*Thank you for the incredible response to the initiative that will work for the community associative tourism model*
The coffee grower countryside lifestyle is real and lives in La Union, a small beautiful town inside the colombian mountains.
¡Available for 1 person or more! and groups of family or friends...
Follow us and share!!!
Gracias por la increíble respuesta que la ciudadanía del municipio de La Unión - Nariño en tres días nos rodeó de apoyo y colaboración.
Demarcadas y listas para ser incluidas en los más de 1500 productos que serán distribuidos según nuestra estrategia de marketing.
Nuestra Ruta es PERMANENTE y no necesita cumplir mínimos de cupos.
#turismoconcorazón #turismocomumitario #turismointerno #colombiancoffee #turismocolombia #RutasMovitur #rutadelcafe #wanderer #colombianismo #laUnionNariño
Ya estamos en #laUnionNariño levantando la información comercial de aliados y miembros para la Primera Ruta del Café en este municipio con agendamiento permanente sin necesidad de cumplir cupos para su realización.
Bienvenidos todos y todas las personas de naturaleza pública/privada, líderes y lideresas de la comunidad, PROPIETARIOS DE FINCAS CAFETERAS y establecimientos de comercio.
Some day visiting #Colombia you should come to "La Unión" a little town between magical landscapes inside the mountains where the coffee grower lifestyle is still alive.
They are our culture in Nariño too, because experiencial variety in this department is amazing.
He, @el_carlitos_venteno is our new "Territory Interpreter" and today we are assembling the First Coffee Route Permanent in Nariño.
Schedule with Movitur, give us the pleasure.
#colombia #elpaísdelabelleza #wanderer #pastonariñocolombia #travelmap #movitur #colombiatravel
Convocatoria Trabajadores del AGRO, turismo y demás cadenas productivas en torno a esta industria.
Ruta del Café MOVITUR.
Capítulo: La Unión - Nariño.
*First Colombian Coffee Route in Nariño 100% made with countryside lifestyle people*
In this dream called #Movitur we have a principal priority: found the authentic elements about our culture borned inside the communities to show in the mostly nearly way to the travellers or like @niki_salome have mentioned in his research *consumers of experiences*.
The Coffee Route isn't a exclusive route to anybody because the entire Colombian country is fulled with coffe and the workers of tourism industry always are trying to sale the experience in different places and ways. But, for us, this environment surround the coffee is more than a town, more than a "something to drink".
We are specting the same versions from our colleagues because the country-side deserves return to be the subject and protagonist like the origin of "colombianism".
#turismoconcorazón #Colombia #elpaísdelabelleza #colombiaoculta #rutadelcafe #cafeespecial
#coffeeroute #ColombiaTravel #coffelovers
Our Point of sale is already NOW for everyday all the year.
One guide free for one day and amazing discounts for the travellers who buy our map.
Our guides and translators will be so grateful to be your safety acompaniment.
Punto de venta Mapas de Pasto MOVITUR
Tendrás el acompañamiento seguro de un guía gratuito por un día sin necesidad de cumplir un cupo mínimo.
WhatsApp e información: (+57) 305 392 4597
#carnavaldenegrosyblancos #travelmap #lonelyplanet #colombia #wanderer
*Guinea Piggy is our cuy*
#wanderer #carnavaldenegrosyblancos #pastonariñocolombia #travelmap #galerasvolcano #colombia
The Carnival of the people.
The real Play Game.
#carnavaldeblancosynegros #CarnavalDeBlancosynegros
Estudents Avenue.
Begins the play game #carnavaldeblancosynegros
A really speechless AMAZING FIGURE.
One woman remembering us the nature
See the entire Carnival in the videos and pictures posted with the hashtags #PastoNariñoColombia #CarnavalDeNegrosYBlancos #CarnavalesdePasto
A beautiful elephant, a magical Kingdom #PastoNariñoColombia
More of the #CarnavalDeNegrosYBlancos
Another one "carroza" of the best carnival of Colombia