Dominical Art and Culture is inviting you to the first Feria Culturarte del Pacifico. 👈
This will be a unique experience, not to be missed! 🤩
Local and international artists will be offering their authentic, handmade products for your enjoyment.
There will also be live music, hands-on workshops, poetry, exhibition of the Pictórico del Sur Collective. Space for the public to enjoy and buy works of art, presentations of the Iriria Folkloric Group. 🎉
Executive Director Javier Rodríguez Fonseca, from Promar Foundation, will be participating, talking about La Fila Costeña where the Earth and the Sea meet.
Free experimental watercolor lessons for children from 10 to 12 years old.
📌Saturday, November 12th, from 7am to 12pm (noon), at El Coco Resturante y Cabinas, located in front of the Dominical playground.
For more info contact: +506 8633 4405 | +506 8559 4047 📲
#feria #playa #artists #puravida #artisian #experienciadominical #ecoarteculturadominical #handmade #Visítanos
Somos el Eco, Arte y Cultura Dominical
Pitch de Ventas Eco Arte y Cultura Dominical
Esta es nuestra razón de ser.
Somos #EcoArteyCulturaDominical
En Eco, Arte y Cultura Dominical somos más que un consorcio, somos un grupo de personas que juntas formamos una gran familia con un profundo amor hacia Dominical. 🙌🏻 ❤️
Queremos mostrarle al mundo por medio del arte, la cultura y de una manera ecológica todo lo que nuestro distrito tiene para ofrecer. 💪✨