This page is managed by Cesare Matteini, a long experienced developer in Costa Rica and his wife Elsa Notrica his customer care assistant. Costa Rica means rich coast and it’s a very apt name. Rich in a most profound way, that means the perfect combination of easy living, comfort, wellness and natural beauty. Playas del Coco, Guanacaste Province, is a great getaway that is home to smiling people,
music, arts, events, good food, perfect weather, amazing landscapes and a friendly community of internationals. If it’s not enough to capture your attention also think that:
•It’s Just 20 minutes drive from the Liberia int.l airport
•It’s a decades-old vacation destination for Costa Rican residents and the hot spot for sophisticated travelers
•Costs and Qualiy of living are exceptionally convenient
•High standards helthcare services are fully developed
•630 miles of beaches, and temperate waters are enjoyable
•All sort of touristic services are available
•Properties value are cost / effective
•Local development master plan is environmentally friendly