El Ventanal

El Ventanal Discover the Beauty, Wildlife, Culture in Finca El Ventanal , Located in the Municipio de Tunia, just 90 Minutes from Cali - Colombia.

Explore, Dream, Discover, let the Worries Behind & T A K E a Vacation With Us

Explora, Sueña, Descubre .... Deja tus Preocupaciones Atrás y Descansa Ahora. BECAUSE WE CARE ABOUT YOU ....

Take a Deep Breath  😎And Enjoy your L I F E

Take a Deep Breath 😎
And Enjoy your L I F E

OUR HONEY 🐝🐝Natural product of beekeeping, to give the consumer the most pure and excellent products, whose consumption ...


Natural product of beekeeping, to give the consumer the most pure and excellent products, whose consumption helps preserve the Health and Beauty.

Wetting effects, anti-inflammatory, relieves sore throat. Facilitates the movement of the intestines, improves digestion and constipation. Increases energy levels, stabilize glocusa levels in the blood and relieves insomnia.
Through the years, HONEY has been regarded as one of the most selective of the foods that man has a warehouse of excellent nutrition, easily digestible for any age.
Honey contains elements necessary for our body to stay healthy, including: 17% water, 76% sugar (34% glucose, 40% fructose, 2% sucrose) and 7 other substances which include Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, proteins, amino acids.

Producto natural del cultivo de abejas, para dar al consumidor los mas puros y excelentes productos, cuyo consumo ayuda a conservar la Salud y Belleza.

Tiene efectos humectantes, anti-inflamatorios, alivia el ardor de garganta. Facilita el movimiento de los intestinos, mejora la digestion y el estrenimiento. Aumenta los niveles de energia, estabiliza los niveles de glocusa en la sangre y alivia el insomnio.
Atraves de los anos la MIEL ha sido considerada como uno de los alimentos mas selectos de los que el hombre dispone, un almacen de excelente nutricion, de facil digestion para cualquier edad.
La miel contiene los elementos necesarios para que nuestro cuerpo se mantega saludable, incluyendo: 17% agua, 76% azucar ( 34% glucosa, 40% fructuosa, 2%sacarosa ) y 7 otras sustancias en las que incluye Vitaminas, Minerales, Encimas, Proteinas, Aminoacidos.

POPAYAN Located a 45 min. from El Ventanal,  this majestic white city has to much to offer you.  You can have the city w...

Located a 45 min. from El Ventanal, this majestic white city has to much to offer you.
You can have the city walking tours or take a dip in the hot springs and then cycle back through the beautiful countryside.
Visit the natural historic museum or climb the steaming volcano Purace.

Ubicado a 45 min. de El Ventanal, esta majestuosa ciudad blanca tiene mucho que ofrecer.
Puede realizar recorridos a pie por la ciudad o darse un chapuzón en las aguas termales y luego volver en bicicleta por el hermoso campo.
Visite el museo histórico natural o suba al humeante volcán Purace.

Nuestras cabañas están diseñadas para ser parte del paisaje. Están construidos con materiales locales y no contienen pro...

Nuestras cabañas están diseñadas para ser parte del paisaje. Están construidos con materiales locales y no contienen productos químicos. Para aprovechar al máximo tu experiencia.
Ponte en contacto con tu ser interior, relájate y disfruta

Our cabins are designed to be part of the landscape. They are built with local materials and are free of chemicals. In order to make the most of your experience.
Get you in touch with your inner self, relax and enjoy

MOISTURIZING BODY CREAMWith Honey & PropolisNourishes, smooths and deeply hydrates the skin, reinforcing its elasticity,...

With Honey & Propolis
Nourishes, smooths and deeply hydrates the skin, reinforcing its elasticity, eliminating harshness and toning tissue.
While harmonizes and stabilizes the body energetically.

Con Miel & Propoleo
Nutre, suaviza e hidrata profundamente la piel, reforzando su elasticidad, eliminando asperezas y tonificando sus tejidos.
A la vez que armoniza y estabiliza energeticamente el cuerpo.

BREAKFAST  🍳Organic farm eggs, arepa, goat cheese,  chocolate hecho en fogon de lena. Acompanado de un clima espectacula...

Organic farm eggs, arepa, goat cheese, chocolate hecho en fogon de lena.
Acompanado de un clima espectacular.

IGLOO  🥶Live the Igloo experience without the freezing temperatures. IGLÚ  Vive la experiencia Igloo sin las temperatura...

Live the Igloo experience without the freezing temperatures.

Vive la experiencia Igloo sin las temperaturas bajo cero.

CREAM CLEANSERWith honey and vitamin EEmulsion hypoallergenic to remove makeup and leave skin moisturized, cleaning and ...

With honey and vitamin E
Emulsion hypoallergenic to remove makeup and leave skin moisturized, cleaning and restoring the natural freshness to your skin.

Con Miel y Vitamina E
emulsion hipoalergica pra retirar el maquilaje y dejar humectada la piel, limpiando y restituyendo la lozania en tu piel.

Our cabins are designed to be part of the landscape. They are built with local materials and are free of chemicals. In o...

Our cabins are designed to be part of the landscape. They are built with local materials and are free of chemicals. In order to make the most of your experience.
Get you in touch with your inner self, relax and enjoy

Nuestras cabañas están diseñadas para ser parte del paisaje. Están construidos con materiales locales y no contienen productos químicos. Para aprovechar al máximo tu experiencia.
Ponte en contacto con tu ser interior, relájate y disfruta

E X P  L O R AUna ciudad llena de genta amable y cordial, a sus 4905 pies de altura ofrece un clima  de 68 F.  ideal par...

Una ciudad llena de genta amable y cordial, a sus 4905 pies de altura ofrece un clima de 68 F. ideal para hiking, bicicleta o simplemente descanzar


Tunia Es una pequeña población que representa una singularidad arquitectónica española, fundada en el año 1.851, hace parte del Municipio de Piendamó, Cauca....

PROPOLISThe propolis is a sticky resin produced by bees to cover their hives protects against germs.It is effective as r...

The propolis is a sticky resin produced by bees to cover their hives protects against germs.
It is effective as regenerative, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic. Improves immune system, relieve allergies and accelerates the healing of wounds.
The propolis is one of the most effective natural antibiotics.

El propoleo es una resina pegajosa producida por las abejas para cubrir sus colmenas protegiendolas contra los germenes.
Es efectivo como regenerador, anti-inflamatorio, anti-bacterial y anti-parasitario. Mejora el sistema inmunologico, alivia las alergias y acelera la curacion de las heridas.
El propoleo es uno de los mas efectivos antibioticos naturales.

NOURISHING SHAMPOOHoney and PropolisCleansing and moisturizing treatment for all hair types. Vitality, silky, life, shin...

Honey and Propolis
Cleansing and moisturizing treatment for all hair types. Vitality, silky, life, shine are some of your benefits; helps control hair problems for the antibacterial action of propolis.

Con miel y Propoleo
Tratamiento de limpieza e hidratacion para todo tipo de cabello. Vitalidad, sedosidad, vida y brillo son algunos de sus beneficios, ayuda a controlar problemas capilares por la accion antibacterial del propoleo.

The Coconuco Hot SpringsLocated in the municipality of the same name, have the Agua Tibia Hot Springs and the Boiling Wa...

The Coconuco Hot Springs
Located in the municipality of the same name, have the Agua Tibia Hot Springs and the Boiling Water Hot Springs; Pools in which you can not only bathe but also enjoy the great healing properties that these types of waters have.

The Coconuco Hot Springs are an excellent option to spend a day or a weekend in the company of friends or family. In addition to everything, the surrounding landscape is an ecstasy for

OUR PRODUCTS CLEANING GELWith honey and propolisCleaning and moisturizing treatment removes rough, dead cells, makes ski...

With honey and propolis
Cleaning and moisturizing treatment removes rough, dead cells, makes skin look and feel more silky and youthful, relaxing effects, therapeutic and energizing because of its natural components such as honey and propolis.

Con miel y propoleo
Tratamiento de limpieza e hidratacion, elimina asperezas, celulas muertas, hace que la piel se vea y sienta mas sedosa y juvenil, produce efectos relajantes, terapeuticos y energizantes debido a sus componentes naturales como miel y propoleo.


It is more than a tradition, it is a delicious and typical Colombian food that you can taste at the Ventanal.

PURACE NACIONAL PARK The Puracé National Natural Park located in the Andean Region of Colombia, southeast of the city of...

The Puracé National Natural Park located in the Andean Region of Colombia, southeast of the city of Popayán in the Cordillera Central range. Its main feature is the active stratovolcano Puracé, one of Colombia's most active volcanoes. Four of the country's most important rivers originate within the area: Magdalena River, Cauca River, Japurá River and Patía River.


Enjoy your stay with a beautiful weather and a really nice breakfast at the Ventanal.



Municipio De Piendamo


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