Škola "Ruđer Bošković"

Škola "Ruđer Bošković" Školu "Ruđer Bošković" čine Osnovna
škola i Gimnazija, akreditovane od
strane Ministarstva prosvete. Od školske 2015/16.

Škola „Ruđer Bošković” je jedinstveni obrazovni sistem koji čine prva privatna Osnovna škola i Gimnazija. Obe škole su akreditovane od strane Ministarstva prosvete Republike Srbije. Osnovna škola „Ruđer Bošković” radi po nastavnom planu i programu propisanom od strane Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije. godine primenjuje se model IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) z

a uzrast od 5 do 11 godina, a od školske 2016/17. godine IB Middle Years Programme (MYP), koji se realizuje u starijim razredima osnovne škole. U Gimnaziji se ostvaruje nastavni plan i program propisan od strane Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije kao i međunarodni obrazovni programi: IB Middle Years Programme i IB Diploma Programme.

Silver for our handball teamOn Wednesday, February 12th, the students of our school, Grades 8 and 9, won second place in...

Silver for our handball team
On Wednesday, February 12th, the students of our school, Grades 8 and 9, won second place in the municipal handball competition, defeating the "Stefan Dečanski" school.
Congratulations girls!

Srebro za naše rukometašice
U sredu 12. februara, učenice naše škole Grade 8 i 9 su na opštinskom takmičenju u rukometu osvojile drugo mesto pobedivši školu ,,Stefan Dečanski".

On Tuesday, February 11th, 2025, in Gallery 73, a humanitarian exhibition of art works by our talented students Anđela V...

On Tuesday, February 11th, 2025, in Gallery 73, a humanitarian exhibition of art works by our talented students Anđela Vučković, Maša Alvirović, Alyona Melenikova, Andreja Mitić and Natalija Zlatić was held. Simon Dangubić, Tara Manigodić, Matija Trifunović, Lana Lazović and professor Vesna Božović graced the exhibition alongside a musical performance.
All proceeds from the sold art was donated to the HISBAS association.
Thank you to all the wonderful students, teachers, parents and friends who attended this event and helped us achieve our goal, which is to encourage empathy through art and help those in need.

U utorak, 11. februara 2025. godine, u Galeriji 73, održana je humanitarna izložba likovnih radova naših talentovanih učenika Anđele Vučković, Maše Alvirović, Alyone Melenikove, Andreje Mitića i Natalije Zlatić. Izložbu su, svojim muzičkim nastupom, ulepšali Simon Dangubić, Tara Manigodić, Matija Trifunović, Lana Lazović i profesorka Vesna Božović. Sav novac od prodatih radova smo donirali udruženju HISBAS. Hvala svim divnim učenicima, profesorima, roditeljima i prijateljima, koji su prisustvovali ovom događaju i pomogli nam da postignemo svoj cilj, a to je da kroz umetnost podstičemo empatiju i pomognemo onima kojima je to potrebno.

Bronze for our handball teamOn Monday 10.2.2025.  municipal handball tournament for grade 9 students was held in the hal...

Bronze for our handball team
On Monday 10.2.2025. municipal handball tournament for grade 9 students was held in the hall of the Sports Center Žarkovo.
Our school's team won third place after a great performance and a thight score.
We hope that they will continue with good results, because the municipal futsal tournament is coming up for them in March.

Bronza za naše rukometaše
U ponedeljak 10.2.2025. u sali Sportskog centra Žarkovo završen je opštinski turnir u rukometu za učenike VIII razreda. Ekipa naše škole je posle velike borbe i izvođenja sedmeraca osvojila treće mesto. Nadamo se da će nastaviti sa dobrim rezultatima, jer ih već u martu očekuje opštinski turnir u futsalu.

Palace of ScienceOn January 29th, 2025, Grade 6 students visited the Palace of Science. The Palace of Science is the fir...

Palace of Science
On January 29th, 2025, Grade 6 students visited the Palace of Science. The Palace of Science is the first center for research and popularization of science in Serbia and is also the largest in the region. From 1924. to 1946, the building served as the headquarters of the Adriatic Bank, the largest bank in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. After the closure of the Adriatic Bank, the space was occupied by other banking institutions. Since 2024, a hundred years after its construction, this has become the endowment of businessman Miodrag Kostić and the building opens its doors as the Palace of Science, where knowledge and curiosity reign. The students enjoyed the interesting sights that this museum offers. A globe, an astronaut's suit, they saw what the surface of the planet Mars looks like, and took pictures with 3D models of dinosaurs. They also saw what sharks looked like, and learned how a thermal screen works. This was a unique experience for our students.
Leona and Jaša

Палата науке
Дана 29.1.2025. године, ученици Grade 6 су посетили Палату науке. Палата науке је први центар за истраживање и популаризацију науке у Србији и највећи у региону. Од 1924. до 1946.г. је зграда служила као седиште Јадранско-подунавске банке, највеће банке на територији Краљевине Југославије. Након престанка рада Јадранско-подунавске банке, простор настањују друге банкарске институције. Од 2024. године, сто година након изградње, ово постаје задужбина привредника Миодрага Костића и здање отвара своја врата као Палата науке у којој владају знање и радозналост. Ученици су уживали у интересантним призорима које овај музеј нуди. Попут глобуса, астронаутског одела , видели су како изгледа површина планете Марса, и сликали се са 3D-моделима диносауруса. Такође су видели како су изгледале ајкуле, и сазнали како функционише топлти екран..Ово је било јединствено искуство за ученике.
Леона и Јаша

Aleksej Trajkovic, 4A student, won first place and gold medals at the Alpine Cup of Serbia - OSA in the U10 category and...

Aleksej Trajkovic, 4A student, won first place and gold medals at the Alpine Cup of Serbia - OSA in the U10 category and at the Alpine Cup of Serbia, Jolly Cup Kopaonik.
Bravo Aleksej!

Aleksej Trajkovic, učenik 4A, osvojio je prva mesta i zlatne medalje na Alpskiom kupu Srbije - KUP OSA u kategoriji U10 i na Alpskom kupu Srbije, Jolly kup Kopaonik.
Bravo Aleksej!

NAVAK Academy - Life for young driversOur high school fourth grade students visited the NAVAK driving academy on Wednesd...

NAVAK Academy - Life for young drivers
Our high school fourth grade students visited the NAVAK driving academy on Wednesday, January 22nd and received training named "Life for young drivers".
The long standing cooperation between Ruđer Bošković Education System and NAVAK Academy is an expression of the desire to support adolescents on their way to maturing into safe and experienced drivers.
Through the driver's academy program lasting five hours, mostly behind the wheel of a car, occasionally in classrooms and on simulators, young drivers, after this special training, are educated to understand what their behavior on the road brings and what consequences it can have.

NAVAK akademija – Život za mlade vozače
Učenici četvrtog razreda gimnazije posetili su „NAVAK“ vozačku akademiju u sredu 22. januara i prošli obuku pod nazivom „Život za mlade vozače“.
Tradicionalna saradnja Gimnazije „Ruđer Bošković“ i NAVAK-a predstavlja izraz želje da se adolescentima pruži podrška na njihovom putu odrastanja i sazrevanja.
Kroz program vozačke akademije u trajanju od pet sati, uglavnom za upravljačem automobila, povremeno u učionicama i na simulatorima, mladi vozači se posle ovog posebnog treninga vaspitavaju da razumeju šta njihovo ponašanje na putu donosi i kakve posledice može da ima.

Hockey Bronze medal Dejan Milovanović, our first-year high school student, won a bronze medal with the Serbian national ...

Hockey Bronze medal
Dejan Milovanović, our first-year high school student, won a bronze medal with the Serbian national team at the World Junior Hockey Championship.
The Serbian national team in ice hockey took part in the 2025 IIHF World Junior Championship, Division II, Group B, which took place in the Ice Hall "Pionir" from January 18th til 25th.
Congratulations to our Dejan and all the boys of our national team on their fantastic success!

Bronza za naše hokejaše
Dejan Milovanović, učenik prve godine gimnazije, osvojio je bronzanu medalju sa reprezentacijom Srbije na Svetskom juniorskom prvenstvu u hokeju.
Reprezentacija Srbije u hokeju na ledu je nastupila na 2025 IIHF Svetskom juniorskom prvenstvu divizija II, grupa B koje se održalo u Ledenoj dvorani „Pionir“ u periodu od 18. do 25.01.2025. godine.
Sve čestitke našem Dejanu i svim momcima naše reprezentacije na fantastičnom uspehu!

ArchitectureOn January 22nd, 8B grade student Mateja Đokić held a workshop on Architecture for 3rd grade students, who h...

On January 22nd, 8B grade student Mateja Đokić held a workshop on Architecture for 3rd grade students, who had just started a new unit named "How the World Works". Presentation on architecture
was a perfect introduction to this topic, as it allowed students to explore how the world works through the lens of design and the structures that surround us. Mateja, who is an Architecture enthusiast, introduced the children with the most important architectural styles and prominent contemporary architects. He also presented his work from the School of Architecture, explaining how he made a model of a bridge that could withstand more than 120 kilograms without being damaged.
As part of the workshop, students were tasked with drawing a bird's-eye view of the interior of their dream house. The most creative answers are rewarded with some sweets. Students enjoyed learning, expressing themselves creatively and exploring together.

Učenik 8B razreda, Mateja Đokić, održao je 22. januara radionicu o arhitekturi za učenike 3. razreda, koji su upravo započeli novu temu
učenja pod nazivom ,,How the World Works". Prezentacija o arhitekturi bila je savršen uvod u ovu temu, jer je omogućila učenicima da istraže kako svet funkcioniše kroz prizmu dizajna i struktura koje nas okružuju. Mateja, koji se u slobodno vreme bavi arhitekturom, deci je predstavio najvažnije arhitektonske stilove i istaknute savremene arhitekte. Takođe, predstavio je učenicima svoj rad sa škole arhitekture, objašnjavajući kako je napravio maketu mosta koja je izdržala više od 120 kilograma, a da nije došlo do oštećenja. Kao deo aktivnosti, učenici su imali zadatak da nacrtaju unutrašnjost svoje kuće iz snova iz ptičije perspektive. Najkreativniji odgovori nagrađeni su slatkim poklonima. Učenici su uživali u učenju, kreativnom izražavanju i zajedničkom druženju.

Journalistic triumph We are proud to announce that our magazine has won a 1st place award as the best elementary school ...

Journalistic triumph
We are proud to announce that our magazine has won a 1st place award as the best elementary school magazine at the competition of the Serbian Language and Literature Society.
The prize will be received on January 25th, 2025. at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade. We will attend the award-giving ceremony and report back with great pleasure as your journalists.

Кутак на новинарском Олимпу
Наш часопис је и ове године овенчан наградом. С поносом наглашавамо да смо освојили 1. место као најбољи основношколски часопис на конкурсу Друштва за српски језик и књижевност.
Додела награде је 25.1.2025.г. на Филолошком факултету у Београду. Присуствоваћемо додели и обавестити вас о томе, наравно, јер ми смо новинари и радо ћемо о томе писати.

Alpine skiingAleksej Trajković 4a, won 2nd placein the Croski Cup competition in Weineben on Sunday, January 12th. He sh...

Alpine skiing
Aleksej Trajković 4a, won 2nd place
in the Croski Cup competition in Weineben on Sunday, January 12th. He showed talent and great skills in alpine skiing. Congratulations Aleksej!

Alpsko skijanje
Aleksej Trajković 4a, osvojio je 2. mesto
na takmičenju Croski kupa u Weinebenu, u nedelju 12. januara. Pokazao je talenat i sjajne veštine u alpskom skijanju. Svaka čast Aleksej!

Museum of YugoslaviaHigh school students and their teachers visited the Museum of Yugoslavia in December. They were divi...

Museum of Yugoslavia
High school students and their teachers visited the Museum of Yugoslavia in December. They were divided into two groups and visited two locations - an exhibition dedicated to Alexander the Unifier and a permanent exhibition that takes us back to the time of Yugoslavia, where the professors felt nostalgic for the good old days. We returned to school full of impressions. Wonderful photos will remind us of the interesting story of our curator.

Muzej Jugoslavije
Gimazijalci i njihovi nastavnici su obišli Muzej Jugoslavije 19.12. 2024. Podelili su se u dve grupe i obišli dve lokacije - izloẓ̌bu posvećenu Aleksandru Ujedinitelju i stalnu postavku koja nas vraća u doba jugoslovenstva na kojoj su profesori osetili nostalgiju za starim, dobrim vremenima. Vratili smo se u školu puni utisaka. Divne fotografije će nas podsetiti na zanimljivu priču naše kustoskinje.

Ecological initiative of high school studentsThird grade students of the "Ruđer Bošković" High School, Aleksandar Vasili...

Ecological initiative of high school students
Third grade students of the "Ruđer Bošković" High School, Aleksandar Vasilić and Nađa Vesić (3B), successfully completed their environmental initiative which they started last year. A few days ago, water bottles arrived from the company Voden, which will replace plastic cups and which the students will use at the water dispensers at school. The initiative was launched with the aim to reduce plastic waste and raise environmental awareness among students.
After detailed analysis and planning, the project was realized with the support of the school. Bottles will be distributed to all students and teachers.
Aleksandar Vasilić 3B

Ekološka inicijativa gimnazijalaca
Učenici trećeg razreda Gimnazija „Ruđer Bošković”, Aleksandar Vasilić i Nađa Vesić (3B), uspešno su priveli kraju svoju ekološku inicijativu započetu prošle godine. Pre par dana stigle su flašice za vodu (thermos) od firme Voden koje će zameniti plastične čaše i koje će učenici koristiti na aparatima za vodu u školi. Inicijativa je pokrenuta sa ciljem smanjenja plastičnog otpada i podizanja ekološke svesti među učenicima. Nakon detaljne analize i planiranja, projekat je realizovan uz podršku škole. Flašice će biti podeljene svim učenicima i nastavnice do narednog polugodišta.
Alekasndar Vasilić 3B

Junior Cup 2024.From the last big badminton competition this year, our student Đorđe Omrčen (1B) returned with a handful...

Junior Cup 2024.
From the last big badminton competition this year, our student Đorđe Omrčen (1B) returned with a handful of medals in all competitions he entered. In the Junior Cup 2024, held in Belgrade, Đole won the gold medal in the MD U15 competition (male doubles for competitors up to 15 years old) in a pair with Marko Petković, silver medal for XD U15 (mixed doubles up to 15 years old) paired with Ðina Čelar, and in the singles competition for older age - up to 17 years (BS U17) won a bronze medal. We congratulate and wish him continued success in the year 2025!

Juniorski kup 2024.
Sa poslednjeg velikog badminton takmičenja ove godine, naš učenik Ðorđe Omrčen (1B) se vratio sa pregršt medalja u svim konkurencijama u kojima je nastupao. U pitanju je Juniorski kup 2024, održan u Beogradu. Đole je osvojio zlatnu medalju u konkurenciji MD U15 (muški dubl za takmičare do 15 godina) u paru sa Markom Petkovićem, srebrnu medalju za XD U15 (mešoviti dubl do 15 godina) u paru sa Đinom Čelar, a u singl konkurenciji za stariji uzrast - do 17 godina (BS U17) osvojio je bronzanu medalju. Čestitamo uz želje da nastavlja da ređa uspehe i u novoj 2025. godini!

Santa Claus at RuđerOn Thursday, December 26th, Santa Claus visited our school! With songs, games and sweets, the PYP st...

Santa Claus at Ruđer
On Thursday, December 26th, Santa Claus visited our school! With songs, games and sweets, the PYP students celebrated the beginning of the holiday season with their friends and teachers.
Good atmosphere and mood are an introduction to the festive euphoria that awaits us!

Deda Mraz u Ruđeru
U četvrtak 26. decembra našu školu tradicionalno je posetio Deda Mraz! Uz pesmu, igru i slatkiše učenici PYP programa su sa svojim drugarima i učiteljicama proslavili početak raspusta.
Dobra atmosfera i raspoloženje su uvod u prazničnu euforiju koja nas očekuje!



Gold and silver for our AngelaAt the STEMCO World Olympiad, which took place online on November 23rd this year, our high...

Gold and silver for our Angela
At the STEMCO World Olympiad, which took place online on November 23rd this year, our high school graduate Andjela Vučković achieved great success. The competition was organized in the fields of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. Our high school graduate Anđela Vučković won gold in Biology and silver in Chemistry. The award ceremony was held at SANU on Tuesday, December 24th.
Congratulations to Angela and we wish her much success in the future!

Zlato i srebro za našu Anđelu
Na Svetskoj Olimpijadi STEMCO koja se održala onlajn 23. novembra ove godine, naša maturantkinja Andjela Vučković ostvarila je veliki uspeh.Takmičenje je organizovano iz oblasti Biologije, Hemije, Fizike i Matematike. Naša maturantknja Anđela Vučković je osvojila zlato iz Biologije i srebro iz Hemije. Dodela nagrada održana je u SANU u utorak 24. decembra.
Čestitamo Anđeli i želimo joj još puno uspeha u budućnosti!


Kneza Višeslava 17


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