Un momento en #Happylifehome 🏡
Ramphocelus nigrogularis/Masked Crimson Tanager un #Happylifehome 🏡
Nuevo comensal en #Happylifehome 🏡
El hermoso Ramphocelus nigrogularis 🤩
Que belleza! 😱🫶🏻
Despues de la lluvia aumenta el hambre 😅
# Happylifehome 🏡
White-eared Jacamar/Galbalcyrhynchus leucotis
Blue-gray Tanager/ Thraupis episcopus
Palm Tanager/Thraupis palmarum
Turquoise Tanager/Tangara mexicana
Yellow-tufted Woodpecker/ Melanerpe cruentatus
Scarlet-crowned Barbet/Capito aurovirens
Speckled Chachalaca/Ortalis guttata
Gray-cowled Wood-Rail/Aramides cajaneus
Los buenos días de Panchit@s P...en Happylifehome 🏡🫶🏻 Undulated Tinamou/Crypturellus undulatus
Visita inesperada 🐍 en #Happylifehome🏡
Chironius spixii 😱
Una hermosa especie que habita #happylifehome 🏡 Scarlet-crowned Barbet en este video la hembra y el macho usmeando la vainilla 🤩
A beautiful species that calls #happylifehome 🏡 its own: the Scarlet-crowned Barbet. In this video, you can see the male and female exploring the scent of vanilla 🤩
Pajareando con @fernandagb848 en #Happylifehome🏡
Birding whit @fernandagb848 in #Happylifehome🏡
Great Antshrike/Taraba major Female-hembra
White-eared Jacamar/Galbalcyrhynchus leucotis
Me llaman Romeo 🤩 Glittering-throated Emerald/Chionomesa fimbriata in #Happylifehome 🏡
Turquoise Tanager/Tangara mexicana in #happylifehome
"Aves y café, la mejor combinación" ☕️🦅🦆🦉🫶🏻
"The perfect blend: birds and coffee." ☕️🦅🦆🦉🫶🏻
Blue-gray Tanager/ Thraupis episcopus
Turquoise Tanager/ Tangara mexicana
Yellow-tufted Woodpecker/Melanerpes cruentatus
Scarlet-crowned Barbet/Capito aurovirens
Feliz domingo!🙃
Yellow-tufted Woodpecker/Melanerpes cruentatus
Scarlet-crowned Barbet/Capito aurovirens