This is the Mottled Owl, a very common species, but during the day is hard to see because of its camouflaged. The Monteverde Wildlife Refuge, is been an active bredding site for this and other species. This could potentially be, and adult with the young born this year in 2024 bredding season
This wonderful video shows how fast the clouds can arrive in an area. This creates a very thick layer of water, which are very fine, water droplets, the same ones that are involved in the formation of the rain in a cloud forest, it is fundamental to have this form of rain because this is essential to maintain constant access to humidity on this kind of ecosystem, also favors the growing of vegetation and ensure the survival of the biodiversity of the rich and unique environments.
Oilbird Steatornis caripensis 42 cm CA and SA. Poorly known. Perhaps a rare vagrant or rare and local resident. Breeding unknown in CA. Reported Jun to Sep in CR. Reports in Costa Rica and Panamá. HABITS Nocturnal. Nests colonially in large caves in humid forested regions. Often appears “front heavy” as it perches with head held awkwardly below body. Frugivorous. Feeds primarily on palm fruits and wild avocado.
Lots of different cricket species live at the cloud forest, but this called my attention.
Side-striped Palm Pit-viper (Botriechis lateralis)
A very unusual moment happened when a sleeping snake got wakened up by a very little ant walking on his face. This video was taken minutes later.
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