Finca Guarumo

Finca Guarumo Dance in rhythm with nature, harmonize sustainable living with organic cultivation. Greener planet!

Más piña y mucho más bananos. Que rico! Disfrutamos el verano.

Más piña y mucho más bananos. Que rico! Disfrutamos el verano.


Primera cosecha de nuestras piñas. Y más!

Good morning everybody. Just want to let you all know that march 17th there is a cool event in La Balsa. All benefits an...

Good morning everybody. Just want to let you all know that march 17th there is a cool event in La Balsa. All benefits and donations from the event will be used to fix the road here. There is great home made food and all kinds of activities, like football or horse back riding for example. Check our flyers for more info. Taxi rides will be available too. Hope to see you there!

What a journey building this bodega has been so far! This multipurpose barn/workshop/storage space will be a crucial par...

What a journey building this bodega has been so far!

This multipurpose barn/workshop/storage space will be a crucial part of our homestead, serving as a test run before tackling the bungalow and community center.

After weeks of meticulous planning and designing, we've made solid progress on the 8m x 4m foundation despite some rocky terrain. Literally - the clay-like soil has huge cracks in the dry season, making digging a real battle. It feels like cutting through tough raw meat! Compensating for an uneven ground has been tricky too.

But we've powered through and the 30cm deep, 20cm wide basement is almost complete. Almost all construction materials are now delivered, even if timing was occasionally an issue. Making a foundation formwork from b-grade wooden boards is not an everyday job. But we managed as you can see in the images. Due to the inclination of the terrain, some boards are in the ground, while others are on top.

We're just a two-person crew doing 100% of this back-breaking work ourselves as a learning experience.

One unique solution is using lightweight microcement for the upper part of the walls to keep the overall structure lightweight. More on that later as we progress.

With the foundation stage nearly finished after conquering all those early obstacles, we're optimistic about completing the entire bodega within the next month - maybe even sooner!

Reforesting Paradise: Plant a Tree, Grow HopeWe're thrilled to announce a new, hands-in-the-dirt incentive for our Sunsh...

Reforesting Paradise: Plant a Tree, Grow Hope

We're thrilled to announce a new, hands-in-the-dirt incentive for our Sunshine for Paradise campaign - plant your very own tree at Finca Guarumo!

We are working towards bringing this lush property back to its natural state, after periods of mismanagement and invasive plant overgrowth. Our reforestation efforts are focused on restoring biodiversity by replanting native species that once thrived here. Parts of this land were previously used for cattle crops, and our goal is to nurture back the diversity of trees, plants and wildlife that would exist in pristine jungle ecosystems. We have dozens of native tree saplings just waiting to sink their roots into the rich Costa Rican soil. From fruit bearers like araza (Eugenia stipitata), mangosteen, caimito (or star apple, or Chrysophyllum cainito), mango, avocado, lemon, and sweet tangerine, to timber sources like teak and cristobal, these young trees represent the reforestation and conservation efforts vital to our vision.

For donations starting at just $20, you can plant one of these trees in your name (or the name of a loved one) on our grounds. As your tree grows tall, it will provide shade, habitat for local wildlife, soil stabilization and so much more - all while standing as a symbol of your support for paradise preserved at Finca Guarumo.

Those who donate $200 or more will also receive a custom plaque on a bench built underneath one of the property's stately mature trees. Here you can sit and soak up the tranquility of the forest you helped regrow.

Costa Rica holds unmatched biodiversity, with a staggering number of unique native trees essential to ecosystems, from fruiting to timber to floral and more. It is home to approximately 1900 tree species, making it one of the countries with the most tree varieties in the world. By sponsoring new growth at Finca Guarumo, you directly contribute to bringing back this biological wealth the country is known for. As we clear away invasive plants, we aim to replant a wide diversity of trees starting this May when the rainy season returns.

In our reforestation efforts, we hope to collaborate with Osa Conservation, an organization dedicated to protecting the biodiversity of the Osa Peninsula. Together we can strategically rebuild vital habitat and nourish back native plant and animal species that call this area home.

On a personal note, my favorite tropical trees are the towering giants that provide immense ecological benefits - species like the magnificent and sacred Ceiba (Ceiba pentandra, also known as Kapok tree), the imposing Ajo (Gallesia integrifolia), and the hardy manú (Minquartia guianensis, or ironwood tree) with its dense, weather-resistant timber. As we plant a diversity of seedlings across this land, seeing these species reach for the skies will be particularly special.

Ready to watch your tree take root? Click below to plant your paradise!

We've mentioned Bruno the coati a couple of times, now it's time for you to meet him!

We've mentioned Bruno the coati a couple of times, now it's time for you to meet him!

Here at Finca Guarumo, we’re quite fond of our resident coati Bruno, who we affectionately call our “mascota” or pet, though he’s a wild animal we don’t feed.

Dear Friends,We’d like to give you an update on the progress of our Sunshine for Paradise fundraiser. This campaign aims...

Dear Friends,

We’d like to give you an update on the progress of our Sunshine for Paradise fundraiser. This campaign aims to finance a solar system for our eco-property Finca Guarumo in Puerto Jimenez. Our vision is that having our own sustainable power source will allow us to someday create a vibrant community hub offering environmental education, sustainable farming workshops, yoga classes, dance lessons, and more.

So far, thanks to your incredible generosity, we have raised around 2,5% out of our goal. While 2.5% may seem small, we recognize this fundraiser is still gaining momentum and we deeply appreciate those who have contributed resources, shares, and kind words so far on this journey. Every bit helps manifest our solar dreams and enables the community programs we hope to offer. We welcome any support in spreading the word to new audiences!

We are excited to update you on the solar-powered water pumping system we are currently working on at Finca Guarumo. This system will be a game-change, providing us with a reliable water source, rain or shine. Specifically, we are starting small with 4 x 360W solar panels strategically positioned to convert sunlight into electricity. This will power a peripheral pump that moves water from our natural spring 180 meters (and 35 meters uphill) to a 2,500 liter holding tank. From there, gravity feeds the water to our off-grid home.

Transporting all the system components like the 60kg lithium batteries, bags of concrete and sand, the panels themselves, all on our backs, via the trails through dense jungle has been quite an epic endeavor! But the end result will make the dry season much more sustainable without solely relying on rain water collection. We also implement rainwater irrigation and agriculture powered by the rays of the sun.

We hit a small setback when Peter injured his hand, but he persevered and we're nearing completion of the solar battery and inverter system. Next week we should have the solar-powered water pumps up and running! Just in time, too, as the dry season is in full swing and our rainwater reserves are now minimal.

Looking ahead, as part of creating a vibrant community center, we hope to install a much larger 15-20 panel solar system with enough battery storage for classes, workshops, and more. Truly exciting times are on the horizon! We still have a long way to make Finca Guarumo a reality, but we are so grateful for the donations, shares on social media, and kind words many of you have already contributed to help manifest our solar dreams.

We warmly welcome anyone eager to be part of this sustainable, eco-conscious community project. Every bit of support brings us one step closer to a brighter future here in paradise! No amount is too small! In addition to donating, we greatly appreciate any shares on social media and conversations about our project.

As always, thank you for supporting our solar dream of the off the grid lifestyle and ambition of creating a welcoming, eco-conscious hub here in Puerto Jimenez! We couldn't do this without each and every one of you!

We'll be sure to provide updates as our solar installation progresses.

With gratitude,
Katja & Peter


Het lijkt misschien op herfst, maar het is feitelijk de komst van de zomer. Veel bomen laten hun blaadjes in de zomer vallen, om zich beter te kunnen weren tegen de droogte in deze periode. De boom op de voorgrond is een dode mangoboom, het wachten is op het moment van omvallen. (Of we gaan het voor die tijd zelf in stukken zagen, zodra we daarvoor tijd en materialen hebben)

This early morning, when I ventured to w**d the small pineapple plantation at the finca, I was so thrilled to discover t...

This early morning, when I ventured to w**d the small pineapple plantation at the finca, I was so thrilled to discover that we have not one but at least 8 new fruits coming! I was also so surprised to see that the fruit behind as a colorful flower with red, orange and magenta petals!

Tending to the plants, I applied the trick Pablo suggested - to put molasses “tea” inside the prickly crown midsection - and also added banana peels to the grown underneath for potassium.

Some new scratches on my arms more, I now eagerly anticipate the fruits to grow. It might take up to 8 months for the fruits to mature.

In total, from planting to table, pineapple might take from 18 up to 32 months! 😨 Again, think about it when buying a gigantic (filled with toxins for faster growth) pineapple for $1,5!

We've just released a new video that unveils the heart and soul of Finca Guarumo, and we can't wait to share it with you...

We've just released a new video that unveils the heart and soul of Finca Guarumo, and we can't wait to share it with you! ✨
At Finca Guarumo, we believe in the magic of the Guarumo Tree – what we see as a symbol of harmony and balance in nature. Our new video takes you on a journey through the lush landscapes of our property, explaining why we've named it after this incredible tree. It's more than just a name; it's a commitment to preserving the delicate equilibrium of our environment.

Your support means the world to us. By watching, sharing, and donating, you become an essential part of our mission. Together, we can ensure the continued preservation of the rainforest and the ecological richness it represents.

How You Can Make a Difference
- Watch and Share: Check out our latest video and share it with your friends, family, and social circles. The more eyes we have on our cause, the greater impact we can make!
- Donate: Your contributions directly fuel our conservation efforts. Every donation, big or small, helps us protect Finca Guarumo and its natural wonders.
Thank You for Being a Changemaker!
Your commitment to nature preservation inspires us daily. Let's build a legacy of harmony and balance together. Click the link below to watch the video, share the magic, and contribute to our cause.

Let's make a difference, one Guarumo at a time!
Finca Guarumo

Welcome to an enchanting journey into the heart of the rainforest! In this video, we explore the fascinating world of the Guarumo Tree and explain its unique...

🌿🐒🎶 Watch our latest video capturing the captivating choir of howler monkeys aspart of nature's symphony. Let the primal...

🌿🐒🎶 Watch our latest video capturing the captivating choir of howler monkeys aspart of nature's symphony. Let the primal echoes transport you to a world where wildlife reigns supreme. 🌏✨

🦋📽️ Don't miss the chance to witness the untamed beauty of our Earth – share, like, and join the call for conservation! 🌳🐾

Howler monkeys are the choir of Nature's Temple ...

Een fraaie collectie    rondom het huis, hier op Finca Guarumo. De ananas is weliswaar geen bloem, maar te mooi om niet ...

Een fraaie collectie rondom het huis, hier op Finca Guarumo. De ananas is weliswaar geen bloem, maar te mooi om niet te laten zien.

Vanmorgen druk geweest met het verwijderen van onkruid en het controleren van de door ons geplaatste plantjes. Vervolgen...

Vanmorgen druk geweest met het verwijderen van onkruid en het controleren van de door ons geplaatste plantjes. Vervolgens deze fraaie rups tegengekomen. Aan één kant lijkt hij precies op een slang. Wat een fantastische manier om andere dieren of insecten op afstand te houden! De rups is ongeveer 10cm lang en giftig, aldus een van onze buren. Uiteraard voorzichtig deze foto's gemaakt en de rups verder met rust gelaten.

Happy new year! The first sunrise of the 2024 is a fact 🙏🏽 May this year bring a lot of sunshine, warmth and peace!

Happy new year! The first sunrise of the 2024 is a fact 🙏🏽 May this year bring a lot of sunshine, warmth and peace!

Wishing you a very happy New Year! May 2024 bring you joy, prosperity, and fulfillment!

Wishing you a very happy New Year! May 2024 bring you joy, prosperity, and fulfillment!

Bijna volle maan boven de finca, ongeveer 99% nu. Ook de sterren zijn goed te zien.

Bijna volle maan boven de finca, ongeveer 99% nu. Ook de sterren zijn goed te zien.

Afgelopen week is ook onze fundraiser campagne van start gegaan. De campagne heeft als doel voldoende geld bij elkaar te...

Afgelopen week is ook onze fundraiser campagne van start gegaan. De campagne heeft als doel voldoende geld bij elkaar te brengen om een groot zonnepanelen systeem aan te schaffen, waarmee de nog te bouwen bungalows, werkplaats en het yoga- en salsaterras van stroom kunnen worden voorzien. Elke donatie is een voucher waard, welke kan worden verzilverd op Finca Guarumo, voor een verblijf of activiteit. Donaties vanaf €100 leveren bovendien een afgedrukte foto naar keuze op. Donaties vanaf €200 leveren een geprinte collectie van foto's op. Al deze foto's zijn gemaakt hier op de Finca. Check hier de link naar de actie website :

Hello, fellow sun-seekers and nature enthusiasts! I'm Katia, and I'm … Katja Hollaar needs your support for Off-Grid Solar System for a Brighter Tomorrow

Afgelopen dinsdag was een grote dag voor Finca Guarumo. Toen is ons off-grid zonnepanelen systeem van Purasol geïnstalle...

Afgelopen dinsdag was een grote dag voor Finca Guarumo. Toen is ons off-grid zonnepanelen systeem van Purasol geïnstalleerd. We hebben op het dak van de parkeergarage nu 10 JA-Solar zonnepanelen van elk 555 watt, een Sol-Ark inverter van 8.000 watt en een energieopslag met 3 Pylontech LifePO4 accu’s, goed voor een totaal van 14,4 kWh.

Met dit systeem hebben we voldoende stroom om ons hele huis van stroom te voorzien. We koken op een inductiekookplaat zodat we geen fossiele brandstof verstoken. We gebruiken voornamelijk regenwater om te voorzien in onze waterbehoefte. In de toekomst willen we dat uiteraard opschalen, zodat we in de droge periode hier (januari-april) ook nog onze planten, groente en fruit van water kunnen voorzien. We gebruiken ook water uit de natuurlijke bron hier op ons landgoed.

Voor een warme do**he hebben we nu een zonnecollector, die het water opwarmt tot minstens 80 graden celsius. Ook kunnen we de afwas nu efficient doen met warm water.

Bekijk de foto’s van de installatie dag.

Wishing you a very merry Christmas from Finca Guarumo and its residents!Photos ©️Katja Hollaar

Wishing you a very merry Christmas from Finca Guarumo and its residents!

Photos ©️Katja Hollaar


Calle Altos Corozal
Puerto Jiménez


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