LEA.CR We are an adventure tour operator at San Isidro, Pérez Zeledón, San José Costa Rica.

We offer you the best customized adventure tours and differentiate from other tour operators because we see tourism as a tool to create social change. We are a company that uses tourism as a resource to invest in Costa Rican young people that are in social risk condition, in the south east region of Costa Rica.

This is an adventure program that offers the opportunity to live an unique experience in Costa Rica, while you improve your abilities in Spanish and help to support young generatios in the south east of Costa Rica to better their lives. The cultural interchange, the adventure activities and the custumized service is what you are lookig for to make the process of learning an unique encounter and to help others to reach their dreams.


Hello friends, we've been a little away from you lately, but we wanted to tell you that we're back, and stronger. Since February we have been redesigned as a company and learning more about ourselves and what we want to achieve with LEA. CR, so during this month we will be telling you a little more of the changes coming, projects and tours that we have been improving.

Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative - YLAI

It is an honor to be part of this awesome program!

Thank you very much to our partners, sponsors, and embassies who made the Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative 2017 Launch a success! And of course, thanks to the 250 young leaders from Latin America and the Caribbean who participated in all of the workshops, connected with peers across the region and shared new ideas for developing their businesses and societies.

Participants left Atlanta feeling energized and inspired to start their four-week program in their host organizations as they further develop their own entities. Take a look at this album in Flickr for a glimpse into all of the activities that happened last week at the Launch! goo.gl/KtTHVN

Announcement of the 2017 Finalists for the Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative (YLAI) Professional Fellows Program | Meridian International Center

We feel honor to be part of it this year!! Here is an explanation of the program we are part of.

For Immediate Release August 18, 2017 For press inquiries, contact [email protected]   PRESS RELEASE Washington, D.C.: The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State and their implementing partner, Meridian International Center, are proud to announce the finalists f...


More changes coming soon!!


Queremos agradecer a cada una de las personas que con su like nos ha ayudado a darnos a conocer, para nosotros es un gusto que forme parte de este proyecto que busca hacer historia en Costa Rica. Estamos en la fase inicial del proyecto, pero queremos invitarlos a que nos ayuden compartiendo la página para que más personas conozcan de nosotros.

We are grateful with all of you that have liked our page, it is a pleasure that you are part of our family now, we just want you to invite your friends and spread the news about L.E.A CR, invite others to like us and know about this company. We are in the initial part of the proyect, but sharing this page you are helping us to grow and solidify as a turisitic company.


"To be the best at what you do, you need to surround yourself with people who inspire you, who motivate you, and who challenge you. People who ask you difficult questions and provide honest feedback. Networking is the practice of intentionally seeking out these people…it’s just as tangible and necessary as your technical skills."
By Sadhana Hall of Dartmouth College


San Isidro, San Isidro
Pérez Zeledón

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 17:00 - 21:00
Martes 17:00 - 21:00
Miércoles 09:00 - 17:00
Jueves 09:00 - 17:00
Viernes 09:00 - 17:00
Sábado 09:00 - 17:00
Domingo 09:00 - 17:00

Página web


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