White Wiskers Puffbird, Feather Perfection
#tripadvisor #tourism #travel #viator
RAW Bird Life, Striped Owl
#LagloriaesdeDiostelodije #private #tours #birdphotography #birdwatching #costarica #JacoBeach #swarovski #sonyalpha
Happy sunday to all birdlovers
When You come all the way from Europe looking for to photograph Scarlet Macaw we want to make sure You are not going to be dessapoint
Prívate tours every morning, contact me any time
#LaGloriaEsDeDiosTeLoDije #sergiobirdwatching #birds #birdwatching #birdphotography #tours #love #travel #wildlife #explore #costarica #tourguide #scarletmacaw #macaw #parrotlover #puravida #rainforest #coast #birding #vacation2022 #jacobeach #localexperts #españa #usa #england #Germany
Nature Is Wild and some times hard to take when you are looking at a killing for living momentum as we experince on our tour yesturday morning as we we're watching a White faced Monkey swimming to cross the Tarcoles river and a Crocodile captured and take it with
It was combination of exitement and sadness but a once in a lifetime chance
#LaGloriaEsDeDiosTeLoDije #sergiobirdwatching #birdphotohuntcp #birdwatching #birdphotography #tours #love #nature #wildlife #costarica #travel #volcanes #waterfall #highlands #rainforest #puravidacostarica #localexperts #ornithology #españa #UK #usa #crocodile #monkey
Yeaaaaaaa!!! baby!!
#lagloriaesdeDiostelodije #photohunt #birding #photo #tour
if this is a species you want to see and to photograph you can contact me any time!!
Si esta es una especie que quieres ver y o fotografiar me puedes contactar en cualquier momento!!
To find this felow i drive only a couple of hours from my home at the beach, to 7500ft at the mountains, for a birdwatcher is what i call paradise. For day trips from Jaco beach to high lands you can contact me any time.
Para encontrar este amigo solamente maneje un par de horas desde mi casa en playa Jaco hasta 2500mtsn en las montanas, para un pajarero es lo que yo llamo paraiso. Para excursiones de un dia pueden contactarme en cualquier momento.
#lagloriaesdeDiostelodije #alwaislookingforsomethingWoW #birding #photo #tours
A perfect design from a perfect designer!!
Un diseno perfecto del perfecto disenador!!
#lagloriaesdeDiostelodije #alwaislookingforsomethingWoW #nature #birding #tours
My little secret spot for the evasive Coquette and Woodstar
Mi lugar secreto para el evasivo Woodstar
#lagloriaesdeDiostelodije #alwaislookingforsomethingWoW #birding #nature #tours
Most time i post the videos without sound because most time there are clients with me. this time i will share this one raw , for you to tell what the smile on this customer face my look like.(i am very close to the camera and we are not so close to the bird,dont worry bird wasnt bother)
La mayoria de los videos que comparto son sin sonido por que la mayoria del tiempo estoy trabajando, esta vez quiero compartir este crudo para que imaginen la sonrrisa en la cara de este cliente .(yo estoy muy cerca de la camara y no estamos tan cerca del ave,no se preocupen no los molestamos)
#lagloriaesdeDiostelodije #alwaislookingforsomethingWoW #birding #photo #tours
This one specie is amazing, as few more it is a race for the pacific and another for caribbean, the differences are subtle but you can tell for sure are not the same.
Esta especie es increible, como otras pocas hay una raza para el pacifico y otra para el caribe, las diferencias son sutiles, pero de seguro se puede decir que no son el mismo
#lagloriaesdeDiostelodije #alwaislookingforsomethingWoW #birding #nature #tours
Reality show!!
#lagloriaesdeDiostelodije #alwaislookingforsomethingWoW #birding #nature #tours
Because its bahavior very hard to see, you do hear it but to see it ,is a different history.
Por su comportamiento muy dificil de ver, si se escucha pero verlo, es otra historia
#lagloriaesdeDiostelodije #alwaislookingforsomethingWoW #nature #birding #tours
Because of its lack of color and secrecy behabior is not a easy specie to see , i was very secrecy my self and got lucky to capture this one!!
Por su falta de color y comportamienti sijiloso es una especie dificil de observar, yo mismo fui muy sijiloso y tuve suerte en esta captura!!
For all costarrican bird lovers this specie was very exited to see since it disappeared for a long time,you can tell i have a big smile on my face!!
Para todos los ticos amantes de aves observar esta especie fue muy emocionante ya que estaba desaparecida por un buen tiempo,ya se pueden imaginar my gran sonrrisa de felicidad!!
#lagloriaesdeDiostelodije #alwaislookingforsomethingWoW #birding #nature #tours
3rd video
Toledo dance performance
#lagloriaesdeDiostelodije #alwaislookingforsomethingWoW #nature #birding #tours
Sachi Kawakubo Lopez
Second video
Pajaro Sombrilla feeding
#lagloriaesdeDiostelodije #alwaislookingforsomethingWoW #nature #birding #tours
Glenda Araya Chando Obando Sánchez