Villas Escondrijo

Villas Escondrijo Villas Escondrijo are two 'twinned' vacation rental villas in Dominicalito, Costa Rica.

We are always searching for new experiences for our guests, so you might be interested in this great 1/2 day excursion o...

We are always searching for new experiences for our guests, so you might be interested in this great 1/2 day excursion option from the villas.

While Costa Rica's main exports today are optical, photographic, technical and medical devices, the country's best-known exports are probably fruits (pineapples, mangoes, bananas) and coffee. Which is more important to you? I know that when I wake up to my alarm every morning, I don't crave medical....

For anyone who is considering living permanently in Costa Rica, and wants to rent in different areas around the country ...

For anyone who is considering living permanently in Costa Rica, and wants to rent in different areas around the country try to decide where they want to settle, we have had a recent cancellation from a long-term rental, so we have a villa available, although even before this post, we already have two enquiries expressing interest.

Please take a look at the website if you are looking for a long-term rental in the Dominicalito area. If you are interested, send us a note using the WhatsApp button, and let us know when you are looking to move into a new place, and for how long. Monthly rent will be determined by the timing and length of the lease. Long-term renters are responsible to pay for their own electricity usage.

Villas Escondrijo is a luxury vacation rental in Costa Rica, a tropical oasis with a palapa-covered infiniti pool that looks over the jungle canopy to the Pacific Ocean and Playa Dominicalito. The villas sleep up to 8 guests, with 4 bedrooms, each with air conditioning, ceiling fan and ensuite bathr...

Just minutes from the villas, in Dominical, Friday mornings mean that Eco Feria Dominical is open all morning. In Costa ...

Just minutes from the villas, in Dominical, Friday mornings mean that Eco Feria Dominical is open all morning. In Costa Rica, a Feria is like a farmer’s market.

The feria in Dominical offers a fun mix of fresh produce, delicious ready-to-eat foods, talented artisans, jewelry and more.

It’s a great place for some unique finds.

A solo minutos de las villas, en Dominical, los viernes por la mañana significa que Eco Feria Dominical está abierta toda la mañana. En Costa Rica, una Feria es como un mercado de agricultores.

La feria en Dominical ofrece una divertida combinación de productos frescos, deliciosas comidas listas para comer, talentosos artesanos, joyas y más.

Es un gran lugar para algunos hallazgos únicos.

At Villas Escondrijo, we are nestled into the jungle, away from external light pollution. We love how the villas light u...

At Villas Escondrijo, we are nestled into the jungle, away from external light pollution. We love how the villas light up at night, and when you turn out the lights and go for a night swim in the pool on a clear night and give your eyes a minute or two to adjust, millions of unseen stars gradually become visible, erasing much of the blackness from the night sky.

En Villas Escondrijo estamos enclavados en la selva, lejos de la contaminación lumínica externa. Nos encanta cómo las villas se iluminan por la noche, y cuando apagas las luces y vas a nadar de noche a la piscina en una noche clara y le das a tus ojos uno o dos minutos para adaptarse, millones de estrellas invisibles se vuelven visibles gradualmente, borrándose. gran parte de la oscuridad del cielo nocturno.

Recently the amazing Sarah Elena visited Villas Escondrijo, and has posted a video from her visit (

Recently the amazing Sarah Elena visited Villas Escondrijo, and has posted a video from her visit ( to YouTube.

Sarah Elena runs a very successful business helping ex-pats with their future move to Costa Rica. She has a great track record of helping people every step of the way, helping clients find the right area for them to live, and give them all the information and tools they need for a successful move and transition.

You can visit her website at, and her YouTube channel ( has a ton of great, free information for anyone thinking about making the move south.

If you have any questions about the villas, please reach out to us. We would love to host you for your vacation of a lifetime!

Your One-Stop-Shop for your Move to Costa Rica!Check out our:- 1: 1 Services- Courses- Retreats! to your dream vacati...

It’s tough to disagree with Costa Rica being the top destination in Central America, although I guarantee we can help yo...

It’s tough to disagree with Costa Rica being the top destination in Central America, although I guarantee we can help you find more interesting and authentic adventures than the Starbucks coffee plantation mentioned in the article.

From small, local coffee plantations for gorgeous waterfalls, atv tours, humpback whale tours and paragliding to hiking, beaches, and trying the amazing local cuisine, the southern zone is the place for your vacation of a lifetime!


Es difícil estar en desacuerdo con que Costa Rica sea el principal destino de Centroamérica, aunque te garantizo que podemos ayudarte a encontrar aventuras más interesantes y auténticas que la plantación de café Starbucks mencionada en el artículo.

Desde pequeñas plantaciones de café locales para hermosas cascadas, tours de atv, tours de ballenas jorobadas y parapente hasta senderismo, playas y probar la increíble cocina local, ¡la zona sur es el lugar para sus vacaciones de su vida!

From jungles to bustling cities, these are the top 3 countries to visit in Central America this winter for every traveler!

Travel + Leisure () has named Costa Rica the “Destination of the Year” for 2024, and we whole-heartedly agree. Visit our...

Travel + Leisure () has named Costa Rica the “Destination of the Year” for 2024, and we whole-heartedly agree. Visit our website at to get inspired to start planning your vacation of a lifetime!

Come visit our villas and enjoy waking up to this as your view of the jungle.      Ven a visitar nuestras villas y disfr...

Come visit our villas and enjoy waking up to this as your view of the jungle.

Ven a visitar nuestras villas y disfruta de despertarte mientras ves la jungla.

There are many things to do within a short drive of Villas Escondrijo. One favourite is a horseback trail ride at Rancho...

There are many things to do within a short drive of Villas Escondrijo. One favourite is a horseback trail ride at Rancho La Merced in Uvita. Cross the impressive jungle landscape and visit gorgeous waterfalls with experienced guides and friendly horses at

Hay muchas cosas que hacer a poca distancia en coche de las Villas Escondrijo. Uno de los favoritos es un paseo a caballo en Rancho La Merced en Uvita. Cruce el impresionante paisaje de la selva y visite hermosas cascadas con guías experimentados y caballos amigables en

Tourism typically brings more than $2 Billion annually to Costa Rica, the world leader in eco-tourism. On World Tourism ...

Tourism typically brings more than $2 Billion annually to Costa Rica, the world leader in eco-tourism.

On World Tourism Day 2023, we invite you to come visit Costa Rica!

Many people want to know about the wildlife at Villas Escondrijo, and one of the first questions is usually, "Are there ...

Many people want to know about the wildlife at Villas Escondrijo, and one of the first questions is usually, "Are there monkeys?"

So, are there monkeys?


This is our daughter on the balcony of the Parrot Villa, pointing into the jungle, as she notes some stragglers in a troupe of white-faced capuchins while they slowly moved through the property, foraging for fruit and nuts left on the trees.

It's common to hear howler monkeys as well, many times each day, with multiple troupes calling to each other across the forest canopy. It can be difficult to pinpoint their location, since their call travels such a long distance, and the forest is rather dense surrounding the villas, but we do see them occasionally.

If you are lucky enough to have monkeys or other wildlife come for a visit at your balcony, please just watch them, but don't harrass or feed them. Natural food sources are abundant for them, and while we love their visits, we don't want them to count on Villa Guests as their source of food.

Mucha gente quiere saber sobre la vida silvestre en Villas Escondrijo y una de las primeras preguntas suele ser: "¿Hay monos?" Entonces, ¿hay monos? Sí. Esta es nuestra hija en el balcón de Parrot Villa, señalando hacia la jungla, mientras observa a algunos rezagados en un grupo de capuchinos de cara blanca mientras se movían lentamente por la propiedad, buscando frutas y nueces que quedaban en los árboles.

También es común escuchar monos aulladores, muchas veces al día, con múltiples grupos llamándose entre sí a través del dosel del bosque. Puede ser difícil determinar su ubicación, ya que su llamada recorre una distancia muy larga y el bosque es bastante denso que rodea las villas, pero los vemos de vez en cuando.

Si tiene la suerte de que monos u otros animales salvajes vengan a visitar su balcón, simplemente obsérvelos, pero no los acose ni los alimente. Las fuentes de alimentos naturales son abundantes para ellos y, si bien nos encantan sus visitas, no queremos que cuenten con los Huéspedes de la Villa como fuente de alimento.

The infinity pool at Villas Escondrijo looks out over the jungle to the Pacific Ocean, and you can enjoy the view from t...

The infinity pool at Villas Escondrijo looks out over the jungle to the Pacific Ocean, and you can enjoy the view from the palapa-covered pool. The in-pool table and seating make it a perfect place to spend an afternoon with friends, or Star-gaze during a beautiful night swim with the underwater lighting.

La piscina infinita de Villas Escondrijo tiene vista a la jungla y al Océano Pacífico, y puedes disfrutar de la vista desde la piscina cubierta con palapa. La mesa y los asientos dentro de la piscina lo convierten en un lugar perfecto para pasar una tarde con amigos o contemplar las estrellas durante un hermoso baño nocturno con la iluminación subacuática.

Villas Escondrijo is a stunning jungle oasis nestled into the side of a mountain, overlooking the jungle, with a spectac...

Villas Escondrijo is a stunning jungle oasis nestled into the side of a mountain, overlooking the jungle, with a spectacular view of the Pacific Ocean.

Need to recharge? The villas make a perfect secluded and relaxing location for a needed vacation.

Villas Escondrijo es un impresionante oasis en la jungla ubicado en la ladera de una montaña, con vista a la jungla y una vista espectacular del Océano Pacífico. ¿Necesitas recargar? Las villas son un lugar perfecto, apartado y relajante para unas vacaciones necesarias.

The villas are just two kilometres from the beach, but are approximately 850ft above sea level, which means that you enj...

The villas are just two kilometres from the beach, but are approximately 850ft above sea level, which means that you enjoy cooling breezes, less humidity, and fewer bugs than you would closer to the beach.

Some days though, you just need to go to a waterfall with a rope swing. We are just over a kilometre from the Poza Azul Waterfall, a refreshing oasis with a deep swimming hole and a rope swing, conveniently located right on the road to Villas Escondrijo. Look for the parking area and an entrance to the short path through the jungle just past the town of Dominicalito. There are no signs.

Las villas están a solo dos kilómetros de la playa, pero se encuentran aproximadamente a 850 pies sobre el nivel del mar, lo que significa que disfrutará de brisas refrescantes, menos humedad y menos insectos que si estuviera más cerca de la playa.

Algunos días, sin embargo, solo necesitas ir a una cascada con un columpio de cuerda. Estamos a poco más de un kilómetro de la Cascada Poza Azul, un refrescante oasis con una profunda poza para nadar y un columpio de cuerda, convenientemente ubicado justo en el camino a Villas Escondrijo. Busque el área de estacionamiento y la entrada al sendero corto que atraviesa la jungla justo después del pueblo de Dominicalito. No hay señales.

I know some of you have been waiting for this, because we’ve had more than a few messages asking when you can book your ...

I know some of you have been waiting for this, because we’ve had more than a few messages asking when you can book your stay. Right now we have an AirBnB listing for each of the villas (Monkey Villa and Parrot Villa), but please feel free to use the WhatsApp button to book your dates directly with our property manager. Also, if you want to book the whole place to yourself, please hit that button and inquire about your dates.

Sé que algunos de ustedes han estado esperando esto, porque hemos recibido más de unos pocos mensajes preguntándonos cuándo pueden reservar su estadía. En este momento tenemos un listado de AirBnB para cada una de las villas (Monkey Villa y Parrot Villa), pero no dudes en usar el botón WhatsApp para reservar tus fechas directamente con nuestro administrador de propiedades. Además, si desea reservar todo el lugar para usted solo, presione ese botón y pregunte sobre sus fechas.

Villas Escondrijo: Monkey Villa

The huge balconies each have a couch, individual seating and a dining table. So whether you want to enjoy a good book, a...

The huge balconies each have a couch, individual seating and a dining table. So whether you want to enjoy a good book, a great meal, play cards, or just take in the views and the breezes under the ceiling fans, the balconies are our favourite places to unwind. Use the WhatsApp button below to contact us to book directly.

Los enormes balcones tienen cada uno un sofá, asientos individuales y una mesa de comedor. Entonces, ya sea que desee disfrutar de un buen libro, una excelente comida, jugar a las cartas o simplemente disfrutar de las vistas y la brisa bajo los ventiladores de techo, los balcones son nuestros lugares favoritos para relajarse. Utilice el botón de WhatsApp a continuación para contactarnos y reservar directamente.

Welcome to the new page for Villas Escondrijo.As of August 2023, the villas have new owners, and are under new ...

Welcome to the new page for Villas Escondrijo.

As of August 2023, the villas have new owners, and are under new management. We will have new rental listings online shortly, and hope to start accenting visitors again beginning in November 2023.

In the meantime, if you have questions, please message us by using the WhatsApp button, or email us at [email protected].

We look forward to hosting you for your perfect vacation.

Bienvenidos a la nueva página de Facebook de Villas Escondrijo.

A partir de agosto de 2023, las villas tienen nuevos propietarios y están bajo una nueva administración. Tendremos nuevos listados de alquileres en línea en breve y esperamos comenzar a atraer visitantes nuevamente a partir de noviembre de 2023.

Mientras tanto, si tienes preguntas, envíanos un mensaje a través de Facebook o usando el botón de WhatsApp, o envíanos un correo electrónico a [email protected].

Esperamos recibirlo para unas vacaciones perfectas.


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