Some beautiful birds at La hoja garden 🍃 Costa Rica 🇨🇷
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Caciques, tanagers, toucans, oropendulas, honeycreepers, orioles and euphonias in the same place 🍃 La hoja garden Costa Rica 🇨🇷
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Just a beautiful day in La hoja garden 🍃 Costa Rica 🇨🇷
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Birds of Costa Rica mixed flock 📸 Welcome to La hoja garden 🍃
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Some beautiful birds of Costa Rica 🇨🇷 La hoja garden 🍃
•#birds #birdwatching #costarica #lodge #birding #pajareando #birdsofcostarica #lahojagarden #costaricabirds #guarumolodge #photography #nature #photo #aves #costaricapuravida #birdstagram #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #birdphotography #photoeveryday
Great green Macaw 🦜 #pajareando #birdsofcostarica #costarica #birds #birdwatching #lodge #aves #costaricabirds #birding #macaw #rainforest #macaws
🦥 On the way up to the Guarumo tree for the leaves 🍃 •
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Three-toed sloth 🦥 Guarumo Lodge 🇨🇷 Costa Rica
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You want to see some toucans 😍 La hoja garden is the right place 🇨🇷 Welcome to Costa Rica 👌🏼#birds #birdwatching #lodge #pajareando #birdsofcostarica #lahojagarden #costaricabirds #guarumolodge #birdphotography #photooftheday #photography #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #visitcostarica #rainforest
Rufous-winged woodpecker 📸🇨🇷 La hoja garden 🍃#costarica #pajareando #birdsofcostarica #birdwatching #aves #birds #lodge #costaricabirds #photo #bird #woodpeckers #guarumolodge #lahojagarden #photographers #birdgarden #birding_photography