# flycasting #stcr #santateresacostarica #flyfishingaddict #flycast #costaricaadventures #costaricafishing #fishingcostarica #catchandrelease #flyporn #craff
Fly Fishing from the beach in Santa Teresa has it magic. This is one of those epic mornings where we find ourselves thick in Rojizo/..bay anchovies. Mr.Stonemountain @stonemountainoutdoors getting it done
#stcr #flyfishingsantateresa #catchandrelease #flyfishingaddict #fishporn #flyfishingstcr #fishingcostarica #fishingadventures #fishforfun #junglelife #jungleflies #jackattack #roosteronfly #pampano #beachfishing
Seek and Destroy fly pattern!!
Finding some inspiration to tye flies
#seekanddestroy #flytyingstcr#stcr #flyfishingfever #flyfishingaddict #fishingsantateresa #fishingstcr #roosterfish #saltylife #flytyingporn #flyfishingislife #metallica #metal #jungleflies#rastaflies
Amazing video just posted by @506_outdoors. Beautifuly done fishing film showcasing my home Santa Teresa Costa Rica. Jesse Males @backwaterflyfishing not only captures the amazing fishing we have here but brings his unique artistic view on what it is to live and breath fishing.........Can U Feel It!!!!
#santateresa #fishingsantateresa #fishingcostarica #stcr #fishingadventures #fishingislife #breathsalt #flyfishingaddict #flyfishingstcr #flycastcostarica #stonemountainoutdoors #capuchinosurfscreen
Beautiful assortment of flies from Jesse Males @backwaterflyfishing super ready to go catch some fish. Thank you brother...!!! Brp bp bp
@flycast_costa_rica @backwaterflyfishing @stonemountainoutdoors
#saltwaterflies #flyfishingcostarica #flyfishingislife #flytyingaddict #beachfishing #snookonfly #roosteronfly #tarponflies
Who doesn't like a bad ass tarpon fly??? My daughter Indi in love with a fly tied by my bro Jesse Males @backwaterflyfishing . As we get closer to getting out of Quarantine make sure you have the flies that catch fish...
@flycast_costa_rica @backwaterflyfishing
#tarponflies #tarponfood #costaricaflyfishing #costaricajungletarpon #jungletarpon #flyfishingaddict #backwaterflyfishing #poonlagoon #roosterfishflies #getout #outdoorlife
Machaca fishing in Costa Rica is one of the most action packed fly fishing there is! Machaca are cousins to the Parahna. Feeding mainly of fruit, flowers, and insects. Slap the water with your fly and get ready for an explosive take followed by many jumps. Here pictured is my brother catching his first fish on the fly rod. An amazing experience for families and couples. For tour info pm me.
The art of fly tying w Dani Rasta.@santateresakarmareport
Tarpon shrimp fly was originally designed for snook and tarpon, but caught bonefish as well. Fly can be down sized to a nmbr 4 or smaller when looking for spooky bones. Special shout out from Costa Rica to Ole Florida Fly Shop for all tying materials...
massive Rooster fish on lightweight rod