Moving to Costa Rica FAQ:
What are the best businesses to start in Costa Rica?
Our CPA Costa-Rican certified accountants will help guide your business to streamline expenses and gain the highest ROI. There are great opportunities from commercial real estate, to tourism, and health and wellness.
Email [email protected] for the first FREE 30-minute Q&A and then a 2-hour deep dive consultation with a questionnaire and implementation plan that best fits your needs for your move to Costa Rica.
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What are the healthcare options in Costa Rica for expats?
There are affordable private healthcare options even for the elderly in Costa Rica. “Caja” is the public healthcare system and is very good for emergencies.
Thinking about moving to Costa Rica? Check out our services and schedule a free consultation with our Costa Rica experts.
🦋 [email protected]
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#gettoknowcostarica #costaricalife #costaricaresidency #CostaRicaRealEstate #costaricatravel #costaricaliving #CostaRicaExpats #costaricapuravida #makethemove
Thinking about moving to Costa Rica? Check out our services and schedule a free consultation with our Costa Rica experts.
🦋 [email protected]
#costaconcierge #findyourpeaceofmind #makethemove #costaricapuravida
Are you embarking on a construction project in Costa Rica? If so, hire a professional construction management company to turn your Costa Rican visions into reality.
Let’s break down the journey:
-Contract Costa Concierge for Services
-Find a Property that Suits Clients’ Needs
-Introduce Clients to Costa Rica Architect for Initial Project Development
-Final Draft of Project Provided to Clients
-All Permitting Submitted and Approved
-Construction Services Start the Project
-Project Controls Track and Report the Project % Complete to Budget Expended
-Weekly & Monthly Reports
-Final Walkthrough of Your New Home
-Costa Concierge Ensures Client Satisfaction
Read more on our blog:
Thinking about building in Costa Rica? Check out our services and schedule a free consultation with our Costa Rica experts.
🦋 [email protected]
#costaconcierge #findyourpeaceofmind #makethemove
The legend of the sky blue river:
Rio Celeste is said to have been created when God dipped his paintbrush into the water after painting the sky.
The closest town to Rio Celeste waterfall in the Tenorio National Park is Bijagua. The closest cities are Upala and Cañas.
Thinking about moving to Costa Rica? Check out our services and schedule a free consultation with our Costa Rica experts.
🦋 [email protected]
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In a developing country with a 50+ years of a solid reputation, driving the most Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) of all Latin America, Costa Rica is a melting pot for all walks of life and various opportunities.
From investing in property to starting a fun educational tourism business, and everything in between, Costa Rica is a booming country for entrepreneurs and digital nomads.
Thinking about investing in Costa Rica? Check out our services and schedule a free consultation with our Costa Rica experts.
🦋 [email protected]
#costaconcierge #findyourpeaceofmind #makethemove
Making memories…in Costa Rica! #costarica #puravida
Which do you prefer? Hot beaches or breezy mountains?
There are several microclimates in Costa Rica. Don’t buy until you know what type you want to be in.
We can help direct you to the Costa Rica property of your dreams.
Thinking about moving to Costa Rica? Check out our services and schedule a free consultation with our Costa Rica experts.
🦋 [email protected]
#costaconcierge #findyourpeaceofmind #makethemove #CostaRicaRealEstate #costaricaliving #CostaRicaExpats #costaricacool
From investing in land to starting a fun educational tourism business, and everything in between, Costa Rica is a booming country for entrepreneurs and digital nomads.
With local and new taxes, suppliers, and a different market and culture, all aspects blend for a great opportunity to grow personally as well as financially in a developing country right at its peak for explosive growth and opportunity.
Email [email protected] for the first FREE 30-minute Q&A and then a 2-hour deep dive consultation with a questionnaire and implementation plan that best fits your needs for your move to Costa Rica.
#makethemove #CostaRicaExpats #costaricapuravida #costaricacool #costaricaliving
Take a chance. Thinking about moving to Costa Rica? Check out our services and schedule a free consultation with our Costa Rica experts.
🦋 [email protected]
#costaconcierge #findyourpeaceofmind #makethemove @costaconsultants
Dreaming of a new life? 💭
Stop 🛑 dreaming and start living!
Our services can help you #makethemove to Costa Rica.
🌴 Residency
🌴 Shipping
🌴 Health & Education
🌴 Business
🌴 Investment Opportunities
🌴 Real Estate
🦋 [email protected]
#costaconcierge #findyourpeaceofmind