Jewel Moray (Muraena lentiginosa) feeding on an Octupus, surrounded mostly by Rainbow wrasse (Thalassoma lucasanum).
Any help with the Octopus scientific name?
Some of the places we enjoy visiting with our guests 🦜🐒🌳🐠🐡
Hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) taking a look at us. Its beak is more sharply pronounced and hooked than other species of turtles.
Snorkeling amongst a fever of Cownose rays (Rhinoptera bonasus).
They can gather in groups (known as fever) up to 10000 individuals.
Fact: Morays must constantly open and close their mouths to breathe.
#snorkelflamingo #snorkelingflamingo
Scarlet Frogfishes (Antennarius Coccineus) have small fishing lures, made from modifications of their dorsal fins, which they use to attract small fishes. They remains almost motionless, for long periods at a time, moving only its lure. Once a potential target comes close enough, it lunges toward the prey, rapidly opening its jaws, and creating enough suction to swallow the prey whole. #snorkeling