Discover Osa Peninsula - Costa Rica

Discover Osa Peninsula - Costa Rica Discover "the most intense biologically place on earth". Information. Accommodations. Activities…

Franco-Costa Rican couple, living on the Osa Peninsula, we share our experiences, our knowledge, our favorites, our good plans, our secret corners...


Los pumas son uno de los depredadores más grandes que habitan en este parque.


Corcovado National Park, situated on the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica is renowned as the ultimate wildlife sanctuary


En Puerto Jiménez, localidad de Costa Rica, los visitantes encuentran la calidez de una comunidad que apuesta por el turismo sostenible y vivencias únicas.


Famoso actor y productor está enamorado de Costa Rica e hizo viral el país en redes sociales


Dylan, hermano de Zac Efron, estuvo en el país del 12 al 20 de agosto. Es la sétima vez que visita suelo tico


“Yo solo vi algo anormal y comencé a grabar”, dijo un guardaparques a este medio.


Discover the story behind the abandoned helicopter in Rincon, Costa Rica—a relic of a once-thriving logging operation.


Experience a rare wildlife encounter in Costa Rica’s Corcovado National Park, where Italian tourists witnessed a jaguar and puma in the wild.


Los jaguares son los felinos más grandes de América y uno de los máximos depredadores en los ecosistemas de Costa Rica.


Explore the breathtaking beauty and vital conservation efforts of Costa Rica's Osa Peninsula in Heart of the Osa. A documentary highlighting conservation iss...

An immersive experience in the osa rainforestReady for adventure? Book directly on our website

An immersive experience in the osa rainforest
Ready for adventure?
Book directly on our website

AN IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE IN THE OSA JUNGLE At the end of the road and at the beginning of the majestic rainforest is an idyllic house and garden perched above the Rio Tigre and surrounded by a private nature reserve and Corcovado National Park. Entire house . 2 rooms . 3 beds . 4 people .... Continue...


No es fácil llegar a esta región, pero merece la pena. El territorio está lleno de sitios para observar fauna y flora exótica, hacer excursionismo en plena selva, adentrarse en la cultura indígena y disfrutar de fantásticos alojamientos ecológicos, entre otros


Un numeroso grupo de chanchos de monte quedó grabado en video mientras cruzaba un río dentro del Parque Nacional Corcovado, en el Pacífico Sur costarricense. Las imágenes que se han comenzado a viralizar en redes sociales deja ver cómo una gran manada de estos mamíferos atraviesa una quebrada....


The stone spheres of Costa Rica, known as "Las Bolas," are fascinating artifacts that have intrigued archaeologists and historians for decades. Discovered primarily in the Diquís Delta and on Isla del Caño, these spheres are renowned for their near-perfect roundness and impressive size, with some measuring up to 2.14 meters in diameter and weighing as much as 15 tons.

Historical Background
The stone spheres are attributed to the Diquís culture, a pre-Columbian civilization that flourished in the southern part of Costa Rica between 700 CE and 1530 CE. The exact purpose and method of their creation remain a mystery, but these artifacts are thought to have been made from granodiorite, a hard, igneous stone. The Diquís people are believed to have shaped the stones using a combination of controlled fracture, pecking, grinding, and polishing techniques.

Discovery and Study
The spheres were first documented in the 1930s during agricultural activities by the United Fruit Company. Workers clearing land for banana plantations stumbled upon these impressive objects, sparking interest and curiosity. Since then, numerous spheres have been uncovered, with estimates ranging from a few hundred to several thousand still buried or hidden in the dense jungle.

Theories and Significance
Several theories have been proposed regarding the purpose of the spheres:

Astronomical Alignments: Some researchers suggest that the spheres might have been used for astronomical purposes, aligning with celestial events or marking significant times of the year.

Status Symbols: The spheres could have been a symbol of power and status within the Diquís society, placed in strategic locations to denote the influence and wealth of certain groups or individuals.

Territorial Markers: Another theory posits that the spheres served as territorial markers, delineating the boundaries of important areas or settlements.

Ritualistic Objects: It's also possible that the spheres held a ceremonial or ritualistic significance, playing a role in the spiritual and cultural practices of the Diquís people.

Preservation and UNESCO Recognition
Many of the spheres have been moved from their original locations, and some have been damaged over the years. Efforts have been made to preserve and protect these unique artifacts. In 2014, the Precolumbian Chiefdom Settlements with Stone Spheres of the Diquís were designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, recognizing their cultural and historical importance.

Modern Impact
The stone spheres of Costa Rica continue to capture the imagination of people around the world. They are a source of national pride and a symbol of the rich cultural heritage of Costa Rica. The mystery surrounding their creation and purpose only adds to their allure, making them a popular subject of study and tourism.

An immersive experience in the osa rainforestReady for adventure? Book directly on our website

An immersive experience in the osa rainforest
Ready for adventure?
Book directly on our website

AN IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE IN THE OSA JUNGLE At the end of the road and at the beginning of the majestic rainforest is an idyllic house and garden perched above the Rio Tigre and surrounded by a private nature reserve and Corcovado National Park. Entire house . 2 rooms . 3 beds . 4 people .... Continue...


Paniagua abrió su negociio familiar hace 20 años.


La productora del filme ‘No solo es hermoso el pájaro’ habló sobre los retos detrás de la cinta, que fue financiada con una campaña de ‘crowdfunding’ y fue rodada con una sola cámara

“The Best Hotels in Costa for Immersive Wildlife is Lapa Rios Lodge”. Vogue

“The Best Hotels in Costa for Immersive Wildlife is Lapa Rios Lodge”. Vogue

Whether you’re visiting the coast looking to escape into the cloud forest, here’s where to stay.


📷Golfo Dulce (Patrimonio natural de ballenas y delfines) 🐋
📍Los Mogos 🔭

The whales are back in Golfo Dulce. The first whales of the season were seen today. Photography: Manuel Sánchez

The whales are back in Golfo Dulce.
The first whales of the season were seen today. Photography: Manuel Sánchez


Programa de celebración incluye eventos tanto en la sede de San José, como en Finca 6, en Palmar de Osa.Música, danza, charlas, mercado de artesanías y jornadas educativas, serán parte del programaEntrada y participación en las actividades será gratis para nacionales y residentes al presentar...


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Encuentran en Corcovado al oso hormiguero más pequeño del mundo, Cyclopes didactylus, una especie en peligro de extinción. Sorprende a turistas y se vuelve viral en redes.

📣 Availability alert. Due to cancellations, we have availability in June.

📣 Availability alert. Due to cancellations, we have availability in June.

Maison de plage. Mer, mangrove, la lagune et jungle


“¡Bendito este día!”, dijo, muy emocionado, el guía costarricense que grabó las imágenes.


Puerto Jiménez


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A la découverte de la Péninsule d’Osa

La Péninsule d’Osa est considérée comme la région la plus préservée et la plus fascinante du Costa Rica. Elle a été présentée par le National Geographic comme « The most intense biologically place on earth » avec plus de 2.5% de la biodiversité mondiale.

Nous sommes tombés sous le charme de cette région fascinante. Nous en avons parcouru la plupart des sentiers et découvert les coins les plus reculés....

Notre plus grand bonheur est de partager nos expériences, nos connaissances, nos coups de cœur, nos bons plans, nos coins secrets...

Les sites, les hébergements et les activités présentés sont choisis en toute subjectivité en fonction de nos coup de coeur, de nos expériences...

Otros Guías turísticos en Puerto Jiménez

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