Serious monkey business...
A pair of scarlet macaws are nesting near the house so we get to see them a bit closer now...
We had a few visitors today...
A little bit of monkeying around in the afternoon...
It's full of stars
It's rare to get a cloudless night this time of year in Costa Rica. We got one tonight and the stars are magnificent...
Monkey Business at Casa Bellamar
We were visited by a troupe of titi monkeys today. Several of them looked small so they were probably newborns this year and just beginning to swing about on their own. It's always amazing to see how freely they move around. Listen closely in all the clips and you'll hear faint chirping sounds. That's the sounds the titi monkeys make.
Sloths are very hard to see because they blend in very well with their environment. This one visited us today and is just the 4th time we have observed a sloth in the trees around Casa Bellamar.
Sunset at Casa Bellamar
Sunset tonight...
Uninvited guest...
We had a visitor during happy hour.
Our guard dragon is on duty today...
Sometimes the best part of the sunset happens AFTER the sun sets.
Titi Monkeys at Casa Bellamar
It's always fun to watch the Titi Monkeys frolic
It's hard to be crabby when you're in paradise.
This is a first for us. One of our guests spotted this crab climbing up one of our retaining walls.
Casa Bellamar Toucan
When toucans visit they do not normally sit still for long which makes it hard to get good photos... much less video. This one jumped around from branch to branch which gave me time to grab the camera. Then it sat on one branch while looking over the jungle so I was able to capture the video. Enjoy.
Titi Monkeys at Casa Bellamar
The titi monkeys paid us a visit this afternoon...
The loud bird sound you hear is a pair of either toucan or arcari. They were hiding in one of the trees nearby but we never spotted them.
The Titi Monkeys passed by quickly early this morning. They move through the trees with such freedom, jumping from branch to branch. We never get tired of seeing them pass by.
Young Howler at Casa Bellamar - 4
A single male howler monkey is hanging out in the trees around Casa Bellamar