicios de salud, hogares geriátricos, espacios cerrados escolares y en transporte en general.
Bogotá D.C., 25 de abril de 2022. – Luego del anuncio del presidente de la República, Iván Duque sobre el levantamiento del tapabocas en espacios cerrados, así como en la extensión de la Emergencia Sanitaria, el ministro de Salud y Protección Social, Fernando Ruiz Gómez fue enfático en indicar que significa que aún se mantendrán casos en los que sí habrá que usar la mascarilla.
En tal sentido señaló que, en casos como espacios cerrados de instituciones educativas, es decir salones, sí debe ser usado el tapabocas, pero no es espacios abiertos como lo pueden ser los espacios de descanso de los niños y niñas en el colegio. “Es dentro del salón de clase donde se tiene que utilizar el tapabocas”, dijo.
Explico el ministro que la razón de seguir usando el tapabocas en espacios como los salones de clase, es porque “de acuerdo con el pico epidemiológico por enfermedades respiratorias que estamos atravesando, el Comité Epidemiológico evaluó el tema y consideró que podemos tener situaciones en las cuales puede haber un incremento de la infección respiratoria, que puede enmascararse con el covid-19 en los niños, principalmente”.
Ya en escenarios como cines o centros comerciales, como en el resto de los eventos masivos, el uso del tapabocas se elimina tanto en adultos como niños. “Se elimina en todos los espacios como restaurantes”, completo Ruiz Gómez.
En tal sentido, el uso del tapabocas se solicita únicamente en espacios de servicios de salud, hogares geriátricos, espacios cerrados escolares y en transporte (no solo en transporte público).
Así las cosas, el uso del tapabocas en los servicios de transporte masivos de las diferentes ciudades colombianas se mantiene. Así mismo en los vuelos y en los cruceros.
Uso de tapabocas en espacios cerrados se levanta, pero con

Es de tener en cuenta que estes medidas entrarán en vigor a partir del 1 de mayo del presente, y en el caso del levantamiento del tapabocas en espacios
PBX: (57-1) 3305000 - Línea gratuita: 018000-910097 Fax: (57-1) 3305050
cerrados aplicará para los municipios con el 70 % de su población con esquema
completo y el 40 % con dosis de refuerzo.
Para el ministro, las nuevas medidas significan un momento de transición. “La prolongación de la emergencia sanitaria y la razón por la cual no se elimina es porque ha transcurrido un tiempo muy corto entre el número reducido de
casos, contagios y fallecidos, entonces hay que esperar un tiempo”, explicó.
Por ello, Ruiz Gómez expuso que aún hay incertidumbre de cara al covid-19, y aunque van seis semanas de números bajos, éste es un periodo corto en
términos epidemiológicos “frente a lo que implica tener un margen de
seguridad en lo que puede suceder en el inmediato futuro”.
Recordó el jefe de cartera que en Colombia ya circulan las diferentes subvariantes de Ómicron, lo que facilita que los números de bajos contagios se están dando en tal entorno. “Pero es de prudencia esperar y mantener una
vigilancia continua sobre la situación”, puntualizó.
Carné de vacunación
En lo que respecta a la solicitud del carné de vacunación para los vuelos provenientes hacía Colombia, el ministro indicó que se sigue exigiendo las dos dosis (con esquema completo), “pero estamos permitiendo con esquemas
incompletos con prueba PCR o antígeno”.
“Y también a las personas que no se han vacunado, pueden entrar con prueba PCR o antígeno”, dijo, y explicó que en tal sentido si una persona llega a Colombia y no se ha vacunado, o tiene una sola dosis, puede presentar prueba
de PCR o antígeno.

PBX: (57-1) 3305000 - Línea gratuita: 018000-910097 Fax: (57-1) 3305050

Stunning Sunsets.Old Historical Old Walled City.Founded in 1533! Almost 500 years ago.Taken last weekend from one of my ...

Stunning Sunsets.

Old Historical Old Walled City.
Founded in 1533!
Almost 500 years ago.

Taken last weekend from one of my clients.

Beautiful Colonial Ocean View Villa in Cartagena for Rent.Contact us today for details and bookings.WhatsApp/Signal Only...

Beautiful Colonial Ocean View Villa in Cartagena for Rent.

Contact us today for details and bookings.
WhatsApp/Signal Only: +57.300.405.2376

Airport transfers
Daily cooked breakfast
Daily room cleaning
Daily concierge services
24/7 security
Private pool
BBQ zone
And more...

Please share so I can value to others and honor my annual mission, To Increase the Quality of the Lives of Others Who ar...

Please share so I can value to others and honor my annual mission, To Increase the Quality of the Lives of Others Who are Open and Ready to Transform.

Happy New Year to All My Past & Future Clients.

I am so grateful to you all for all the trust and faith which you have placed in me over the years, and in my effort to provide outstanding service and continue to live up to my daily mission, "to increase the quality of life to all of those ready and committed to moving forward now in thiers," I would be honored to share this special New Year program with you all.

For anyone past client, if you recommend a client to me over the next month I will gift you an additional 3 months of free one on one personal coaching. This package is valued at US$3,000 over the 3 months. That means you will receive 5 weekly emails filled with tips, videos, systems, books, articles and more during the week and 1 x 45 min live online session during the week.

For business owners, managers, marketing manager clients who are ready for to uplevel their business results we will provide you also with the US$5k/month package.
• Same as above...
• Plus: an additional live session during the week.
• One at the beginning, one at the end
• Plus an additional day of tips and systems (6 x week)
• Which means an additional 12 days of secret business methods, strategies, tactics, methodologies shared to me by my coaches and mentors who have successfully made over US$8 Billion in sales over their careers.

• And a BONUS of unlimited email access during the week. 9am-5pm Monday - Friday
• Proven Results - Proven Methodologies - Ready to Share with You & Your Business.

Contact my today to get started!

See you on the inside.
Because this is where it gets started and where it all gets done!

Maxim P. Weithers

One on One Weekly Training 3-12 Month Programs. Start Now & Finish Ahead of Your Competitors.

Trusted by Staff From Our Valued Clients Since 2006.

Trusted by Staff From Our Valued Clients Since 2006.

When you book with us we include your airport transfers both ways. Perhaps in one of our comfortable luxury vans like th...

When you book with us we include your airport transfers both ways. Perhaps in one of our comfortable luxury vans like this one below.

Let's do this.
We got you.

Because we do Cartagena right!


No free "Brain Picking" without paying a consulting fee!

Love this.
Clients who get it understand they are not only receiving a specialized service but also the 14 years of contacts, experience and knowledge they just won't find in other services in Cartagena.

To get started sign up here for available dates:
Ask for payment link. WhatsApp: +57.300.405.2376


Reserve Your Insiders Lists Now.

Book here:

And see why having a speciality concierge working in Cartagena since 2006 makes your visit to Cartagena the "Next Level Up: special!

GMA GOES GLOBAL.Introducing yacht charters in Europe you can noe pay by Crypto.115' Mega yacht5 luxury cabins5 baths12 g...


Introducing yacht charters in Europe you can noe pay by Crypto.

115' Mega yacht
5 luxury cabins
5 baths
12 guests

This yacht represents a blend of classic elegant lines, latest technology, comfort, and sophistication. The modern interior is designed with impressive lighting systems throughout all areas, creating a cozy and serene atmosphere. Accommodation for up to 12 guests in 5 luxurious staterooms, It also offers spacious areas on the fore, aft and sun deck, allowing guests to make the most of their holiday in the open air. The huge sun deck area with a bar and BBQ is the ideal setting for a moonlight dinner or party, as well as soaking up the sunshine in the day time. Yachts offered are subject to availability. The particulars are believed to be correct but are not guaranteed and may not be used for contractual purposes. Specification provided for information only.

Book now.
Day or week charters only.
Prices start from €14k
WhatsApp: +57.300.405.2376

Breakfast Service Now Available to Your Guests in Cartagena.Over the years offering a breakfast service has been a huge ...

Breakfast Service Now Available to Your Guests in Cartagena.

Over the years offering a breakfast service has been a huge incentive to hotel guests selecting their property vs no breakfast, yet many short stay rentals don't offer this as a complete service...?

Until Now.

We organize the trained chefs, quality ingredients and fresh brewed coffee using only quality filtered water. Other houses may reuse old oil, palm or soy oil or other low quality and unhealthy ingredients which contributes to heart conditions amongst others.

Our service includes: our professionally trained chefs, quality ingredients like; almond milk vs shelf milk, top quality Colombian coffee, fresh juice & fruit in season, cereals, pancakes, bacon, local breads and delicious clean free range eggs, brown sugar, Himalayan salt and more.

Prices based on number of people. We organize all the shopping, prepping and serving. And forget about clean up, we're on that too.

Any special requests we'll be happy to organize when requested 24+ hrs in advance.

Contact us today to book your Cartagena Breakfast Service.
Served 8am-11am daily.
WhatsApp only: +57.300.405.2376

Covid Antigen Testing Now Available in Cartagena & Medellin.Results and certificate issued in 2-4 hrsAdministered by reg...

Covid Antigen Testing Now Available in Cartagena & Medellin.

Results and certificate issued in 2-4 hrs
Administered by registered technicians.
Report for travellers within 2 hrs by email.

Contact us now to book your private appointment.

IV Vitamin Therapy.Revive & Recover.Now available in Cartagena.Administered by a certified nurse.1L = 45-60 mins.Contact...

IV Vitamin Therapy.
Revive & Recover.
Now available in Cartagena.

Administered by a certified nurse.
1L = 45-60 mins.
Contact us now for availability.
We'll come to your villa, home, apartment, hotel.
Outbound service only.

WhatsApp: +57.300.405.2376

Yachts are renting like hot cakes! Grab yours now.

Yachts are renting like hot cakes! Grab yours now.


Centro Historico


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Agencias De Viajes cercanos