Food & Culture Tour in Belgrade

Food & Culture Tour in Belgrade Food & Culture Tour in Belgrade lets you explore authentic tastes, culture and tradition of Belgrade We believe that the best way to learn is by doing!

We take you for a pleasant walk through the city of Belgrade while visiting 5 different restaurants, 1 bakery and 1 green market in order to explore tastes, culture and history of Serbia and Belgrade. Our main goal is to visit authentic places, mingle with locals and talk about how life in Belgrade is today and how it came to be. Additionally, we will tell you about some of the main sights of Belg

rade, which will be seen during the tour. We will season every bite with facts as well as stories dear to Serbian hearts. In order to experience the full flavor of Serbian lifestyle and heritage we invite you to be our guests at places that will surely make you feel like you are in a Serbian home. You will participate in customs related to eating. After our tour you will know when and how to drink rakija, how to order a song from a band in a kafana, how to write in Cyrillic, what to bring as a present to a Serbian slava and much more.

Ready for the weekend and your cabin luggage 🥰💫🍀

Ready for the weekend and your cabin luggage 🥰💫🍀


There probably isn't a Serb who doesn't return to his childhood, at least briefly, after hearing about popara (bread porridge). This traditional Serbian dish of stale bread and water belongs to the group of foods we call "food of the poor" because in the old Serbian households often there was nothing to eat besides that. It is usually prepared for breakfast, when there is a lot of old bread. First you need to pour water into the pot, season it with salt and then add a little butter or fat. When the water boils, cut the bread into pieces, put them in the water and mix until the bread has absorbed all the liquid. If there is some homemade white cheese or kajmak ( in your fridge, be sure to add that as well into popara, because it makes it much tastier. So the next time when you decide to throw the old bread away, remember that generations of Serbs grew up on this dish and that you shouldn't throw away food.
Вероватно не постоји Србин који се на помен попаре не врати у детињство, макар на кратко. Ово традиционално српско јело од бајатог хлеба и воде спада у ону групу јела коју називамо "сиротињским", јер у старим српским домаћинствима често није било ничега што би се уз њега јело. Спрема се обично за доручак, кад се у кући накупи доста хлеба, тако што се у шерпу сипа вода, посоли и у њу дода мало путера или масти. Када вода прокључа, у њу се додају исечени комади хлеба и меша док хлеб не упије сву течност. Уколико се у кући нађе домаћег белог сира или кајмака (, они се обавезно додају у попару, јер је тако много укуснија. Зато када следећи пут помислите да баците хлеб, сетите се тога да су на овом јелу стасале генерације и генерације Срба и направите попару.

Photo source | Извор слике: Balkanski kuhar (
Photographer | Фотограф: Not stated in source | Није наведено у извору

3 years ago! ❤

3 years ago! ❤

Thank you ConsenSys for choosing Food & Culture! :) Snowy greetings from Belgrade!

Today, we celebrate Christmas! 🙏♥️🍁🎄We would love to see how you celebrate this day, so feel free to share your pictures...

Today, we celebrate Christmas! 🙏♥️🍁🎄

We would love to see how you celebrate this day, so feel free to share your pictures with us (⬇️ in a comment section).

Stay warm and healthy!

Srećno Badnje veče!

Srećno Badnje veče!

Today the and the Serbian Orthodox church celebrate Badnji dan (Christmas Eve)! The name "Badnji dan" comes after "badnjak", a log that is brought into the house and placed on the fire on the evening of Christmas Eve. The felling, preparation, bringing in, and laying on the fire, are surrounded by elaborate rituals, with many regional variations. The tree from which the log is cut is preferably a young and straight oak, the tree that has always been sacred to Slavs. The burning of the log is accompanied by prayers that the coming year brings food, happiness, love, luck, and riches. The Serbs have inherited those customs from their ancestors and we keep them to the present day. HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE!!
На русском:
Данас је Бадњи дан! Назив Бадњи дан је добио по бадњаку који се на тај дан сече и пали. Бадњак је дрвена облица која се код православних Срба обредно налаже на ватру домаћег огњишта на Бадње вече. Дрво за бадњак, најчешће храст, сече се ритуално рано ујутру на Бадњи дан. Обичаје око Бадњег дана Срби су наследили од својих предака и и даље их одржавају. За бадњак се сече грана храста, који је код Словена одувек био свето дрво, а Бадњи дан је пун ритуала и симболике, живописних радњи и сви су они повезани са породичним култом и култом огњишта. Нека вам је СРЕЋАН БАДЊИ ДАН!

Dragi naši, Posle duge pauze nastavljamo sa radom čemu se mnogo radujemo! TRAŽIMO VODIČE koji bi voleli da se priključe ...

Dragi naši,

Posle duge pauze nastavljamo sa radom čemu se mnogo radujemo! TRAŽIMO VODIČE koji bi voleli da se priključe F&C timu u Beogradu! Tačnije tražimo vesele, energetične ljude koji vole našu zemlju i gastronomiju i uživaju da je predstavljaju stranim turistima! Iskustvo rada u turizmu poželjno, ali nije neophodno. Znanje engelskog neophodno, znanje ruskog dodatni plus. Pozivamo sve zainteresovane da pošalju svoj CV i kratko motivaciono pismo koje će sadržati sledeće informacije:
- iskustvo u turizmu (ako postoji)
- znanje stranih jezika
- dostupnost za rad (termini, dani)
- opis omiljenog dela Beograda ili iskustvo sa drugim kulturama

Prijave primamo do subote 26.06.2021. na mejl:
[email protected]

Za sva pitanja smo tu! 🤗
Vaš F&C tim

Have you felt Fernweh recently? 🤔

Have you felt Fernweh recently? 🤔

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We have just celebrated our 5th birthday! Yes, it's been 5 years since F&C tours were born and we can't be happier that ...

We have just celebrated our 5th birthday! Yes, it's been 5 years since F&C tours were born and we can't be happier that they continue to roll! 🥳 All thanks to these people, our dear guests and partners! 🥰 It is a challenging time but we are looking forward to the new season and many new seasons to come! Cheers from all of us! 🥂

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F&C crew quarantine edition! 😄 With the quarantine behind us all the members of our crew are happy to welcome you soon in person!

As from last Friday it it possible for foreign citizens to enter Serbia without any restrictions. We are looking forward to responsibly travel this season and to safely welcome you in Belgrade.


In the gloomy days of late 1990s, after harsh international sanctions (which extended to sports and culture) and in the midst of general social and economic decline, Belgarders yearned for feeling …

Western Serbia 🌿 Full screen, headphones on 🎧

Western Serbia 🌿 Full screen, headphones on 🎧

Filmed with DJI Mavic Air4k@24fps Sony a6300 4k@24fps with sigma 30mm 1.4 Song : Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard - Elysium


Đurđevdan, or St George’s day, is one of the most popular holidays and slavas (family patron saint’s fests) in Serbia. It is related to many folk traditions, some of them quite similar to those related to Beltane/May Day in Northern Europe, including preparation of water with seasonal flowers which is supposed to bring health and wealth to home and gatherings in forests. Đurđevdan is especially popular with the Roma community in Serbia who normally gather in parks and forests to celebrate it. This year, however, it will be marked as the last day of curfew.



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Today we're going to Eastern Serbia and Lazar's canyon 🌄More info about this mysterious natural beauty in the comments ➡...

Today we're going to Eastern Serbia and Lazar's canyon 🌄
More info about this mysterious natural beauty in the comments ➡️

DJI Mavic 2 Pro / Lazarev Kanjon / serbia travel This is the deepest and longest canyon in eastern Serbia. Because of its steep rocky cliffs, the canyon has ...

Hristos Voskrese! 🌸

Hristos Voskrese! 🌸



It's Good Friday in Serbia! Which means - time to paint Easter eggs 🥚🥚🥚 Our Маја Илић used the old technique of painting...

It's Good Friday in Serbia! Which means - time to paint Easter eggs 🥚🥚🥚 Our Маја Илић used the old technique of painting using onion peel for color and flowers for details! 💐 They turned out great, didn't they? 😊


Meeting Point/Restaurant "?" Kralja Petra 6

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 10:00 - 18:00
Friday 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday 10:00 - 18:00
Sunday 10:00 - 18:00




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How the Food & Culture Tour was born

We yearn to build a connection between people by presenting differences in cultures, customs and ways of life. By doing this we realized how universal the core values of all of us are.

We take the best food Belgrade has to offer and enrich it with stories about Serbian history and culture. We also like to share personal experiences with people coming to visit.

We want to share our love for Belgrade that grows bigger every day!