Just Have Fun! Reserve con nosotros al 8305-511 #whalewatching #costarica #uvita #tours #tourism #turismodeaventura
Hay experiencias que son únicas y gratificantes! Todos nuestros tours son diferentes y en cada uno se disfruta el momento! Anímate a visitarnos en Bahía Ballena de Osa! #AvistamientoDeBallenas #costarica #tourism #tour #catamaran #catamarán #Uvita #catamaranuvita #diversion #bahiaballena
*➡️ Includes:*
✅ Daily ticket to Marino Ballena National Park.
✅ 3.5 hours of tour in Catamaran.
✅ Certified guide (English and Spanish).
✅ Water and snacks.
✅ Paddle boards, slide, jumping platform.
✅ Bathrooms.
✅ Snorkeling gear.
✅ Insurance policies.
*Two daily departures:*
The tour starts at 8:30am (please be at our facilities at 8:00am) and ends approx. at 12:00 p.m.
The tour starts at 1:00pm (please be at our facilities at 12:30am) and ends approx. at 4:30 p.m.
*🏷️Price for residents:*
adults: ₡25.000
kids(4-9 years old): ₡15.000
*🏷️Price for non residents:*
adults: $60usd
kids (4-9 years old): $45usd
*📥For Reservations*
[email protected]
WhatsApp +506 83055011
WhatsApp +506 87872555
Drake Bay Costa Rica can you island #Corcovado #Caño #Scuba #DrakeBay #Peninsula #NightDiving
Welcome Costa Rica Drake Bay Caño Island
#CanoIsland #ScubaDivingInstructor #DrakeBay #Snorkeling #Península #Oso #WellWatching #PuraVida #CostaRica
Come and join our adventure DSD Discovery scuba diver no license is required. PADI instructors THE BEST OF THE DAY.
Amazing place to be.
#PirateDrake #cañoisla #ScubaDivingInstructor #snorkling #corcovadonationalpark #DrakeBay